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Everything posted by NIrishGuy

  1. T'is Thailand and is Eros we're talking about, so what stopped you !? :-)
  2. Short of that being by choice I would have to ask WHY NOT, I mean hell Christian you moved to Thailand for the hot guys I'm sure rather than great job prospects so when in rome and all that......you've lived there a long time now Christian, time marches on and you're not getting any younger so what are you waiting for, get stuck in there and enjoy the smorsasbord of hot sexual opportunities for all that Bkk etc has to offer surely - no ??
  3. Well a gentleman never tells of course, so, seeing as how that totally rules me out then .....so, where to begin..... So, after a very drunken night out in a late night karaoke club with a regular Thai "friend" we ended up joining in the company of 4 other thai's and all ended up having one hell of a night out with them all, both in the club and thereafter. So without going into ALL the details so there was me, suddenly thrust into an unexpected 6 sum ( although are random 6sums EVER expected i wonder!?) with myself, 3 gay guys, a ladyboy and a ( hot) straight guy all ( well the gay guys anyway) laying naked and lubed across my (very large) bed in Mosiak, I mean it IS Pattaya so what's a guy to do, it would be rude not to ! So during a leisurely three hour fuck fest and after my happily fucking my way across and through the line up of gay guys who were all taking turns at fucking the shit out of each other too in between times, as I fucked across the line and over to the last gay guy I found myself right up close and personal and parallel with the lady boy on her back and the straight guy who was ( very impressively if I may say) fucking her too. Actually my own thrusts ended up falling into a (somewhat purposefully) almost perfect rhythm with the straight guys as we both fucked our respective partners and he and I actually ended up gently rubbing each others shoulder and back in gentle encouragement as we both shagged away together in unison - which was all strangely as hot as hell for some reason. So, that was all fine and I did suggest to the straight guy that he might like to try to swap sides for an evening but he was having none of it. So, off he went to the bathroom as I finished up, however a little later and a bit out of boredom and a bit out of sheer "ah why the hell not I'm in Pattaya" I progressed on across the line up and slid on over to the lady boy, which which she was certainly up for, although I did notice that she was perhaps just a little more hesitant than she had been when getting nailed by the straight guy but I just that put down to him just being an overall better shag than I was of course but she still seemed to enjoy herself none the less. So, I carried on for a bit and after a while the straight guy returned from the bathroom and I did notice him closely watching us as I shagged her and I assumed he was getting off on that in some way so I carried on for a while longer. So, when we were done the ladyboy got up and went off to the bathroom and when cleaned up both she and the straight guy got up and left ( with a genuinely small tip of thanks from me for the nights overall entertainment) - only for one of the gay guys to THEN tell me that ACTUALLY the straight guy was the ladyboys full on and genuine long term boyfriend and that they'd only been out together for a night out and certainly hadn't intended to join us or get caught up in our company and he certainly had never intended his girlfriend to get nailed as he nipped out to the toilet by some bloody farang !! OOPS !! Ha but thankfully as this did all happen in Pattaya I'm sure that a) the straight guy got over the annoyance of watching his GF getting fucked after about 10 minutes flat and or enjoyed watching and b) they probably DID know what was going down all along anyway, either way I'm still here to tell the tale so no face was lost and no harm was done and a good night was had by all - well, most certainly by me :-)
  4. Did I miss something ? "Multiple members" - wow, must have been one hell of a punch up ( over nothing I assume as usual :-) - aren't we getting a little over protective perhaps, surely we're all adults here and not beyond sticking up for ourselves without teacher having to step in to defend us - no ??
