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Everything posted by williewillie

  1. Thai Air had a non-stop from NYC to BKK . It went over the North Pole area and was about 17 hours.
  2. Good report and nice bar update. We also stopped in Funny Boys and it felt like high season. Lots of hot Gogo boys and most comfortable seating. We also stopped by XBoyland on Pattayaland Soi 1 for the 9:30 show. I won't hurry back. Afterwards, we saw the 10:00 show at the other XBoys just across the Soi. Much better but also paled in comparison to its glory days. Cafe Royale was very busy and looked like everyone was having fun. Big cabaret show and very lively. Looks like Beam, the new manager has made a huge difference .
  3. williewillie


    Service at Wat Chai was yesterday. Duc's bar in Sunee was open last night and looked Very busy with same faces from years past. I was told about a hundred people showed up at the Wat. A fitting memorial.
  4. I remember when Funny Boys opened. Toy boys was my number one boy bar at the time. Some of the boys from Toy Boys moved over to Funny Boys. There have been times when one surpassed the other and flip-flopped again.
  5. I believe firecat will enjoy the New Lucky 7 Gogo boy bar. The stage was full of "twinks" and all were very flirty and friendly.
  6. How scary to think some still believe in sin. We are all homosexuals. I'm sure that still qualifies as a sin. Holding to old superstitions is scary.
  7. It surprised me that this thread wasn't cut short or closed. I think all the gaythailand forum owners saw the topic as appropriate despite the unpleasantness. Neal knew his death was imminent and that his memory would be besmirched by his behavior and he chose not to make amends. One reaps what they sow
  8. It's always nice when someone tries to defend a reviled and generally despised farang. If I ever need a defense, I hope it's someone other than ronthai . Saying Neal loved truthfulness is paramount to referring to white power groups as black people lovers. It's absurd. Unfortunately , being a compulsive liar and savagely attacking and threatening other gay farangs, is what most people will remember about Neal. He will not be missed , except for a toady or two.
  9. I tried Muay Thai training . It was exhausting and difficult . Lots of kicking and I doubt many of us over 50 y.o. and out of shape could master it. The gym was pushing it and my trainer worked with me but I found it too much. I thought it could be an advantage if one got mugged /attacked but after a couple of lessons, I quit. Lots of woman were taking lessons too but only the younger, fitter men and woman lasted longer than a few workouts.
  10. More like a cub. A very young bear. Paodi should have no problem and if open to farangs, there are some chubby chasers among us.
  11. While I don't believe we should ignore political matters, gay themed topics is the main reason I am here. All gaythailand forums are very quiet now, baht-stop finished, the bitchboard folded up and slid out and things are slow. I'm sure we will get back to what we know best and leave Thai politics to the Thais.
  12. I've found that the more aggressive boys often disappoint. Maybe they've learned to rush things so they canget back and have a shot at another customer. I've also found that boys that promise everything (without being asked), often fail to deliver. Also, often the boys that make eye contact effortlessly, do the same with every potential customer and I enjoy feeling there's some chemistry at work. Lastly, I find the lady boys or fem boys more aggressive and flirty. Too much eye contact and some make it impossible to ignore them.
  13. Good point. I think it probable that when customers repeat with the same Thai guy, the Thai thinks he has found a potential regular and tries even harder to please the repeat customer. Also agree that the Thai guy will learn what buttons to push and things can get better. Nothing wrong with jumping from one to another, if that works for you.
  14. Usually, the water throwing stops after night fall. No problem going out to dinner or the bars but wait for the nighttime .
  15. The world of gayThailand forums has quieted down in recent months. This forum arguably the busiest and least moderated. The tbb existed for one farang to rant obsessively with a few cohorts in tow. It slowed down as even the most bitchy got bored with the same dribble and dropped out. While I have no respect for the owner, at least he pulled the plug and let go.
  16. I run into farangs who think everything is about them. They are the center of the universe and all important. I steer clear of these ego centric men . Some man I know insists the world will end with his demise. He was warning me and I understood he had a severe narcissistic personality disorder. My point is that we should be grateful that so many boys can and do perform amazingly well even when we are well past our prime and couldn't conceive of having sex with someone who looks like us for any amount of money. Sure, I have had duds and some encounters are far better than others but I look at it as renting vs. buying. Testing the water before I jump in. It's only an hour of my time and small money after all . I saw my worst dud recently. He wouldn't take his clothes off in my room, wouldn't touch me etc. I gave him 'taxi money' and showed him the door. He had promised he could do 'everything'. Now, he has a farang sponsor who showers him with baht. Sometimes your worst dud is someone else's dream boy. Go figure.
  17. There are two people in the bed. I wonder how the Thai guys rate their customers. How many of us just lie back to be 'smoked' or roll over to be plugged? Are they duds too? Or take the bad breath farangs who stick their tongues down the boys throats, slobbering over their bodies. Are these farangs duds? Sure, we are the customer and paying money but many of us cannot get hardons anymore and blame the boys for not reading our minds. When many of us are satisfied, we try to give the boy as little as possible. The message is there's no reward for good service. Michael has it right. Be good to the boys, be generous and reward good service and don't lie to the boys. Maybe, that will improve your ratios.
  18. Garrison on target. Boyz Boyz Boyz , easily the most improved boy bar in Pattaya. A couple of months ago, it was packed with hot young guys (over 25 Gogo boys), but as happens everywhere, many move on to greener pastures and the older chunkier guys stay on. It is a contender for best boy bar. BBB still packed to capacity most nights and the sexy show is a joy to behold. Sometimes, farangs with deep pockets deplete boy bars of their hottest guys. If one farang keeps a stable of 4 or 5, the bar replaces them with average available boys. You get a couple of farangs who do the same thing and the bar slips down. Hard for bars to compete with gold, iPhones and motorbikes.
  19. Hate isn't funny.
  20. Tum is a popular nickname. Farangs hear Tom when they ask the boys name, Lek means small, Dang means the color red, Noi also word for small Gai is one of my favorites and it's Thai for chicken. Sounds like guy.
  21. Agree. Parrot shit
  22. It was difficult to sit thru. Rather ordinary and uninteresting. Now, if it was potato queens.
  23. Mike, don't be silly. Loved the selfie and no doubt that's pretty unanimous on this forum. You're hot and can play anywhere in the world .
  24. Second recent time poster posted naked selfie. This time with a boner. Moderators opening the gate ?
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