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Everything posted by NIrishGuy

  1. you're right re the real thing or not although whether his life story is fully accurate or not I dont disbelieve that he has more than half an idea about what he's talking about when it comes to I.T and bitcoin etc ( but I could be 100% wrong there of course) so like all and any investment advice the invester should take suitable care to make sure he's happy of the source of his info I guess. And re the "madness" to buy bitcoin just now etc, I guess it is - unless it keeps rising as it is ( and from the little I know about it that no one steals it out of your online wallet) - saying that I think everyone accepts that the current bubble HAS to pop at some point, the only question there then is "when" and if you've been smart enough to get in and out again before that happens. But if ANY of us knew that info we would of course be VERY rich men indeed. Personally I agree with you and wouldn't touch it with a bargepole right now as the risks are so great, but I guess if you like a gamble depending on the amount you invest that's about as big a turn of the roulette wheel as you can get out there just now.
  2. CDNMatt over on Sawatdee is your go to man all re that I'm guessing.
  3. Did you think to ask him WHY he lifted it in the first place perhaps before throwing him out ?
  4. Also don't forget if you ever find yourself as the person standing at the side of the road when someone else has collapsed or been in an accident and you / the doctor needs their details and their iPhone is locked someone can simply lift their finger and place it on the fingerprint reader to open the phone ! I know this sounds SO bleeding obvious but the number of people I've mentioned that too who say they simply wouldn't have thought of it so it's worth flagging it up for use in an emergency situation. This is also the same reason why one if wanting to be ULTRA careful should perhaps think of scanning your big toe into your phone instead of your finger as this would certainly bugger up a jealous BF who decides to try and use your finger against you while you drunkenly sleep to enable him to ready all your damning grindr messages ! (joke !)
  5. So, I wonder how much it cost him to get them to investigate and resolve the case then ? He'll maybe have an interesting time trying to get his credit card company to write off that debt on the basis that he's admitted that in effect he left his card unattended and unsecured, that perhaps was the point of the police action in the first place to help bolster this later claim perhaps?
  6. Well if you do choose to stay in places costing on average 300/400 baht a night what can you expect sometimes but a shit hole with zero customer care or them giving a fuck, you sound surprised about this ?
  7. i'm guessing that this happens a lot all over the world anyway and WAY more than any of us would perhaps like to believe re the hotels we ALL stay in - of every grade !
  8. Of course and I'm not suggesting we should perhaps delve to deep either, it wasn't so much a question about that person, more the office and as to whether that office still had the power to "command" things, knowing of course that there's many ways they could make things happen one way or another but it was the "has ordered" statement that set me wondering how that works these days anywhere in a constitutional monarchy more just.
  9. Just out of interest I wonder how the King "ordered" anything - and who pays for that Budget wise ( as Im guessing this latest order wouldn't be cheap) - so I wonder DID he order anything or was it more a case of the Government saying "here's what we suggest, sign that, you just ordered it ?" I can just see HM the Queen here in the UK "ordering" something, there would be a few raised eyebrows, request / suggest it no problem, you're our Queen and we'll consider it and probably do it as we respect you ( well most people do) but "order it" and she might be waiting a while I would guess.
  10. You're all saying "well done to the police if it was noise related etc" as if the police "actually" give a shit ! When as always it's more likely that the owner has stopped or reduced their tea money payment or the police are trying to increase their request or some one else has paid the police to go and sort of their annoyance, hell if the police really cared they'd be closing bars all over Pattaya on a nightly basis.
  11. Just be careful as the last time I legitimately tried to get on the bus ( my airline has screwed up and my ticket was left at the wrong counter or something and the staff member gave me a letter explaining this and telling me to go to Swampy from DMK to collect my new ticket - or something like that) and the guy operating the queue wouldn't let me on without a flight ticket clearly showing a departure from the other airport. I explained that that's exactly why I was going to the other airport to get it and he pointed to the sign saying only people with a ticket allowed on the bus, I was running late and explained again ( a little louder - I know fatal mistake) and after that I had ZERO chance of budging him ( although I had been VERY nice up until that point). So, don't assume you CAN get the free airport transfer bus perhaps without said flying on from the other airport ticket !?
  12. "the ticket would be revoked if the investigator were convinced" Or you pay enough money......
