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Everything posted by NIrishGuy

  1. By BF once answered his phone to his mother during us having sex and waved me off like "you can wait" -- a) I was horny and b) I was miffed that I obviously came second ( no pun intended) even during an intimate moment between us - so to teach him a small lesson I simply kept going :-) To hear him trying to communicate with his mother whilst getting gently and not so gently fucked was both incredibly funny and made him mad as hell so was a suitable pay back His phone now goes on silent during sex ! :-)
  2. Am I missing something, what the heck have some of you guys got stored on your device(s) that you're so worried about someone seeking access to it ? I mean if its just gay porn and Thai guys getting fucked by you and the like or whatever then "so what" I assuming it's all above board etc) - and again unless I'm missing something. I do understand that going back into America perhaps you might encounter some homophobic prick who might decide to give you a hard time ( no pun intended) but again "so what", it's not like you're doing anything wrong or carrying anything illegal ( i presume) so why the need to hide everything / anything so carefully and with military protection etc* ? * I'm talking above here specifically about trying to hide the gay part of our lives there - the need to keep "whatever else" as is used in our every day lives from the Government is of course a bigger issue revolving more around human rights and too much government overview etc and is a whole other subject perhaps.
  3. Just out of interest was the "marriage" being reported as "marriage" or a blessing and was the emphasise just on the fact that it had happened in general to a well known bar manager ( as I wouldn't have thought that would make the news particularly ?) or was it more a report on the size of the dowry that had been paid etc ( which again I wouldn't have thought was THAT strange in terms of white guys getting screwed out of their money for nothing other than a monk chanting a bit at him for a while)
  4. At the minute with the Baht and the Pound being were they are I'm more wondering where that "low cost of living" might be that he's suggesting could off set the initial cost of the visa - I mean has he BOUGHT a beer in Dreamboys recently !!? :-(
  5. I'm not sure what the question is - is it actually asking how we feel about marriage equality in general OR do you mean ( to be fair exactly as you say) about how do we feel to marriage equality to a THAI guy ( any more than a guy from any other Country perhaps ?)
  6. and most importantly - does it REALLY matter ......
  7. Cheeky bitch - I'm guessing the threat of a few broken toes might have persuaded her to remove her minging feet from the vicinity of his head slightly faster perhaps as I know that's what I would have told she'd be getting if she didn't shift herself !
  8. !!?? Hey ! Quit talking to my boyfriend !?? I've told him before to keep our bloody conversations private ! lol
  9. Ohhhh I can just hear the BIB rubbing their hands together already from the extra fines from tourists.......and whilst of course on a serious note the law is a good and sensible safety idea on a more frivolous note lets face it the chances of injury in a BBK taki are slim considering that most of them don't move over around 5mph at any given time !
  10. Yeah Steve - must be a Celtic this thing as I was going to say we here in Ireland like 6 packs as it saves you going back to the offies after you've already drank the first four cans ! :-)
  11. What you mean that WASN'T an April Fool's Joke !? :-)
  12. I wonder did your Thai friends know what date it was when you were(n't) telling them this particular story at the start of April :-)
  13. Don't forget that if you do use or lose your condom in Sansuk you can always just go to the bar at the pool and ask for more ( as many times as you need to ) and depending on what mood the bar staff are in they'll either just give you them or a small cost ( like 10 baht or whatever) will be added to your bar tab for payment at check out.
  14. Thank you and yes interesting article, although I'd say there goes a guy who's either going to be a multi millionaire, bust and bankrupt and or dead at 50 from overwork and stress, I hope for his sake only the first option applies as he sounds like a nice enough guy.
  15. Any chance of posting a link to said article perhaps ??
  16. I'm sure HE has a 100 reasons he doesn't want you fucking his friends - he's told them you're great in bed and you're not - he's told them you're shit in bed and you're not. He's told them you don't fuck other guys and love only him and he's got you exactly where he wants you ( except you do and once you fuck them they'll know he hasn't quite got you where he thinks he has so he looses face.) Perhaps he's scared as all his friends are money boys and he knows once they get their clutches into your pants and start their "I like you so much" bullshit that you'll start seeing more of them than him - or perhaps he's just jealous of you fucking his friends and wants to keep you to himself and away from them ( which IS fair enough from his point of view by the way). But the key point as I'd said above is FUCK HIM, who cares what he thinks, unless this IS some genuine long term boyfriend who you intend to live with for the years ahead then who gives a shit what he wants, if he doesn't like it, tough, move on to one with less attempts to control you. There's plenty more where he came from. And even if he IS a longer term option I would say something fairly similar as I'm guessing you didn't go to Thailand to be controlled by some young Thai guy setting the rules of your life ?
