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Everything posted by williewillie

  1. I find it interesting to read a trip report from a young farang in his early thirties. Vast majority of reports written by much older farangs.
  2. Perfect response neddy.
  3. Alain had a Christmas in July party this year complete with decorated Xmas trees and Santa outfits. I wonder if he knew his bar would be closed before this Christmas. Fortunately, Farang boss in next door bar, Double Shot , hosted a lavish Christmas party, complete with free superb buffet. It was well attended and a fun night in Sunee Plaza..
  4. I was at Nice Boys last night with a farang friend and the boys poured off the stage for tips. Some came back several times. Lots of boys, lots of play and lots of tipping. A normal fun night at Nice Boys.
  5. Back on topic... The new owner is Thai and has spent years overseas. His concept is karaoke. Whatever it ends up, it’s preferable to the darkness.
  6. Maybe your hope is more than wishful thinking.There’s activity and it’s been reported that a new owner has bought the old tingtongred..
  7. Back on topic.. I was at Nice Boys tonight with a good friend. There were so many boys on the stage, some were almost falling off. Quite a few Asian customers but few Farangs. I offed a masculine lad and had a great time. I’ve learned to exchange LINE contacts with boys, so it’s easy to see them when the bar is closed. Easy to block or delete when ones interest wanes. One great thing about Nice Boys, is you see it all in the bar and never have to deal with surprises like mooks or silicon.
  8. Boyz Music Show Bar is live music, drums, guitars, singers and boys. Opening night had many customers dancing and having fun. The gogo boys were all over, in the bar, out in the soi. Very easy to meet and friendly. The day of the older gay farang has passed and the target is the Asian customers, gay and straight, male and female. That’s the point and the way to survive and thrive for this boy bar. The formula for success is the Asian market. Toy Boys is next door and will benefit from the increased numbers of punters, drawn to Boyztown by Boyz Music.
  9. Boyz Music Show Bar opened tonight, November 22nd. Ample free buffet, free drinks and quite a blast. The large number of gogo boys from Boyzboyzboyz were on stage. Boyzboyzboyz will close at midnight and there will be a sexy boy and cabaret show around 12:30 am. Very successful opening.
  10. Short time rooms are for two hours or less. Pop Inn a good value at 250b. with a/c, hot water in shower and comfortable bed.
  11. Big Boy changing to Baidu gogo Bar. New signs and large photos outside of ladies. It’s going to be a lady gogo bar. With lady gogo bars closing all over Pattaya, it appears to be a bad idea.
  12. A lad I’m friendly with, called me to the back of Nice Boys. He was eating and there was a big spread of different Thai foods. He offered me some. I was very impressed that the Thai managers had food for the boys.
  13. That’s the way it is.
  14. Show times have shifted around. As of now, first show 10:20 pm and second show midnight. Last night the earlier show had many boys arriving late as their previous engagement ran late. I was tempted to stay for second show but an hour wait too long, even with many good looking sexy gogo boys on the stage.
  15. Opening scheduled for November 22nd. Complimentary buffet on opening night.
  16. I had bad information. Big Boy did not reopen.
  17. Big Boy boy bar closed tonight and doormen next door said the Chinese owners went back to China and Big Boy is finished. Some of their staff is already next door at Dream Boys and in the 10:40 show, which was superb tonight..
  18. Confusing thread full of misinformation from the terry Good to see 3 reliable members set things straight.
  19. I saw the show again last night. Many changes in the cast of boys and even one ladyman different. It’s hard to see how Dream Boys can afford to pay for the shows with few customers. Probably pinning their hopes on upcoming high season . I’m hoping last night was an off night and the show boys that dazzled me will be back. Hope springs eternal..
  20. I’m in full agreement but realize that older gay farangs are a small minority in the show bars audience and that they cater to thelarge majority audience , namely Chinese and other Asians who seem to enjoy lip syncing ladymen. The day of the older gay farang is past and the present and future is Asians, straight couples, women in groups and gay Asian men.
  21. I saw a large selection of sexy male underwear tonight in same location. I want to buy some as gifts for boys I like. I noticed they weren’t copies of name brands and looked like good quality.
  22. We went to Big Boy tonight. 9-10 dressed gogo boys with numbers. Masculine guys, no twinks. Show was very similar to old 360 boys. Drinks 260 B. for soft drinks, 360 for alcoholic beverages. Audience all Asian. Smoking encouraged, ash strays everywhere. 5 ladymen lipsyching for a large part of the show and the audience loved it. We will not return. The music was largely Chinese and the audience eat it up. Several boys from Boyzboyzboyz in the show.
  23. Big Boy gogo boy bar was open tonight. I went inside and about six boys got up from the sofa and went on the stage. All were wearing shirts and pants and had numbers. There were another ten boys outside on the large patio. They told me better to come back tomorrow. They said there would be a sexy boy show. It’s a soft opening and probably there will be a grand opening with balloons and food soon Fully clothed gogo boys will be a bummer. I’ll check it out again in a day or two. At the very least, there are boys and from my brief look, the boys looked good overall.
  24. Perhaps they are still looking for gogo boys to staff the new bar. There has been activity at the bar for weeks with many people setting things up and checking things out. We will find out what’s what shortly. One of the doormen is an old timer from Boyzboyzboyz and also worked at Oscars and Copa Massage until recently. He might know more.
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