  5. And hard all night too it seems but ......( ok go on, cue the 'oh that would be NO problem to me brigade", you know you're all busting to ! :-)
  6. I find a swift slap of their bollox with a loud "FUCKING MOVE OVER WOULD YOU" often moves them fast enough, tis my bed so "I" get the 75% thank you very much - plus inevitably I'm usually about 4 sizes larger than any Thai guy so it seems only fair to me - and at the risk of sounding like Latin......if they don't like it there's always the floor, they're free to use it ! Steal my money - maybe and silly me for leaving it out - but steal my bed and ruin MY nights sleep - never ! :-) I am half joking above as of course just as you've said they are experts at the steal the bed routine ( I guess they spend so long in other guys beds they build up the back for it !) - I've actually seem myself being pushed to the 15% of what's left of the bed, only for my then to have to get out of one side and go around the other and get back in again - and MOST frustratingly only for the buggers to slide back over to that new side and start all over again ! HMMMM, now that I think about it perhaps they're trying to tell me something lol
  7. OMG no, not in my parents house as my mother was VERY strict about such things and she made it very clear that there was to be no jerking off in front of cameras or otherwise until I'd finished dinner AND had cleared my plate, yes, she was very strict about that - and indeed insisted on those rules until I was at least 21, whereupon she did lighten up a LITTLE bit ( bit only mainly about the clearing the plate part not the timings - a strict religious and moral upbringing I had thats for sure.
  8. What time was this at roughly ? I only ask as sometimes I see people saying "I walked through sunee at 5pm and it was dead" and I think to myself "well what did you expect as the bars aren't open yet by then?" but I'm guessing as you already stated "last night" that you mean much later, which if true is sad in itself :-(
  9. NIrishGuy


    Just lets not talk about that apprentice Judas who went along with the Romans campaign to instigate a fair staff minimum wage policy, where he reported his boss Jesus just in order to collect the Romans 30 pieces of silver - and MAN those Romans must have really taken workers rights seriously in those days as I heard that they really crucified that guy Jesus over that ! :-)
  10. Yep, cause it's not like Thai boys have ever been known to tell us what they think we want to hear :-) Which is why when we've our backs turned we find they've several thai fuck buddies / REAL BF's ,,,,, and good luck to them for playing us in such a way if we're daft enough to believe them sometimes ......
  11. "Same as if I said, "black people are rapist criminals and the scourge of society", now that would be racist." Or, if you changed Black for Mexican there's a possibility that you might then even get elected as the next President of the United States of America it seems !
  12. ^ and also if you honestly believed the guy had a million of disposable income that he could afford to lose to blackmail I think i would definitely think twice about trying to blackmail him at all as if he'd THAT sort of money and was in Thailand i'm sure you wouldn't be walking about to long to either spend his money or send pics anywhere ! * ps it goes without saying the whole blackmailing thing is a disgusting idea anyway, but I'm sure we're all taking that in the wide exaggeration that it was intended - if not - read the above and think twice about it before sending any dodgy text messages to random arabs perhaps lol
  13. I'm assuming you watch sites like that with your own camera turned off ( or taped over even better !) as SO many of those sites ( or the people logging in to them ) are now using sites like that to rip off people video feeds who show on them, only for those same people to then find their clips of themselves "performing" all over porn sites on the net on numerous sex websites in no time. I was about to say personally I think I'd be safe enough as I'm guessing NO ONE would want to watch a video like THAT as sexy it is not I'm guessing ! However looking at some of the weird shit that's on the internet and what some people obviously ARE into I guess there's no accounting for taste and accordingly no guarantees about that of that either ! Ahhhh I see the poster above just beat me too it with a tale outling EXACTLY what I was referring to. Jerk off on cam AYOR it seems these days !
  14. NIrishGuy


  15. Ha, I too went on that same trip and got the same story re would I like to buy stuff for the school etc and of course like a newbie sucker I said yes - so away we went to the school ( next door to the shop from what I can recall) and duly handed over the stuff i'd bought to the teacher right in front of all the politely lined up young pupils - only for her to instantly turn and hand them back to some guy, who then proceeded to take them right back out the back door again and back into the shop, all ready to be re-sold to the next sucker who came along lol. At the time I thought "well fuck that, I've just been well scammed" however the more I thought about it I came to the conclusion that it was just a very efficient way of ( hopefully the school) making some much needed funds as I'm guessing there's only so many actual books and pencils that they need, DID they DO also need money just to pay their teacher etc so the revolving school items trick was just a good way for them to generate cash! So, being the positive thinking person I am I decided to give them the benefit of the doubt and have always since assumed that my money did in deed go to a good cause - OR someone went to a LOT of trouble setting up a fake school and roping in a few kids to sit and look like pupils to really coin it in from us idiot tourists ( probably the more likely story :-) but either way for all the little amount I'm sure I spent was it was was very worth it just to learn that little bit more of life experience.
