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Everything posted by williewillie

  1. During the show, many Gogo boys, not in the show, go outside to the patio and are agreeable to sitting with customers for a drink and a chat. It's quieter than inside, less distracting and the drinks are much cheaper. One can pay the off fee or get a telephone #, or both or neither. Many boys, in the show," go on stage after the show ends are are available to off. There's a short window before the late show starts, with some different show boys than the earlier show. There are dozens of average looking boys, who are not in high demand who will accept less than the more popular boys who expect more baht and they get it. Like everywhere, one can get to know the boys and find out many are glad to come over to your place during non-working hours for less than one might expect. A regular once or twice a week customer is very welcome especially during the long low season. Some farangs have to say 'Cannot' as too many boys want to come over for a short time. Fat old unattractive farangs too. Just need baht baby. I love this bar.
  2. Very photogenic boy and good photography as well. Were the pix 10 years old or over a period of years, or recent? This query directed to jfarmer and not a wise cracking troll or know nothing silly fool.
  3. Tuesday night is music/entertainment night. Tonight featured a Thai man singing lots of old standards, mostly from the 70's and 80's. He sang from a deep bass to a high falsetto and the crowd seemed to enjoy his singing even thou mostly off key and sometimes cringe worthy. Sort of like a piano bar kareoke mix. The bar no longer has use of the swimming pool btw. Lots of host boys.
  4. We checked out Xboys last night. Not many customers, no one smoking cigarettes, and only issue was very loud music. Out of the 8-9 boys in the opening act, known as the bigcock show, 5-6 were very hot and the others were fine. Don't be late and miss the first act. I'll try to remember earplugs next time. We had a good old time at first show at 10pm.
  5. We went to Dream Boys tonight. Lots of very hot boys, about 20. No fem or skinny, but many twinks and almost all smiling and very friendly. An annoying mamasan and can have cigarette smoking but tonight the a/c was great and the air clear. A really good boybar worth checking out.
  6. It's Chinese, not Japanese. Actually best new idea for lady boy, girl, boy bar. With hordes of Chinese in Boyztown area nightly, opening a sexy bar for Chinese is inspired. Chinese customers often mixed couples want to see Tiffany style ladyboys, real ladies and boys and men with some cabaret and show. Apparently the latest incarnation of Wild West boys will be a something for everyone type sexy bar. The old farang market is not important, unprofitable, demanding. I know one old very large farang who goes to the Boyzboyzboyz show for the 10:30 show and stays for the midnight show nursing a glass of water, demanding more ice and a front row seat. 3 hours with one drink and he doesn't tip. He takes up 2 seats btw.
  7. Heavy rain storm today in Pattaya certainly cooled things down.
  8. Spook, I heard tonight that the weekly music has moved outside the pool area and Ting Tong Red may not be using the pool anymore. Things keep changing and best to check it out when you're in Pattaya. Mario very friendly.
  9. Ting Tong Red has expanded and has a additional area along side the swimming pool with a wooden boardwalk and swinging seating. They also have weekly parties at the pool. No entrance fee, just buy a drink. Some boys in swimming suits. Many 'twinks' hosts. Also a new kitchen has been added with large menu. Mostly an older German speaking crowd but owner, Mario makes all feel welcome.
  10. I saw them twice just before Songkran and there was a vast improvement. Many of the original boys were back and most of the replacements were gone. Boyzboyzboyz has been packed with Chinese and too crowded.
  11. I like kokopelli, he's a man of distinction.
  12. williewillie


    Som just altered a pair of pants for me. I bought them on line and they fell down without a belt. Som reduced the waist. We joked it was harder to make the waist larger. The fit was perfect and I could find no evidence of his work. Perfect job for 100baht.
  13. I also passed by a couple of nights ago and a saw a sign that said Wild West Boys Saloon. Also saw large sign written in Chinese. I encountered a couple of farang newbies outside of Boyzboyzboyz after the 10:30 show. They were disappointed in the show and frankly, I agreed as the show kinda limped along with a couple of flat boring parts. One asked if there were any other sexy male show bars, so I suggested Xboys as it was only other erotic show. Very glad I didn't suggest Wild West Boys. A-447 sat right in front of us at Boyzboyzboyz show. He got VIP treatment and was seated in front row, next to big group of Chinese, who made room for him. Too bad the show was subpar, especially for a Saturday night,
  14. Some farangs refuse ice cubes with their drinks and believe one can get sick from ice cubes. Other won't eat salads. If a restaurant is filthy, don't eat there. Maybe one gets used to the microbes after being here for a long time. I haven't had a problem in years and use ice cubes, eat salad greens and lots of Thai food.
