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About Mario4

  • Birthday December 9

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  • Interests
    like Asian guys

Mario4's Achievements

  1. Canadian woman received $4000 fine, should have few month in Thai jail too. Just to learn.
  2. Mario4

    Turning 55 today

    Hello Abang. I just found your pictures on last two pages - today. They are very nice pictures, - suntanning is the best and this thongs, I remember them when You had them in Bangkok at the pool. I have the same at home and I like them but I may use them only in Asia. I miss Thailand and looks to ma like I will be back there in 2018, for 1/2 year to travel in Asia. I'm home - very far away and in the cold. Take care - Mario.
  3. Mario4

    Turning 55 today

    Yes - 26 is the only day that is good for you & me to meet. Sure.
  4. Mario4

    Turning 55 today

    Hello abang. Thanks for the mail. At present time I'm in Chiang Mai. I will be in Bangkok in morning April 19 - and will stay 4 nights at Diamond House Hotel - 4 Samsen Road, Banglampoo it is near Khaosan Road. On April 23 I will move for my last 4 night to Malaysia Hotel near Babylon. I have flight out of Thailand morning April 27. - Mario
  5. Mario4

    Turning 55 today

    Happy Birthday, - abang I'm in Thailand in last 3 months and I will be here for 2 more week. I remember you from Singapore. You are very sexy and attractive Asian guy. You do not have to tell much, lot of guys and me too - would like to have vacation in Asia right beside your back, beside you. You guys do not age and always sexy with good tools. It is happiness to be beside you. Love you, Take care - Mario.
  6. Hello guys, thanks for advice, I complained and I show dirt everywhere, on the ceiling fan too - I help to cleanup and at present time yes I may breath inside the room. Thank you.
  7. I came to Guesthouse in Pattaya. I was here twice in 2009 & 2013. At my time before here was woman who clean rooms for guests - housekeeping job. At present time woman does not work here anymore. Housekeeping job have 25 y/o boy who is boyfriend of the owner of the property. Owner of Guesthouse support boy (men) covering his cost of education. Guy is going to school to have some education. So far I did not see the guy ( room cleaner) - I just move in today and I'm uncomfortable in the room because room is not the same like at my other times here before. The owner is American guy 75 y/o and he is looking for the guy who he may trust and to have a boyfriend. He had bad time with his first boyfriend and this new housekeeping guy is his second. I paid for my stay ahead and it is hard for me to tell the true - how it is to the owner. I just do not understand how Thai men who receiving help to be somebody pay back for the help doing bad work. I clean the room little - but this is not how room should be. More cleaning is needed and I do not know how to tell to the owner. I just do not understand the American guy, he come to the room with me and - and he does not see what I see? What I should do?
  8. I'm from Canada. I travel to Asia every second year, and stay there 3 to 4 months. My work let me do this. The problem is - it take me 24 hours to get to Singapore from my home town. In Asia I travel from south to north. Always stay ~ 45 days in Thailand. Asia is different and it is so beautiful and people are very nice. Always looking to come back to Asia. When I retire - very soon, I will stay in Asia every year during long very cold Canadian winter.
  9. Mario4


    I visit Singapore each time I travel to Asia, abang 1961 - thank you so much for showing me Singapore on my visit in 2011. I love Asia and will travel there again and again - it is so different then Europe or North America. Life is so different. People in some Asian countries are not wealthy but they are happy and enjoy the life - money does not bring happiness just comfort in the life. abang 1961 - I'm happy to see you here. Thanks for the CD with pictures.
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