  16. NIrishGuy


    I"m sure that fella Jesus will be livid that after 2000 years people are still attributing some of his best lines to his underlings - especially when this was him giving the big finale to his "Sermon on the Mount" gig, Matthew alas was merely reporting on JC's alleged comments - but as most of it probably never "actually" happened anyway The good news is that I doubt Jesus will sue.
  17. Is that "fifth"!by any chance ? :-)
  18. One would assume that but on asking for that very thing once ( more to see what they would say and see how it all worked ) I was hurriedly shoved away from the guys stand and told in no uncertain manner that it was illegal to see Thai driving licences in Thailand and that NO, they didn't do that and that I should "go away now". However when I explained I meant a British Driving Licence then the full thai smile returned and I was ushered back to the stand with a "no problem" and handed a book with ( absolutely perfect) licence and ID copies from it seemed just about every other Country in the world ! I was quoted 1000 baht and told to give my details and it would be ready ( I think he said) within 24 hours. For the record I did decline his kind offer as my enquiry was more just for nosiness sake rather than any underhand purpose. However I am of course aware that I was a farang asking the question and i'm sure you're quite right that there's a healthy supply like in fake Thai ID's also as it would be silly to assume otherwise in this day and age.
  19. "Or if Mosaik would gets beds that don't mimic concrete......." Well now I know I've said this before as I was told it before both by customers AND management of the hotel that they had invested in farang style beds i.e. much softer than usual. I had requested one of these myself ( with great dramatics as I know the staff well there )but when I got to my room still the old bed, I moaned and was assured it would be changed the next day, however as I found myself "busy" in the room a lot both in the mornings getting up late with company and then again each time they (genuinely) tried to deliver the new bed I think both they and I just gave up on the idea after a few days ! I DID see them physically delivering new beds in the door of the hotel from a truck on my last visit so I don't doubt they have updated their stock, so I do think it's a matter now of TELLING ( not asking) them to be sure they swap the bed in your room over to a softer bed rather than just accepting what you're given - be interesting to see if anyone else can concur that they ARE actually using that new stock now and it is indeed a bit softer as there's only one thing I want hard when I'm in Pattaya and it's not usually my bed !! :-)
  20. "the walk of shame". Alas the above description can only come into play in YOU allow it to and if YOU consider either being gay or having sex with other gay guys of a legal age with you to be something shameful. I don't and so I don't give a flying FUCK what anyone else thinks about me or my sex life. What they think is quite frankly none of MY business, just like who I'm fucking is none of theirs. "​Shame" is rife in older gay guys ( I include myself in that bracket by the way) as due to perhaps our more repressed upbringings, previous legal issues just with being gay and the worlds overall view of gay people 20 or 30 years ago, but it's something that we should actively work at overcoming as that "shame" IS only something that exists in our own minds if we allow it too. Personally I've worked hard at changing my OWN mindset re all of that over the years and thankfully now have ( quite rightly) absolutely zero "shame" about being who and what I am and if straight people don't like that then that's just tough for them I guess, but I don't care. So, book you're room and smile and say Sawatdee Khrap with confidence as you walk past your receptionist and Im fairly sure they'll say it back - and if not, then tough - who cares whatever small minded shit it going on in their heads - not my business.
  21. Hmm actually in the past I regularly managed to merely exist in the UK plus whilst living in Thailand and all in the same month !
