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Everything posted by williewillie

  1. Last night, Xmas eve, Boyztown had snow and Santa and lots of tykes. Even Santa's Grotto. Pattayaland Soi 3, aka Boyztown, was quite lively and busy. We stopped in Wild West Boys on Pattayaland Soi 2. About ten boys, with 3 or 4 unusually handsome and hot. We were only customers and while the music was too loud, there are treasures there that will stay undiscovered. Drinks 220B., even soft drinks but not too much if you include the show. We didn't stay for it. Next stop was Boyz, Boyz,Boyz. Lots of Gogo boys, most on the older, more manly side with some very hot. Show was uneven with erotic parts and some went flat. Xmas theme with several lads only wearing garlands. Most interesting was a very large black sheet with holes, held up by several lads. Three boys had condomed boners jutting out and they jiggled their goods. An entertaining twist on a glory hole moment. Last stop was Toy Boys. Lots of boys too, even though it was a morlam concert night.
  2. Sometimes I wonder why the other 99% of us remain in their home countries and never have sex. I am referring to the over 50 year old gay men who cannot find sex partners unless they like other older men who are also balding and overweight. Sure, some of the 99% are on tight budgets but many are sitting on fat pensions, healthy retirement accounts and have accumulated assets, paid off mortgages and are debt free. Decades of looking at porn and never touching young men and never having sex is self imposed. Believing one is a dirty old man for wanting sex after 50 is another lie taught to us when we are young. I can only imagine life long habits, fears, and mostly disbelief that anyone desirable under 30, would have sex with them keeps them lonely and miserable in their home countries. It is easy to have a full and exciting sex life and your nieces and nephews will blow your money after you die anyway.
  3. I attended the Take Care benefit yesterday at Coco's. The place was full and dinner was a well prepared and tasty turkey dinner. There was also a fish option. The entertainment was a Thai female singer and four slim dancers from Venue in Jomtien. She sang old Christmas songs including the full version of the twelve nights of Christmas. She also sang Its raining Men, YMCA etc. I think many of the attendees actually enjoyed the singing but it was pure torture for this bah humbug farang. A lucky number pick and an auction was also an endurance test and enjoyed by many but not this Scrooge. Take Care is a good cause and they provide condoms and lube to many boy bars. On a more upbeat note, I ate a delicious Sunday buffet at La Marina restaurant in Sunee Plaza. New ownership, the old nasty heavy smoking owner is gone and the food was superb. We went to X Boyland afterwards for the 10:45 show. It was good and started off with unclad lads sporting engorged boners in their birthday suits. The rest of the show went downhill in my opinion but started off great. A lone cigarette smoker was annoying but he put it out when he was asked to. Drinks 260b. and lots of boys. The B Boys were entertaining and show good overall but far from some of the great shows earlier this year. Of course, all one farang's opinion.
  4. Shows are hit and miss.
  5. valuable first hand observation. thanks
  6. Yaya, just a minute or so from City Boys has been for sale for a long time. It is a beer bar with cute guys working there.
  7. Wow! yet another contender for best thread of the year. Not a bad idea by the way for owner to consider as we are at end of the calendar year. Superb writing and so much action and info. Enjoy the lack of narcissistic style some posters irritate us with and just a joy to enjoy.
  8. Another contender for best thread of the year. still a tad early but a good bet for a nomination. Great mix of info and passion. No boasting, no bragging, just fun and lust.
  9. Tam Nam Isan? A karaoke, night club, after hours beer bar?
  10. Nice pix. I think I am developing a new desire for Asians wearing eyeglasses.
  11. Not having any moderators did liven up the forum but it turned hostile. Did jomtien retire?
  12. Sometimes things are just way the are. There is no figuring out. You have to decide whether to stick with him or bail. My experience is that things that bother us don't get better with time and stay the same or get worse. I am thinking about yaba use and alcohol abuse. It also extends to guys that aren't interested in sex with you. If it all works, stay the course, if it doesn't move on. Nobody listens to advise when it comes to relationships with Thai guys. You will get different advise from every poster. In the end, its up to you. Farangs ask but don't really listen and they shouldn't. Nobody knows whats best for you, but you. ;
  13. sorry bob, didn't realize you were god and ran things. I will grant that I haven't been to Happy something in a long time and that some bars on Pattayaland soi 1 are also not my cup of tea. I will also grant that I find the former owner repulsive and feel similarly about the former owner of one of the Boyztown boy bars in the decade old controversy. Probably feel similarly to how bob feels about old williewillie. Don't worry bob, feeling is mutual.
