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Everything posted by williewillie

  1. I am also unsure what z909 meant but am guessing either a multiple ID or a former poster. Maybe Z909 will enlighten us?
  2. who do you think? don't be shy z909.
  3. see, we are having some fun already. every forum needs some new blood
  4. Assuperman is a breath of fresh air. Unlike the other young sexy Asian poster, who is a serial flooder, Assuperman could be an asset here.
  5. must have been a freak storm 555
  6. Nice to see you moving on. Some people cannot let go of the past. Some don't have much future to look forward to and no one is guaranteed that they will a tomorrow, so live for today. When some question why Thai guys don't save money for the future, my answer is that many live for today. Tomorrow will take care of itself. The clock is ticking for all of us and holding on to the past is just wasting the present.
  7. Years ago Wild West Boys was a great boybar and show bar. It went from one of my top favorites to just another boybar. The Xboy boybars on the next soi are now the great boybars/showbars along with ToyBoys and FunnyBoys.
  8. It is a sad depressing site and anyone that reads it without experiencing Thailand themselves would get a very warped disturbed picture of Thailand and the gay scene. I felt like washing my hands after perusing the bad excuse for a gaythailand forum.
  9. Excellent thread and trip report so far. Just the right amount of details and not bogged down with the price of breakfast type details. As I am not in Thailand currently, I was wondering about the weather, especially the heat this time of year. I noticed in the newspaper that Bangkok is hovering around 100 degrees F. as the daily highs. Maybe firecat is acclimated already.
  10. so, the stories of the boys at Boyz,boyz,boyz being over the hill are true.
  11. FH, I am sure you know the adage about learning history. If we ignore or don't pay attention to history, we are doomed to repeat the mistakes and errors of the past (a loose restatement of the adage). I admit that permitting heygay to run free on this forum got up my nose and irritated me. I blamed Michael for this and it is time to let it go and move on. I do like this forum and don't need to be told to ignore you or others. Like all poster here, I skim over what doesn't interest me. I hope christianPFC doesn't take offense that I used him as an example of "too much information" as I am sure some here enjoy all the details. I choose to skim over them as some others no doubt do as well. Strong members make good forums. The forum will be richer with our newest members.
  12. TW, I made it very clear that I like the forum. Why you write that I don't like the board, baffles me. I do wonder if you read every word in christians postings, down to each 10 baht purchase. Hope this was short enough
  13. I cannot see the problem of praising this forum and proclaiming it is now the best and most improved. The former owner was self indulgant and treated the forum like a blog and protected heygay for years. Several moderators quit due to this and I wonder if Michael will admit this fact. It was his forum and his right to do as he pleased. I found the posts on Brazil ok but the endless details on many other postings were boring. christian has a similar style and goes in way too much detail that some no doubt find intersting but I skip over it. Michael is a quality poster and has authored many excellent threads but I didn't like the way he ran the forum when he owned it. So much better now that it has new management. And the best part is that heygay is history !!
  14. Just reading scottishguys latest posting and thought how much this forum has improved since the new ownership. Under the founder owner, this forum was more of a personal blog than a forum. When you own a forum, you have the right and priviledge to do as you wish. I tired of the style and frankly found it intensely boring and self indulgent. My other bone of contention was the protected status of a now banned member. I found heygay very objectionable and found his favoured position unfathomable and offensive. With the new owner, this forum has risen to be easily the best gaythailand forum. I do not want to belittle the former owner and realize that this will be taken as criticism but want to show the difference with the new owner and how much better a forum can be when no one is treated as untouchable and no one dominates the forum.
  15. Whew! I didn't know you could get dengue fever more than once. Just curious, were both eposodes the same or one worst or more intense than the other. Are there drugs to help dengue? Did you get it in Pattaya ?
  16. To be fair to the owner of SGT, he keeps the worst offender on a short leash and moderated status. So far, he has been a thorn but under control. It seems his connection to the closed bitchboard was a major issue for many posters and the owner was a major target of ugly abuse and pure nastiness. He forgave them so I guess some of us are taking this a little too seriously. I do wonder if the owner of SGT made the right decision and I guess time will tell.
  17. Has anyone welcomed scottishguy yet? He was a major poster on another gaythailand forum for years but left recently. I believe he will find this forum a good place to hang out and contribute .
  18. I also keep in touch with lots of Thai guys that I know on gayromeo.com. Many touch base at least once a week and usually just ask how I am and what I am doing? It does keep them fresh in my mind and when one says he is not doing so good, I don't bite and ask as I know an infusion of baht will take care of most problems.
  19. I use thaitel.com to call and have been pleased with the service. They offer many different plans. I call every 4 or 5 days and enjoy catching up with him. Emails less frequent and sometimes short messages on facebook as well. He is up in his village currently and not always able to go on line so the telephone works best.
  20. I used agoda frequently for hotel reservations and have had very good results. Would clicking the agoda banner on gaythailand.com add income to the forum? It would be a little thing to do if it helped maintain the forum.
  21. April is the hottest month of the year and brutal in Bangkok and not much better in Pattaya. If anyone is thinking spring weather, forget it. Better to wait until June or July, when it is cloudy most days and the rains help cool things down. My first trip was in late March and I never stopped sweating in Bangkok.
  22. TW, UTL is a good school and well worth the experience. I believe it was founded for Christian missionaries needing to learn the language to spread the gospel. The trick is you need to do a lot of homework, as each session builds on the preceding ones. It is overwhelming to those who have zero knowledge of the language and many repeat the sessions until they get it down pat. I enjoyed the experience many years ago and while I have forgotten much of what I learned, I am pleased to be able to make myself understood to the Thai guys. I have been asked to speak English instead of torturing some of them with my Thai. It is necessary to overcome shyness and to speak Thai even if you are hurting their ears and giving them headaches. Keep your expections in check and don't expect miracles. If you have a good ear for music, it seems to help with the tones. The trick is to do lots of homework and spend many hours practicing and don't give up. Easier said than done.
  23. Koko suggested moneygram to me recently and I have used it twice to send money to a Thai guy living in his village up north. I used the economy system which costs $10. for smaller amounts and $20. for larger amounts. It takes 3 business days and is taken out of your checking account. I will set up a K-Bank account this year but for now, moneygram works just fine if you can handle a few days transaction time.
  24. The same poster that was banned here, sparked the agreement between SGT and GB. The hatred he engendered resulted in a misguided policy that is now regreted by SGT and GB. Amazing how much trouble one poster can do.
  25. I didn't mean photos thaiworthy. If you are not in Thailand because of Thai guys, then you are the exception. If the central interest of posters here is not the Thai young men, then I just don't get it. Why not have some more threads about what interests us all. This is all getting old for me and I can't seem to satisfy everyone so lets move on.
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