  22. Or we COULD just get all existential on ourselves and ask the same question as "do you LIVE in Thailand" ( or merely exist - but I'l take it at face value and answer accordingly just i think this time - although I think my question might actually get a deeper and perhaps more illuminating set of responses maybe !? :-)
  23. NIrishGuy

    Fraud warning

    One might quite reasonably assume that however the truth is very different it seems. In my business I take "person not present" credit card payments and even much to my own surprise I can assure you that short of stopping the card being used in the future the credit card company have almost ZERO interest in physically chasing or catching the person who may be using the card illegally. I have had several cases where I spotted a fraud attempt just about go our system in my business, where goods were being requested to be delivered to a specific address etc where I was able to call and speak directly and behind the scenes to the card fraud department suggesting a simple "sting" to catch the thief upon delivery, but they had ZERO interest in assisting with that or even me reporting it to the police ( as I wanted to do) doing and told me quite bluntly that unless the attempted theft was over £15000 stg ( on each attempt !) they literally don't even bother looking into it as card theft is that common now and is overwhelming them every day that they just haven't the time or resources to look in it for less than that amount and are just happy to be able to stop card as and when a stolen one is discovered. I've also had cases where we spotted a stolen card being attempted to be used to buy goods from us, called the fraud department, flagged it up, they checked and confirmed "yes that's a stolen card for sure (based on it's usage in the last 24 hours) BUT the owner ( from the USA) hand't actually realised it had been stolen yet and so hadn't reported it and so the card company they were quite happy to go ahead and issuing us with an "authorisation number" which would have allowed my staff to proceed with that purchase ! ( again this has happened several times now).! So, on hearing this was happening and as the M.D ( (CEO) I rang them and asked what the hell they were doing issuing authorisation numbers to my staff for purchases that they KNEW were fraudulent, they explained they could as the card wasn't reported stolen "yet", BUT !!! as I later found out ( thankfully not to my cost ) the key thing here is that in their terms and conditions of service to merchants even if they give you an authorisation number for a purchase and that purchase later turns out to be stolen card but you've already delivered the goods etc, the card company STILL are allowed ( and DO ) take the funds for that transaction right back out of the businesses bank account for anything up to six months after that transaction took place ! Meaning that the credits card company still get paid in full no matter what and it's the business who are actually left out of pocket by the fraud as by then they've may well have already delivered goods to a bogus dead drop address that the thieves use commonly AND also have had to pay back the credit card company in full as well ! So, whilst they don't advertise that small but hugely important fact I'm guessing that THIS plays a large part in why they don't give a shit about chasing card fraudsters just so much perhaps ! Also in closing I can tell you that on expressing my amazement and disgust about this fact to their fraud department one guy there told me that if humanity had any idea of the REAL level of credit card fraud that goes unreported by the card companies EVERY DAY around the globe that none of us would ever want to use a credit card again - hence again why they're happy to bury that info perhaps.
  24. "It's a bit like booking through Agoda which practices the same crap, 100 $ room costs you 117 at checkout." I think I read that Agoda have now changed that policy for the very reason being discussed that it was pissing so many people off seeing one advertised price and ending up having to pay another. I think they now advertise "the price you see is the price you pay" as I know their competitors were hammering them for a while over all of that. I "think" I'm right about that anyway, unless I'm dreaming the last time I went to book something :-) And to the Op and to keep on thread - you're absolutely right to walk out, however I think we assume that every guy is chasing a tip, I'm guessing with the likes of this waiter he would rather you just hadn't of came into the place so he could continue his important call and as you walked out not tipping he was thinking "yeah great, keep walking, I really couldn't give a shit, right now friend on the phone what was that you were saying again" ......... Actually this whole stupid expectations of a tip for every small stupid thing you do throughout a day is one of the many small and very minor reasons I'm getting that I can't be bothered dragging my ass all the way to Thailand again. Buy a coffee, tip, buy an ice cream, tip, buy a beer, some guy happens to speak to you when you don't even want him too ( hello what your name) and won't take the hint, tip, every waking minute hands out for tips for me just getting through the day - and it's not the money, just the hassle of it - my god it appears I've woken up a right grumpy bastard this morning lol
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