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Everything posted by williewillie

  1. Finally, something we can agree on
  2. It's silly season. Bob hits the Nail on the head. read Fountainhall, it's that simple
  3. Yes Michael, finally the truth. The spirit of your best buddie heygay has taken over and williewillie is actually lmtu reincarnated. Yes, firecat, you choose to believe who you trust but I will believe Fountainhall. After all, who is really the spin doctor and game player? I know and you know but loyalty trumps truth and the truth is self evident. Nobody every accused Fountainhall of being a compulsive liar and his posting record was unblemished. This is all getting tiresome and frankly NOT about willie. Attacks on willie just a diversion. Too bad Fountainhall, whom I respected most highly is now questioned about his truthfulness. I've never known a more intelligent, clearer thinking poster and doubting him is plain wacky.
  4. Michael has had a hate-on for williewillie for a long time. I recall feeling very unwelcome for a long time and then it stopped. I have no group. No one I know is interested in you or your business. Delusions of grandeur perhaps. I have tried to be a constructive member here and have hundreds of 'likes', which attest to my generally positive upbeat postings. I bear no ill will but recognize hatred when I see. It's sad this thread turned so ugly but fellow members, don't be distracted and do read Fountainhalls own words on SGT for the truth.
  5. See Fountainhall post on SGT this morning. I'll always listen when it's from the horses mouth and not an apologist or revisionist. Amazingly that the dust on this brouhaha is stirring again after so long. So many lies and misdirections. Read Fountainhall, it's so simple
  6. We are entering a new dimension. Surf = beach just absurd. More believe able, scooby not a 'beard' . Difficult to get thru his first major posting and it will be work to maintain the rambling style if just an imaginary friend. Very wordy for such a silent owner. Silly to speculate, one believes or disbelieves. Internet forums a refuge for compulsive liars, pretenders, those who live in deep denial, and some who like to jerk around with balderdash. Surf just another farang but one who survived the endless onslaught of the most vicious and dangerous farang in gaythailand forums history. He's a survivor and while stubborn and control freak (sole monitorship) has improved SGT enormously. Firecat must have pushed pretty hard to get banned but we will never known the whole story. Fountainhall was given the shaft no matter what anyone says and for a long time it felt like Fountainhall's forum, which must have rankled someone. Again believe what you will, but remember the truth is rare on forums and bullshit de rigueur.
  7. U-turn bar closed permanently. It was just across little Soi from Krazy Dragon. Owner was popular with engaging personality.
  8. Badboybilly even got banned from the ban-proof bitchboard. You go to the bottom of the barrel and keep digging to find posters like him. Billabonk more reminiscent of heygay' cottaging, but wanking in toilets can be more thought of as exhibitionalism rather than as a oral servicing kink. It's possibile to wank in a booth privately but I'm imagining an audience would push the release button. Time to get my mind out of the toilet. 555
  9. cruisingforsex.com the place to go for latest toilet action. Look under Thailand and then the city
  10. Waxing the chest is the most painful area of the body in my experience. Haven't bothering body waxing in decades but an occasional trim suffices
  11. Bar is now called One. Rumors that it was to be merged with Duc's proved false. The former management of Leks, just down the Soi moved in. None of the baby faced staff from Leks remain and bar is no longer sleazy, at least from a glance. Old Crazy Pub still shuttered and rumours of new businesses there also proved false.
  12. I like wee willie and thought of registering as wee williewillie. My mistake GB. Thought I read firecat was banned. Maybe he just felt unwanted. Firecat a core poster here and a mainstay.
  13. Sometimes, venting helps clear the decks. This thread as good an excuse as any to let it all hang out. We can't always be nice boys and anger is best vented relatively harmlessly on an innocuous thread. Even gentlemans boards need some airing out of accumulated old debris and grievances. Don't worry vinapu, we will be back to nice in a jiffy.
  14. Can't imagine why KhorTose and firecat have been banned on gaybuttonthai. Bashing a forum owner and getting banned. Ummm, maybe there's a connection. The iron fist has eradicated from his forum, a serial nabob of negativity, whose every post was edited, deleted or given warnings. Sometimes, an iron fist is the only way to deal with ego personality disordered pests. Strong personalities seem the rule on gaythailand forums with the exception of scooby.
  15. A forum can get too complacent and a few disturbances can stir up things before they settle back in the comfort zone
  16. Why am I left wondering what scooby thinks of all this? Scooby ... Where are you? (From the theme song of the cartoon show, as I recall).
  17. It appears the 'tempest in a tea pot' has cooled down and clarified. Nice to be surprised and so easy to be cynical.
  18. Perchance, this issue would have been better directed to the out in Thailand website. The owner did request comments be sent there but since he choose to ask for comments on this forum, he's getting what he asked for. I think it would be interesting if Christian or gaybutton would revisit this thread in a few months and see if there's any improvement. Personally, I have little or no expectation of accuracity on any free bar handout and understand their reason for existence is to get paid for advertising, have polls for best bar with bars they pump somehow winning, and of course, the old hag drag queen giving advise to the lovelorn. Worth a glance when in the toilet and nothing else to read
  19. Or the same 25 y.o.+ muscular bubble butt well endowed man. I rarely have to worry that my dream boat will be offed by another farang unlike the skinny fem waifs that punters have to rush to the bar at opening or even book in advance. As big stated, it takes all kinds
  20. Thanks vinapu for resurrecting this old thread. The more things change, the more they stay the same to paraphrase an oldie. The smoking in bars/excessively loud music threads are back again on the other forums and the same tired old points are stirring up the posters for the umpteenth time. The indignant righteous ones versus the 'who gives a shit about anyone else' sides are as predictable as the political conservatives versus the liberals and so it goes. Nobody wins and the venting seems to satisfy until the next time. I knew one farang who could walk into a bar with 60+ boys and proclaim not one worked him. Then he'd spot a skinny fem waiter and be in bliss. vinapu knows well that what rocks most farangs boat, sinks other farangs boats.
  21. Just a few errors after all. Anyone wanna bet the errors will still be there in six months?
  22. You asked for feedback. Self promotion and hyping rarely the route to success.
  23. We've all see old farangs parading around Dongtan Beach in thongs and skimpy swimsuits. Fair chance the thread author was looking for himself to wear the sexy underwear.. When I read about nude events in saunas, I can't imagine how other farangs can block out the unsightly behemoths and septuagenarians. I shudder at the thought of all that blubber.
  24. I was referring to farangs who feel it is disrespectful and rude to look inside a boybar and decide against going inside. I also feel that not being firm with obnoxious rude mamasans is for wimps and being coerced into buying them drinks is weakness personified. Boys that presume to sit down with you without being asked or push hard tips are best ignored but when they grab your arms or get really obnoxious, it's time to raise your voice and certainly not be polite. Fortunately, these experiences are rare for most but the weak Caspar Milquetoasts among us get played as they are easy touches. We all have our own style and my only issue with pushover farangs is when they complain.
  25. His name is A. He used to work in the old XBoyland on Pattayaland Soi 1 . Same guy ?
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