  13. Oh on a more constructive note Dalewood - seeing as it's your birthday why not select several guys you like.......and have one HELL of an orgy - as I mean it is your birthday and everything so why not treat yourself :-)))
  14. And then watch in disgust as said boys eat huge amounts of said cake and don't put on as much as a tenth of an kilo, whereas you gingerly flick some of the cream off the top of the cake onto your finger just to be polite and to be seen to pass yourself in eating the cake ( that you bought yourself) and touch it to your tongue just to taste and instantly put on 3 kilos, which then takes you 4 months to get off again again...... damn those beautiful young slim Thai boys and their cake eating and putting on no weight skills ! :-) You could also go and make yourself a money sash ( as a JOKE) and stick a few 100's on it to start yourself off and then hit the bars, be interesting to see just how much you would make by the end of the night - although you know what I'm guessing that a lot of the boys just might put the odd 20 on there for you ! ( mind you you DO know of course that any monies donated to your birthday fund will of course cost you at least 50 times that by the time the end of the night comes ! :-) PS A very Happy Upcoming Birthday !!! )
  15. "It terms of pulling there... its always the same... when you are in company its really very cruisy and loads of guys are giving you the eye... When you are looking for company... they are nowhere to be seen!" Ha by god isn't THAT the case !! The number of nights that rule has applied itself is soul destroying there - only then to get home at 5am for Grindr to kick into action and even though you SWEAR you're going to definitely go to SLEEP to get some rest this time you still strangely find yourself with someone on the way other whilst thinking "WTF, what just happened, what have I done, I'm knackered" but thankfully after a shower somehow thankfully seem to just about manage.
  16. Although just be aware that Skyscanner whilst great of course doesn't always show all of the internal carriers options in Thailand, I'm thinking the likes of Nok air and so on and a few others I've come across over the years, mind you some of them you'd have to pay ME to fly with them their safety and punctuality was that bad.
  17. I guess any non lethal use of force by Police is good, although I'm a little scared in wondering exactly where they had been been trained to stick their carrots before moving on to adopting the firmer stick approach ! :-)
  18. Well unless I'd be connecting it to a Prince Albert I'm not quite sure how that would help, but I guess the velcro would be a start. I think the best option is of course have "just enough" and not much more in your wallet to start with when entering such places usually.
  19. I'd be happy for a mirror that would just to enable me to watch my trousers most times to ensure that it wasn't one hand rubbing me and the other hand rubbing a few thousand baht out of it, either by him or another staff member sneaking in and joining us without my knowledge even.
  20. What a random selection of items, but I guess it works or they wouldn't be bothering to do it, I thought the one with the bottle of shampoo or whatever was pushing things just a little for "do you recognise this item from someones house" mind ! :-) I guess we know now why the infamous Beachlover was so keen to be sure to leave no items on view in his (fake) fancy hotel room pics always
  21. "Will I buy a separate insurance in future when I travel? No, unless it is mandated by the host country" If I understand the Governments suggestion correctly what they actually mean is that they'd like all travellers entering Thailand to be in possession of suitable travel insurance ( pre-purchased in their own country is fine) or yes purchased at the point of arrival and actually I think that's fair enough to ask for that in the bigger scheme of things these days with medical costs being what they are.
  22. On that note has anyone ever had reason to call upon said "free" credit card company provided insurance I wonder ?? I know a few people who tell me they have it and "that's enough"whereas personally I prefer to pay the ( very little) extra to know I have the fully paid for gold level policy in case "shit happens" - so either I'm being a mug and paying for something I could have free ( which I doubt as on checking I always see the cover at a fairly minimal or less) OR I'm right an god forbid anyone ACTUALLY ever needs to call on said cover for hospital treatment etc ? Anyone anyone have any real world experience of using same perhaps ?
  23. ^ I thought the opposite, I thought it summed up the posters thoughts perfectly - plus it made me start singing that sing too in my head which was a nice break in my day
  24. Some of us are still distraught over the demise of IRC chat rooms !!
  25. If not used to their mobile site I can see why you'd say that as it is quite a shift from the old site ( which is still available should you prefer it I think) but like all things once you do get used to it it's actually not to bad and in fact if using both the mobile and the desktop site together it is quite handy just to think of everything in the one way and using the same icons etc.
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