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Everything posted by williewillie

  1. Chinese and other Asian tourists, ladies and men are only salvation for Boyzboyzboyz . Boyzboyzboyz is not a gay bar, it’s a boy bar.. The Thais from Bangkok visiting on the weekends will help keep the bar alive..
  2. I was thinking about what the boys who work at boyzboyzboyz will do on the 5 days a week when the bar is closed. I’m guessing the boys can stay at Ambiance hotel, just above the bar as the rooms will be unoccupied by tourists. The bar has a kitchen which makes food for the boys and staff in place and perhaps they will continue to feed the boys. I think if one has contact info for favorites, gogo boys or show boys, it would be mutually beneficial to customers and the boys to make arrangements during the week. Line works great and all the boys have it. I suppose it’s possible the boys will return to their villages for 5 days and return to Pattaya for the weekends. Just some thoughts and I’ll try this weekend to get some Line numbers..
  3. The Chinese market is paramount to Thailand.. The Chinese will be first country allowed in, along the the neighboring countries with land borders. The USA will be last country allowed in along with Brazil.
  4. Boyzboyzboyz was closed yesterday, Sunday with a notice stating it would only open on Fridays and Saturdays.
  5. Good news.. Cupidol reopened last night. Lots of people outside but stage was empty and customer-less. Same story at Toy Boys but at least they are both open. xboys active with 8 or 9 boys in big cock opening act. Muscular A with big hose has returned and had young farang admirer. Dream fun too and had 7 or lads in undershorts plus Soweit, who just returned but didn’t have ‘bikini’ with him to go on stage. He’s an eyeful. I tipped every boy there including Soweit and some extra for one engorged lad.
  6. They all look good to me
  7. 4 of us went to the 10:30 show which opened with the B-Boys. Next act was a ladyman with tits lip syncing. I thought to myself, oh shit. Several 100b. notes were given as tips. There were about 8 -10 customers in total and I would guess they were Thais. Then the next few acts were all sexy boys with woodies, some protruding from the sheer shorts. Shower scene with 4 boys. The lady man returned for the finale and the drumming. All in all, a good but somewhat subdued show with less than half as many boys as before closing. About 10-12 gogo boys dressed. Drinks 200 b. Lots of new boys I hadn’t seen before. Sak was recently a monk and still had shaved eyebrows and very short blonde hair. For those who don’t know Sak, he has a prodigious erect member and quite friendly if you tip. Art looked buff on the gogo stage. I’ll return often and hope they remain open without tourists. Toy Boys was open with empty stage but three good looking guys outside and available. A-bomb boys open with 4 shirtless boys in jeans and a customer or two. No show..
  8. Your wish has been granted. Boyzboyzboyz open again last couple of days. I plan to go and see show this weekend. Also A-Bomb gogo boys reopened, although closed tonite has sign on gate stating they will be open on July 22, tomorrow. Serene beer bar reopened too. only Toy Boys and Cupidol Boys remain closed..
  9. Boyzboyzboyz CLOSED last two nights. Toy Boys closed as well..
  10. As of two days ago, Cupidol has not reopened. Staffing issues (no boys) seemed to be an issue. The scarcity of Cambodian boys is a problem for several of the Boyztown area boy bars.
  11. I went again last night with three farang friends. We all ordered the hamburgers which come with cheese and onions. I totally enjoyed mine and relished every bite. One friend said it was okay but he preferred Arno’s, another said very good and one didn’t like it at all. These guys also gave Arnos hamburgers mixed reviews, while I thought they were excellent.. One commented that the burgers were loose, not well compacted. I solved this with utensils.
  12. Any place, the British invaded and colonized, they left a heritage against homosexuality and imposed their superstitions/religion on the people. Burma was no exception. Thailand escaped that fate but was certainly influenced by the British.
  13. It sure as hell ain’t no twink bar. Those who seek very slim or fem gay boys will waste their time and baht at boyzboyzboyz. Remember it’s a boy bar, not a gay bar!! Some boysMen refuse to go off with gay men, as there used to be many Chinese ladies eager for their company. One time, the boss, Jo told two Asian men who called a boy over, to forget it. I approved as the men would have wasted money for drinks from a boy who didn’t go with men. Refreshing honesty great. The boys are not sex slaves and have the right to reject customers they don’t want to engage with...Its not a gay bar, It’s a boy bar., However desperation makes for strange bedfellows sometimes, and without Chinese ladies, lads maybe less descriminating, but just lay there, do nothing, if you enjoy a dead fish in bed.
  14. Will go soon. My farang friends won’t go with me as the gogo boys are fully dressed and not very young and not very slim.
  15. Without tourists, especially Asian ones, Boyztown (Pattayaland soi 3) is quiet. Toys Boys briefly reopened and closed again. A-Bomb hasn’t reopened nor has Cupidol Boy Bar. On Pattayaland soi 1, Xboys seems to be doing ok with reduced number of boys and now one show nightly. Dream boys has reduced drink prices and suspended shows for foreseeable future. I intend to check out Dream Boys soon as well as Boyzboyzboyz, also with very reduced drink prices and still has a show. July is rainy season and low season normally but now is exceptionally low season due to no tourists and less boys.
  16. Panorama reopened tonight July 10th..
  17. O’Delices restaurant offers outstanding hamburgers for 190b with excellent French fries or a salad. Two of us went last night and enjoyed every bite of the large sized cheese burger. Comparable to Arno’s hamburgers and more convenient than going to the Terminal.
  18. Without Chinese tourists, especially female one, no expats will pay 350b. to see fully dressed gogo boys. Owner not stupid. I will check out the show soon and report back
  19. Boyzboyzboyz has restarted their show with reduced drink prices. Now 200b. I was considering going last night but decided to go to the 10pm Xboys show instead. Show was entertaining but on a smaller scale. Transparent plastic screen across the stage, Boys wearing masks in their underwear and sometimes less. B-Boys act fun to see again. I was surprised they did the finale with new boy as top. Second show discontinued for now. Dream Boys had about 8-10 gogo boys but no show.
  20. Some hotels have been reopening with promotional prices clearly displayed. Most are still not open yet.
  21. I know several farangs that give money freely without ever asking to see any proof. One old man got a phone call requesting about 150,000b. so the boy could get out of the monkey house. He paid. He later found out the story was bullshit and then gave the same boy money to get his mobile out of hock. It’s a game for some boys especially when they hit the jackpot with gullible old farangs who want to be nice. I have been conned plenty myself and done my share of bullshitting as well. It takes two to play. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. If I’m having fun and a good time, I can handle the relatively small amounts of money but some old farangs go into debt, max out credit cards and end up flying off high rises. Sad but true.
  22. I’ve heard that in some gogo boy bars, there will be transparent plastic screen between the boys and the audience. May preclude the needs for the boys to wear masks on stage?
  23. I was relieved he didn’t ask me to go to the cremation. We were in different cities at the time. Early in the relationship I met his sister. i recall him being quite upset that she was shagging some farang. I thought he was being noble until I found out he didn’t have a sister. He couldn’t compete with the farangs money and lost his honey. He was great in bed with exactly the body I like so...
  24. Reminds me of a lad who asked me for 5000b. to transport his father from the hospital to the wat for cremation. I later found out his father was alive but the boy was great in bed, just bullshitted endlessly. I kinda miss him.
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