  17. NIrishGuy


    3.you may hire guide in advance , ( search this forum or google) but guide will not be your sex partner - for that one you need to to ground search when there Oh really ? I wouldn't be TOO sure about that - not to say that ALL tour guides are up for it, but hey come on, it's Thailand, most things are negotiable and I certainly a know SOME guides actively encourage that side of their business if they can find it.
  18. Fuck him, do it anyway, unless this is an ACTUAL long term BF who cares what he says ( if basically a bar boy), theres plenty more where he came from to be letting him / them dictate the odds as to who we can go with etc - fuck THAT !?
  19. Welsh guy if money is a factor but you still want cute boys and great english etc consider the Philippines perhaps, certain areas are beautiful - with lots of cute ( and available) guys to match it seems.
  20. At least they can budget and make small allowances accordingly over a medium to long period of time to soften that blow, think instead of the poor 2 week millionaires (like me) who come out, go nuts and blow a stupid amount of money partying all round them - it's now maybe going to result in ( god forbid) us having to cut down our beer or boy budgets ( or both) to ensure we don't creepp in to spending ANOTHER few million just to have the same fun as before. I think THIS is a more pressing case that ex pats and in fact I'm suggesting that the board perhaps sets up and emergency relief fund ( hand, mouth and ass relief that is) to ensure that no traveller has to go with out during these testing times. If the Red Cross can organise keep people fed and watered I don't see why the board can't organise seeing it's members continuing to be fed, laid and breed to the same standards that we've become used too. Anyone wishing to make a donation to the cause just message me with your credit card details or bank account numbers and I'll start the paperwork and once the money starts rolling in I'll be SURE to come back to the board and report the current accurate and up to date income totals - probably ...... lol
  21. Yes, sometimes actually that's EXACTLY what I want ! Sometimes a simple massage is what I require to ease my sore muscles etc before I head out for the night / to shag etc and the LAST thing I want is some opportune massage guy doing his damnedest to get my hard when I've already told him I JUST want an ordinary massage. But alas unfortunately I've discovered that I'm quite weak willed and must to my own annoyance do tend to just give in most ( all ) of the time - but SOMETIMES yes, a simple straight forward non sexual massage is EXACTLY what I want.
  22. To be fair the UK will have one of those too right up to 2020 it seems, with another just after that too until 2025 at the earliest ! Oh well, think of the money we're saving on aircraft fuel - just as long as we don't actually need to USE them of course so it should all be fine, I'm sure our Government have it ALL worked out ....... :-) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queen_Elizabeth-class_aircraft_carrier
  23. Hmmm looks a bit like the sea at Jomtiem some days when there's no wind blowing to help blow all the crap and condoms from Pattaya all back out to sea to that the water there then only looks mildly filthy for the people crazy enough to actually swim in it and ingest it :-(
  24. You'd love to know where the owners get their valuations from, as at a sales estimate of around £27,000 STG I'm guessing it's certainly not based on "fixtures and fittings :-) Also as they don't own the building, nor (I'm guessing) have a particularly long lease I guess then it must mainly be based on "goodwill" although in a low season Sunee Plaza I'm guessing that's also quiet low on the ground just now too perhaps. It is I'm guessing also more based on "that's roughly what the current owner paid for it 4 years ago and so he's happy to just get his initial investment back and walk away after spending money for the 4 years "enjoying" his bar - although the thought of being in there every night watching over your investment ( if he didn't want to see ALL the takings disappear quite fast) whilst there on holiday would be too much even for the most hardened of us I would have thought, so the guy surely get's some credit for sticking it out for 4 years.......but £27,000 STG worth of credit......hmmm that I guess would be another matter. Still, assuming he finds another buyer I'm sure we wish them all the best with it.
  25. Funny my mother always told me that doing "that" would make one go blind and yet I never believed her and there it turns out she was right all along it seems ! :-)
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