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Everything posted by williewillie

  1. Maybe a fetish bar for golden shower and fisters.
  2. And there's really no Easter bunny or Santa either
  3. Ya and Barry have moved on and Bas is running the bar now. Can be one boy in the bar or a full staff, depending on the night. They still offer cappuccino as well as the usual drinks. Bas is a nice guy and I wish him well.
  4. I put the following in the 'random thoughts' thread but decided to start a new thread instead. We saw the new Hercules movie last night at Central in Pattaya. I went in with low expectations and was surprised how good a movie it is. I've seen so many superheroes movie and wrath of the gods type this year with my Thai guy that I overdosed but Hercules was really good and my Thai guy liked it too. Plenty of blood and guts but also a twist on the usual Hercules type movie. Highly recommend Hercules as a good movie a farang and a Thai can enjoy. It's in 3D too. Planet of the Apes latest sequel also very good.
  5. Pls delete
  6. Thai boys don't use top/ bottom designation, they say king /queen instead it's why boy possibly did not get what you want at the first time . Not true vin. Maybe 5% use king/queen. Vast majority say top/bottom or just say they are man, when they don't bottom. My experience is based in Pattaya and maybe it's different in Bangkok??
  7. Looking forward to the rest. What are soapies? I identified as bi when I was in my twenties but by 30 y.o. I knew I only wanted to have sex with other men. I considered having sex with a woman when I first starting coming to Thailand but it was a fleeting thought. I know farangs who are bi in their golden years and it works for them. Bottoming is just the other side of topping and being versatile has worked best for me.
  8. I know one elderly Brit who insists the boys don't shower before. He likes them ripe
  9. Reminds me of one hot lad from Nice Boys, years ago. His feet stank to high hell. He would scrub his feet when he cameto my room. His shoes had to stay outside the room. He told me that his roommates had the same problem with his stinky feet. He was very hot and a favorite. We went to a pharmacy and bought a special spray and of course new shoes. The problem was resolved and I had many pleasurable encounters with him.
  10. Large sign outside XBoyland stating For Sale, For Rent. The hideous Laila has survived and has moved over to XBoys.
  11. Confirmed, it's history. Tonight there was a special monthly show at the original XBoys. The boys, waiters, mamasans are all in XBoy now. We saw the 10pm show. Unfortunately , the air conditioning was very inadequate and I didn't see any ceiling or wall fans. There were an amazing number of Gogo boys and the stage was full. Customers and waiters were fanning them selves with menus and a group of Japanese men in kimonos had their folding silk fans going. Show was very hot at times and not hot other times. It was worth putting up with the stale smoky air and the heat but just barely. Drinks were 240b./260b. Great boys, lots of big boners but uncomfortable.
  12. One reason that firecat is a top poster is that he posts the positives and some of the complications active farangs run into. Some of the best and the hottest in bed have learned they can get away with more from grateful , very pleased customers. Some of my favorites never stopped trying for more and it dissolves any fantasy that the experience was mutually pleasurable and that it isn't only about the money. Still, there are times when world class performance combined with an incredible body/face are worth paying a premium. However, definitely not boyfriend material unless you can afford it.
  13. In the West, most of us would be aghast at the idea of bringing our much older male benefactor home to meet our parents, family, neighbors and friends. What would people think? It doesn't work that way in rural Thailand. The father, probably younger than the farang will show no disapproval , no disgust and probably not say much at all. Everyone will smile a lot and try to make you comfortable. Our western negativity about homosexuality , vast age differences etal, do not exist in rural Thailand. It's all rather amazing and one of the beautiful things about Thailand. One forgets all the Western judgements, prejudices, religious hypocritical bullshit. It's not all paradise of course and the great equalizer is money. Be prepared to be a sport and buy lots of beer etc. stay in a hotel and limit first trip to a day or two. Good internet connection or a least a good book, a good idea.
  14. The attached image was from 2010. Four years ago.
  15. A random thought. We saw the new Planet of the Apes movie last night. Thai bf and I both liked it. Theatre was quite full for a change. Something to do tonight with the boy bars closed .
  16. He didn't quite get away with it in Thailand and he spent over a year in prison. Hard to imagine anyone can be more horrible.
  17. Boyz Boyz Boyz 10:30pm show is all sexy boy show and the best in Pattaya. The late show around 12:00 midnight is part lady boy cabaret and part sexy boys. I like the concept of random thoughts. By far, better than the time dated, every baht spent, obsessive compulsive style ones. Agree firecat best trip reports poster and great pix except the mannaries one. 555
  18. I stirred up some dust with my posting concerning the sign at Shamrock. This happened many years ago and I was reminded by this threads topic. It could have been as many as ten years ago, so way past time to get ones knickers in a twist. Potato famines, Irish stew and political correctness aside, one would have to be deep in his cups to venture into the many straight beer bars on the Pattayaland sois, but if you do,try Lewinskis named for a USA scandal participant for a 'smoking' good time. 555
  19. I happened to walk past Shamrock tonight and looked for signs. I saw none tonight. The sign I referred to was posted many years ago and made it clear that gays were not welcome. There was probably a post made at the time so perhaps a forum historian could dig it up. There are many straight bar beers in the Boyztown area as well as many girlie bars. I imagine the sign was to advise gay men that the bar wasn't a gay bar or a boy bar. It would suck if groups of straight men starting sitting in the boy beer bars but no signs seem necessary as it's clear. Perhaps some clueless gay men tried sitting in Shamrock or just a straight owner felt the need to be clear. The bangkokboisblog is a riot and very funny and on target.
  20. The likelihood of any of us going to a Finnish trucker bar is zero. Shamrock was the bar with the hateful sign, right in the middle of Boyztown area. Shamerock more appropriate .
  21. There's a bar beer in Boyztown area, corner of Pattayaland Soi 2 that had a sign that said no queers allowed. It's been years and I don't remember the exact wording but the message was clear. Some religious heteros hate us. A Finnish trucker bar, who would have thought .
  22. Why beg and plead for more of this? Can anyone be so desperate? Makes me miss shyatfirst.
  23. The next certain age is past 50, when most farangs could could use a man-bra for their mannaries . Many times I've been in a boy bar and thought of all the boys # 29, is the least attractive and shouldn't work in a boy bar and then a customer picks #29 and offs him. One # 29 had an attractive young farang for years and over time the "ugly duckling" filled out, lost the acne and looked much better but he lost the young farang.
  24. I noticed the mannaries too and thought female hormones . Sometimes someone posts a pix of a boy, you wouldn't go near for free. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder after all. Clever name for male tits Christian . Mannaries. Some of the guys I like turn off my friends and they don't see what I see. I don't like skinny and am in a minority. To each his own.
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