  14. Reminds of the decades old controversy in Boyztown which ended in an arson death and imprisonment of one of the participants and endless hatred. Not the same but people took sides and rehashed for years and years. I shared a strong dislike for beachlover and his endless flooding as well. I know Neal is/was a compulsive liar and continues to spew hatred and malice to this day. Believing anything he says is foolish. Both sides probably bear some guilt. I throw my support to surfcrest. Last thought, no worse go-goboy bar in Thailand than Happy something under the maniac's control and afterwards. Of course just my opinion . Surprised this thread has not been closed by now and not sure that wouldn't be the right thing to do.
  15. Scooby so low profile I forget who is the boss. Nice to know we see some things the same. Even firecat agreed with me when I posted a "mea culpa" posting. It would be boring if we all thought the same all the time.
  16. While I share some of KhorTos's views, especially in reference to fountainhall, lmtu and beachlover, I disagree strongly on his viewpoint about surfcrest. I missed the Bonton controversy and have no thoughts about it. I do applaud the openness of this forum to allow the full fronted attacks on Michael and surfcrest to stand and not be deleted. It is rare on gaythailand forums to allow attacks on forum owners. I also applaud all of surfcrest's effort against the maniac and can easily see why he had to resort to strong measures against the maniac.
  17. poor zombie, he started this thread and got lost in the shuffle. surfcrest runs a great forum/site and has the worst nightmare in gaythailand forum history as his enemy. A totally obsessed maniac who started another forum as he was selling his to surfcrest and then his non stop campaign to damage and insult surfcrest. No doubt I will earn the hatred of the maniac and become a thread on his hate forum now. Very difficult to deal with very sick minds and surfcrest is a survivor and a hero in my book. I am not ass kissing here as I am also a fan of trailrider and hope he stays the course.
  18. Overnite often means until the sun rises. Sometimes, the boy doesn't sleep all night with farang snoring and tossing and turning. Sometimes, it means until breakfast is over and sometimes you have to let the boy know its time to go. The farang is usually looking for a second go round the next morning but sometimes the Thai guy is already dressed and ready to go in the wee hours of the morning. Lots of agreed long times end up short time as the boy has the only key to the room and has roommate and a host of other factors.
  19. this tread stirred up a bit of a storm and got interesting. The usual response when someone complains about how boring it is, is to suggest that they do better, start threads etal. The fact is all the gaythailand forums get boring sometimes and then usually perk up and another fact is that a handful of posters dominate every forum, start most of the threads and do most of the postings. When the prolific posters stop posting and starting new threads, things slow down. I like trailrider and believe new posters are the fresh blood every forum needs. I don't agree with him about firecat, whom I usually find interesting, especially his trip reports and gayromeo reviews. I agree that many threads are not about gaythailand but that happens on every forum and it just the way it is. Michael is missed when he doesn't post for weeks and is a fountain of information. I also agree surfcrest is obsessed but it is understandable as he has a nasty enemy who is obsessed with him and for 99% of posters it is tedious and dull as dishwater.
  20. If this is directed towards me, please be advised that I am not in Thailand all the time and spend months outside the country every year. The vast majority of posters feel no responsibility to initiate threads or post and neither do I. On most forums, a few posters start most threads and post. When the leading posters are absent, forums dry up until others step in. My feeling is that if one is bored, then move on to another forum. There must be half a dozen today and all have their ups an downs.
  21. I have noticed that the forum has become less interesting with the retirement of fountainhall and the absence of Michael. There are many gaythailand forums and none of them are interesting and thought provoking all the time. Interesting and informative posters like firecat are not in Thailand currently. If I was paying a monthly premium, I might consider moving on but as long as the forums are free, if I am bored with one I look at another. Keep your expectations low and you won't be disappointed. We are getting into high season and the forums usually pick up steam around now.
  22. Interesting. I would venture a guess that most of us on this forum would fit in the bear category. Not too many twinks here
  23. I have talked with boys that were paid by farang customers to let them shave their pubes or watched them do so. Couldn't add an emoticon to wink back.
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