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Everything posted by williewillie

  1. I'm in the "some meat on their bones" camp as well. While I understand that the vast majority of posters actually prefer skinny pretty boys, it's refreshing to know other farangs like boys over 55 kilos. My preference is 60 + kilos, but have forgotten that sometimes in Eros. I do know farangs who prefer over 30 y.o. and even early 40's, so there is something for everybody in Thailand, even in Sunee Plaza. As an aside, we always wish travelers a safe trip. Since flying is the safest way to travel, it must be a carry over from olden times, when the roads had bandits, coaches broke down etc. I'll probably say the same next time. One thing I am sure of is we won't have to ask vinapu for a trip report.
  2. Bad moderation is far worse than no moderation. A bad moderator can destroy a forum by showing favoritism and bad judgement. This forum has worked out well under Scooby and frankly the personalities of other gaythailand forums are too present, too ego driven, as proven by the worst of the worst, the now deceased bitchboard boss.
  3. troll control tricky but some moderation would clean up the mess in a jiffy.
  4. Maybe Tarik suffers from a bad case of bleeding hemorrhoids or a spastic colon??
  5. Seems impossible to insult vinapu but maybe his way is best to deal with potty mouths.
  6. Tarik suffers from potty mouth but maybe he is just 13 or 14 y.o., when boys trash talk.
  7. Well, I had the birth parent part right.
  8. I have a friend who lives in Yensaibai. He told me Last NIGHT that there a large sign concerning the 20 y.o not allowed unless with birth parent. Rooms are all small and clearly not what the author of this thread wanted. I'm not going to argue, you have your friend, I have mine. I wouldn't stay at Yensaibai. The dragon lady is enough reason.
  9. With Yensaibai Condo enforcing their over 20 y.o. rule for Thai guests, many will find Yensaibai overly strict with theirrules. Also very strict about Thais having ID cards, as well. The hag that rules the condo is a nightmare and gets in your face with little provocation.
  10. Hep A and Hep B vaccines good idea especially for rimmers.
  11. Most posters benefit as our pasty white skin is considered beautiful and even old age is respected. Money is the great equalizer.
  12. When I look at TV in Thailand, all the Thais actors are very light skinned and have farang facial features, eyes and noses. Beauty in Thailand is white skin. One African American man I know in Pattaya, insists baht buses don't stop for him because they think he's an Arab. Go figure
  13. Beauties quickly learn that they don't have to do much and still rake in the baht. So much demands drives up prices and superstars have many customers thrilled to bask in their beauty. It work for muscle boys too. I pass on the beauties and always take body over face, except in cases of extreme ugliness. And of course, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
  14. TMax one of the best trip report posters here. No chest pounding, no boasting of extravagant expenditures, just honest and steamy reports.
  15. Michael, Mama once told me, if three people tell you that you are drunk, then lie down. Btw, good to see you back in action
  16. I'd always heard it was impossible to get health insurance in Thailand if you are over 60 y.o. I'm pretty sure gaybutton is over 60, so obviously one can get health insurance over 60. One should not take what farang insurance agents say as gospel and check for themselves. I've heard many farangs very unhappy with health insurance sold to them by farang agents.
  17. Haven't had a jab from Michael in a long time. I do seem to get up his nose sometimes. I stand by my contention that if the poster gave up the boys gayromeo handle, he wouldn't have hit all the criticism. Of course, no poster has to do anything or tell the forum anything, but not telling reeks of bullshit.
  18. If he posted the gayromeo name of the boy, all would be ok. His very lame excuse showed his true colors. As stated earlier, Bullshit brown.
  19. Hood photo looks good. One problem with sharing one personal life is sometimes you have to defend yourself. The last photo should satisfy one and all and if not, screw 'em
  20. As older men, we look back longingly at days gone by. We forget the bad stuff and only remember the glory days. these are the glory days, it just takes a decade or so to see it.
  21. Vinapu makes a good point. The Jomtien beach boy scene dried up many years ago and posters were commenting on it back on 2008. Six years should be long enough for us to let go and move. But, alas I still long for the days when Wild West Boys sizzled, Krazy Dragon was a blast and Dynamite Boys was hot. Now, XBoys fills the bill and Funny Boys, Toy Boys and Boyzboyzboyz are filled with hot guys. There are plenty of uber skinny waifs and fem boys around in other bars and these are the days we will look back as the good old days.
  22. Bubble butt and a tube of K-Y. A picture says a thousand words
  23. Cannot saves face. Face irrelevant to most farangs but saving face important to most Thais.
  24. More polite to say cannot. mai dai. The Thais tell their friends and other Thais they have no money and cannot pay for them.Nobody loses face. No is considered rude, but cannot works. I'll leave to other to add the Thai spelling and tone marks
  25. The Chinese females were in Boyzboyzboyz last night. There was a male leader with them. One female leaped on the stage during a shower scene and pulled each of the five boys undershorts out and put in some baht. Quite rude and I saw green banknotes, so cheap as well. The boys looked at her but nobody wai. Most of the hooting and hollering was from my group, who were celebrating a birthday. The show is evolving and with less boys, still very hot and sexy. Not too crowed last night.
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