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Everything posted by williewillie

  1. We ugly old fat farangs are fortunate that the boys don't think like us and aren't revolted by what we see as hideous. Some of us are younger, slimmer, and not so hard on the eyes but you still need baht in your pocket to play in paradise. Even the oldest ugliest and fattest among us can find what they want, they only need baht to live the dream.
  2. vinapu always right on target and hits the nail on the head with this post. It helps that we both share similar tastes.
  3. All boys are available to be offed at XBoys. Some boys refuse Arabs, Indians /Pakistanis and Africans. Some farangs have bad reputations and boys avoid them but otherwise all the boys want to make money.
  4. The last few days have seen an exodus of gay farangs. Sunny Boys in Sunee Plaza now easy to get a seat. Bar beers also largely empty on a weekend evening.
  5. I saw the 10pm show on Friday and it was amazing. About a dozen boners in opening act, followed by 5 naked pairs, still aroused, sexy dancing. Third act was 3 boy shower show also in the buff. Some new boys and future superstars. There was no tobacco smoking that night but big spending groups who smoke are sometimes accommodated. Money talks. Ear plugs always a good idea as music is at high level. Gogo boys before show mostly average.
  6. Quite a few farangs pay their check bins immediately after getting their drinks. Some have several drinks and pay after each.
  7. Usually a large group of friendly massage boys outside. It's been there for a long time. Easy to chat with the boys outside and not the pressure of picking one from a line up. Owner, Noi speaks English well.
  8. XBoys moved across the Soi to its present location (it was Xboys Pattayaland once). Large stage usually with around 20 friendly eager Gogo boys. Erotic show several times nightly. Tobacco smoking allowed. Drinks 260b. Monthly 'special' shows. Music can be quite loud.
  9. A very good farang friend of mine agrees in part with firecat. He liked the way the bar and boys were before and doesn't go to Funny anymore. Firecat misinterrupted my post as I never said Funny was a skinny twink bar before, nor did I compare it to Sunny or Dream Boys. It's manly guys and lots of them, perhaps fewer than under Rose but still plenty and many are stunners. No boy bar is for everyone and every taste. I could harp on for years about when Wild West Boys was incredible and how it completely lost its way but the way things were years ago are now just fading memories. The present is still incredible and boybars like Funny Boys are still great. Most Farangs prefer Toy Boys, where the boys are thinner and more boyish, but for this poster Funny Boys is more my style. There are enough bars and boys for everyone.
  10. Some boys ask for big money when the customer is particularly unattractive or very demanding and/or super morbid obese. They hope it will dissuade him and some more desparate boy will take the job. And some boys like to try their luck. Imagine for a moment, you had to have sex with some of the old men you know. You'd try to maximize the baht, or avoid the most hideous. I know one man who insists he come 3 times fucking the boy before he pays the agreed upon amount. He's younger than average but very demanding. The boys hate him and he complains endlessly. To him, the boys are just a hole. He claims not to care if they even have a cock and hires women when the boys refuse his demands. I avoid him.
  11. Everyone was not enamored with Rose, who could be a bitch and turn off easily. Agree he was a brilliant mamasan but also agree with vin, Funny boys still a great boy Gogo bar filled with hot Thai guys, just not a skinny twink bar. One can buy a partnership as the farang owner is ailing and is looking for a partner or full sale. The 'alleged' suicide of a former partner is a fact and was a cause of much vicious gossip on gaythailand forums.
  12. Massage Shop with many boys outside. Mostly manly Thai guys and lots of choice.
  13. Veteran of at least 15 years, Toy Boys usually full of attractive boys. Few tattooes, no tobacco smoking and a comfortable bar. Lots of Chinese customers and whiter skinned boys are in the majority.
  14. Funny Boys a long time standard in Boyztown. Extremely comfortable seating, usually a large number of handsome boys on a central stage. Same ownership as Panarama and discount cards available. No tobacco smoking. Long time mamasan Rose has left much to the chagrin of many farangs.
  15. Tonight Vassa Boys was closed and all the boys went to Lucky 7 Boys around the corner to help celebrate the farang owners Thai bf' s birthday. The stage was full at Lucky 7, free food and lots of customers.
  16. There's a major divide between farangs who like manly boys and those who like pretty twinks types. There are many boy bars in Pattaya for every taste. The difference in boys between Vassa and A-Bomb is dramatic. There are also ladyboy boy bars in Pattaya which are popular. A-Bomb Boys for man lovers.
  17. A intimate Gogo boy bar that favors twinks and pretty boys. Boys wear towels two nights a week. Small stage and tobacco smoking allowed.
  18. A-Bomb Boys Club is a Gogo boy bar that favored bigger more masculine Thai guys. There's usually some slimmer boys but never skinny fem boys. Comfortable seating, well air-conditioned and a friendly manager who can be very helpful if you ask.
  19. Kawaii has been a stalwart for years and usually has a large group of Gogo boys. Bar feels somewhat narrow and deep and has longest stage of the boy Gogo bars. One of the many choices customers have for a drink and a boy. Kawaii means cute or lovely in Japanese.
  20. Perfect description.
  21. Heygay aka lmtu will be remembered as the great cottager. Fame is fleeting.
  22. Dream Boys reopened last year, after a long time closed. Bar best for slim younger Thai guys fanciers. Not as many boys as they started with but still usually enough. Tobacco smoking up to you.
  23. Lucky 7 boys has been around for years, recently reopening after being closed for some time. Mixed group of usually friendly boys which can vary from only a handful to a dozen or more. Tobacco smoking sometimes.
  24. A large bar beer with rugged host boys lined up on bar stools. All are musculine, in jeans and usually offering a show. The show takes place behind a screened area for an agreed upon sum. Most open big packages.
  25. I'd never go anywhere else, if they had boys like vinapu craves. Bar is still a blast but can be dead one hour and roaring a hour later. Customers with set-ups soak up half a dozen boys and a big tipper will have them lined up. 20b. notes happily accepted. You may see more than you want as some over the hill farangs are shameless.
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