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Everything posted by williewillie

  1. If the vaccine is effective, what are the odds Trump and the Conservatives 

    will call it the Chinese vaccine.  ?

  2. The odds are improving for July 1st bar reopening with restrictions. Meeting be held this week with results later this week.
  3. The last remaining boy bar on the forlorn dark side soi in Sunee has moved. The One bar is now next to Euro Boys bar beer. Well, at least the sign has moved over. The One Bar run by Thai woman and is in the shop recently vacated by the restaurant run by tall ladyman.
  4. No, they are all still closed. July 1st seems to be the consensus reopening date.
  5. Balcony in Bangkok on soi 4 Reopening today June 16th as a restaurant serving drinks. Plenty of cute waiters as well as freelancers have been known to show up at Balcony.
  6. I walked thru Sunee Plaza today and spoke with the Danish owner of Winner Boys. He said curfew lifted and alcohol allowed in restaurants but bars will not open on 15th. Later I passed by freshly painted Nice Boys and asked a boy I know when the bar will reopen. He said ‘long time’ . July 1st would be nice.
  7. Several Thais have told me bars will reopen this coming Monday, the 15th.. I am under the impression, they heard or saw this news on television news program. I called the date of reopening hearsay. The recent reopening of the boy massage shops surprised me and I’m hopeful the reopening will occur on the 15th. Hope springs eternal.
  8. The curfew will be suspended for 15 days starting shortly. The biggest problem will be a lack of customers with only Thai local and a few expats farangs until international flights resume in July.
  9. I’ve now heard from two sources that boy bar beers will open shortly. Both sources friends of friends and this should be considered hearsay. The boy massage parlors are open in Jomtien Complex and around Tuk Com. Fitness 7 gyms have reopened with limited hours.
  10. Maybe not so gutsy after all, as Jomtien Complex boybars and boy massages parlors all reopening very soon. maybe some foreknowledge, still gutsy!!!
  11. The beach concessions, chairs etc. hope to reopen in two days, on the 3rd of June. its looking like things will soon be back to the new normal in Jomtien Complex very soon.......
  12. Beaches scheduled to reopen tomorrow, June 1st. No doubt there will be spacing restrictions but still good news..
  13. Kokopelli posted just as I was also posting. I am in complete agreement. I want to try the sourdough pizzas next time. They even have non alcoholic beers and other nonalcoholic drinks. Very well thought out and very good asset for Jomtien Complex. As an aside, I ran into Marcello, the former owner of Fellinis on Pattayaland soi 1, in the Boyztown area. He told me he sold Fellinis about a year ago and still has a restaurant near Food Mart, which is on Thappaya Rd and not far from Jomtien Complex. Marcello is an unforgettable character. Good to see he’s still here..
  14. A big new French restaurant opened recently right in the midst of the Covid19 pandemic. It’s very attractive and brightly lit. I passed by but dont recall the name. Its got a prominent corner location and its not far from Dicks Cafe, which is also open. The former Man Beer bar on the other end of the Complex is the new home of the old Double Shot bar formerly in Sunee Plaza. The Elephant bar has also been gutted in Sunee. It feels like the proverbial rats jumping ship before it sinks, in the remnants of Sunee Plaza. I hope the new French restaurant is successful and am amazed at their gutsy move to open now..
  15. It’s shipping now!
  16. It’s good news. Thanks spoon!
  17. Now, 32 looks more likely than 33 B. to 1 USD.
  18. Do you stay alone in your home country? Do you have a large network of friends, close family you see often? Is your religious organization, church, temple, mosque important to you? Some miss national spectator sports, sporting clubs ,bowling, golf, swimming, hiking ,bridge, poker group, casinos, etc. if you have nothing keeping you, and if you are lonely in your home country, try 6 months or so. Only you know your situation and only you can decide.
  19. Many ask for advise but don’t pay heed.
  20. As of a few days ago, farangs could get covid-19 insurance. Total cost 850 baht. 100,000 b. coverage which can be extended to one million baht under certain circumstances. The insurance company my friends and I use is frank.co.th Easy to use on line and in English. When we put in pre-existing conditions like high blood pressure, heart bypass or stents, the form showed a message that the company would respond within 24 hours or you telephone them. Two of us were approved the next day even with high blood pressure and heart issues. My friend is 80 y.o., so age not an issue apparently.
  21. I’d say stay in Australia . Wait until things settle down. I’m staying in Thailand but would hesitate to fly here now if I wasn’t here already.
  22. Panorama has been relatively busy. There’s a happy hour which ends 9pm on the dot. Some new waiters as well. It is a good vantage point in Boyztown. I enjoy after dinner coffee and drinks there.
  23. I was in Jomtien complex this week and surprised to see many older straight couples. At least ten older farang women with older farang men, in small groups of 2 and 4 people. This observation was near Boy Gaga and cafe/ restaurant next door( John’s Cafe?) over a 15-20 minute period Last night in Boyztown was very quiet. I decided to see the Xboys 10pm show and was surprised to see at least 20 customers, mostly farangs. I plan to check out Dream Boys show, just steps away, tonight. Dream Boys has one show nightly now and the doorman said it started at 11pm. The sign outside said otherwise, 11:20 I think.. Sunee Plaza has been moderately busy. I’ve been to Nice Boys several times recently and it’s been hit and miss. One Swiss farang had a boy or two strip naked on stage for over a half hour. One shot a load a fair distant. Swiss man gave the boy 2,000 b. Swiss man very popular but has left town. I heard 69 bar in North Pattaya closed as it caters to Chinese tour groups and had sexy shows.
  24. Even if successful in getting him a visa to USA, many Thai boys are miserable, lonely, and depressed to be away from home, family, their own culture, language, etc. Friends are very important for a Thai guy, Thai peer friends. Many older farangs only think about their own happiness and things unravel quickly. So many of us have had the same dream and so few find success. Each of us think this boy is special. We think how can I feel so strongly and he not. This must be real must be true. Alas, most of us only learn from experience and some never learn and keep repeating over and over. No body heeds advice, we ask but don't follow because we know this boy is different and how can I feel so strongly and it not be real, not be mutual . I know 75 y.o+ men who believe their 20 y.o. boyfriend prefer old men in bed..
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