  15. Koko on target. Anything goes in Pattaya. There's never an excuse for old farangs to wear short shorts and have their balls hang out.
  16. Many non Thai guys/boys work on gayromeo and other similar sites. Plenty of Africans and sometimes young Russians looking to make some money. Certainly, less risky than working illegally in a boybar and with English skills, a young Singaporian should make a good amount of baht. Some Vietnamese boys work in boybars but don't go with customers. Lots of boys from Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar can be found in Jomtien complex but they can and do get rounded up by the authorities occasionally. And, many Thai boys go to Singapore and can make more money there than in Thailand. Assume it's all on the Internet.
  17. Have now heard from two sources that the 9 pm lineup outside Boyzboyzboyz has stopped happening. It was a nice view from Oscars or several other boy beer bars nearby. It was only a sampling of the boys as some arrive after 9 pm and many were not in the lineup. Maybe a low season thing?
  18. You are spot on. I know very little about fem boys and steer clear. Not that there is anything wrong with them or their fanciers.I am fortunate not to have to fantasize about manly men, as my sex life is full and fantastic living in Pattaya and having enough money to do what I want. I have no use for aggressive masculine tops either and no interest in them. I don't like pix of boys with titties and with the ignore feature on this forum, I don't have to see them. Some posters here can't handle that their pix are ignored , but that just tough titties.
  19. I gather from Bobs quote that the obsessed stalker is once again following my postings with the usual ugly hatred. It's amazing how ugliness in the body and soul permeate ones postings. Pure ugliness from the ugliest just continues as the moderator sees no problem with stalkers spewing endless ugly rants. So simple to ignore but when one is obsessed all they can do is wait for a chance to spew more hatred. My complaints to the moderator have not been addressed but this obsessed bully cannot control anyone except some poor fem boys who only want real breasts to make their lives complete. They put up with extreme ugliness. And to think he invited me to eat dinner with him. As if anyone could have an appetitive facing ugliness personified. About now, the moderator usually steps in and deletes all this garbage selectively and without comment.
  20. LAguy is on the money. I only have two posters 'on ignore' and can enjoy all the others posters pix. Few of us are as open to all types and all kinds as Michael. I imagine bi sexuals must have a wide range and one farang friend in Bangkok likes boys, ladyboys and women. I lost interest in the forum during the heavy inundation of ladyboys, fem boys and boys with titties pix period, but amazingly the forum has swung to the very masculine Tawan guys with lots of postings and pix. So easy to put pests, stalkers, obsessive ranters on IGNORE. If someone doesn't like weewilliewillie , just ignore. So simple !
  21. Well, if katoey not your thing, at least Castro will change into a boy Gogo bar when Cupidol takes over the spot, next to Panarama and steps away from Boyzboyzboyz. Will the new Cupidol follow the strict no tobacco smoking policy of all the other a/c enclosed bars on the Boyztown Soi (Pattayaland soi 3) ? Will this mean the further demise of Pattayaland Soi 1? With so many closed dark bars, it looks sad. The old Xboys, the old Lucky 7 and several others long closed including City Boys on the corner, which is empty for 10 years. Pattayaland Soi 2 not much better with old Wild West Boys a faint memory, Happy Place empty and only A-Bomb left.
  22. We saw the new B- Boys once again last night at Boyzboyzboyz. With only one original member, they pale in comparison to the award winning original group. The emcee at Boyzboyzboyz does give them a 100B. to start the tipping after their performance, but whether they pay more is questionable. I wonder what happened to the group. I should have asked trongbai who was in the audience last night as he's very knowledgable.
  23. We went to Funny Boys tonight to kill some time before the 10:30 Boyzboyzboyz show. I noticed a lad wearing a jock strap on stage and looked in. The a/c is superb and there were many boys in addition to the bare cheeked lad in the jock strap. First time in a long time that Funny boys was comparable to Toy Boys, with many attractive twink types and several bigger boys. Btw, Boyzboyzboyz was sensational as usual with 90 % Chinese audience. Show was chockablock hard cocks.
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