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Everything posted by anddy

  1. Indra a "no hanky-panky" shop.... yeah right lol. Masseur will get naked, even do a "body slide" (or whatever you call it). and more.... including shower together after. Rooms are rooms, nut just curtained partitions, but the room's "doors" are curtains if I remember correctly (I don't put much weight on this as I don't care). Shower down the hall, correct. Agree on The Prime, my go-to place for a good proper massage without intentions for extras. Though it can happen depending on the guy, and in fact I advance book one guy sometimes for his super sensual massage and expert HJ ;-) On the other hand, I advance book another guy there sometimes when I'm in need of the best massage I can get (he gets a gigantic tip for that, too, with no extras involved [though once or twice he has done it too,lol, but not my reason to go to him]). Nice guy with lots of experience, has worked at Prime for 7 years.
  2. don't call it double edged. The criticism, if it was that, was all constructive and polite, for everyone's educational benefit, including probably your own. That's what friends are for, constructive criticism, right? Nobody dissed you. Keep on writing away
  3. interestingly, I saw several such boy host bars in Japan for women only, no men allowed! One I remember in particular in Osaka had a GIANT billboard above the door, with a dozen or two large pictures of the boys apparently available inside. All of them, with no exception, looked very feminine and/or androgynous. And that's a bar for women only, mind you. Weird concept I thought.... but that's Japan. You apologize if and when you ever write a short post, not a long one, OK!!!?!!!
  4. yes I'm the same, I never go to the full-service gay massage shops, but to the "str8" or "normal" shops. I kinda like the suspsense as to whether or not something will happen... sometiems it does, sometimes it doesn't (sometimes even despite a raging hard-on)..... and sometimes I actually don't want something to happen, just a nice massage. One of my favorite places for just a very good massage is The Prime in Silom Soi 6. Though HE can happen there, it is not guaranteed, had guys ignore a hard on there many times. But then again, there is one guy there who gives a super expert HJ. Then there are easily half a dozen on Silom between Patpong and Rama 4. One shop I go to often there is Pranee, on the 2nd floor above the 24 hour Boots pharmacy next to the BTS. It is a small, simple and unpretentious place wtih only guys and always good massage. Cheap, too. Often (but not always) they will offer HE (or just proceed lol)
  5. very true, there is HJ and HJ..... interestingly, there is a guy at The Prime massage who does a particularly sensual massage followed by particularly expert HJ, so I've been booking him a few times. Of course (for those who don't know), The Prime is not a full-service gay shop, but a regular "legit" shop, i.e. masseur stays fully clothed the entire time (exceptions may prove the rule, but depend on personal chemistry), no shower together, and even HJ is not guaranteed (had guys completely ignore a raging hard on during the massage).
  6. you can't compare a condo to a hotel. There is no such thing as "security" that would police visitors of residents (unless visitors come unaccompanied to visit a resident and request access to te premises). There are no hotel-like operations, these are private homes of people, and as such everyone can do with and in their rooms what they want, including bringing as many people as they wish, none of the condo's or security's business whatsoever. Since you were a resident, as evidenced by possession of the key card, all this applies to you as well. That the AirBnB thing makes it somewhat hotel-like is a private thing between the owner and you, and again outside the scope of the condo and their security. A condo is a condo, a hotel is a hotel, and a serviced apartment is somewhere in between, though closer to a hotel than a condo. Serviced apartment can be a neat alternative to a hotel if you want the home-away-from-home thing but with the amenities of hotel service (i.e. maid and such)
  7. that's not a balcony, that's a giant terrace lol ;-) Balconies are important though, I use mine (small) for drying laundry all the time. Faster and cjeaper and better for the clothes than using a dryer. Is that the one where you went for your stuff (apart from Ikea)? Where exactly is it? Asking coz there used to be a smaller Index in MBK where I went sometimes, as it was so convenient. Not anymore, so now don't know where to find them, other than the far out one in Bangna.
  8. Never really measured the time of actual sex, but like others said it varies with the guy and what we like to to. Can be hot steamy and quick, or prolonged with lots of kissing etc (which I love). I had one good friend (Thai) once fuck me I think for 45 minutes, during which I went from hard to soft to hard again and finally cum, at which point he came too, incredible stamina and control. With this same guy I also had a 24-hour-experience like cdnmatt, which was one of the best I've ever had. There was this unskpoken closeness we both enjoyed immensely and which was better than any sex ever can be... Couldn't agree more!
  9. do not dare to worry about being too long lol, they are awesome, you're style is mezmerizing, particularly the "too personal" parts! Too bad I couldn't catch you this trip, but next one for sure! :-)
  10. not tried 4 hands at Banana, but I'd imagine it to be a good experience based on somewhat similar experience I had there recently. Went with a guy I met from another forum for a couple massage in a room with 2 beds. After the other guy made his selection, manager was helpful with my selection as he said one of the 2 boys I fancied wouldn't be ok to do that (i.e. perform in front of coworker), so chose the other. And perform he did ;-) Fucked me really well in front of the other guy with his masseur, them doing their own thing, mostly continuing their massage lol. Their extras apparently only came after we were finished and left the room to shower. So with the help of the manager you should get a good experience I believe.
  11. not sure there is a blood test for Gonorrhea... last I did several months ago was a swab. For all "gay" health issues www.sathornclinic.com is a good place to go, cute gay doctor runs it
  12. foot massage not int the usual sitting position, sounds unusual indeed ;-) Will have to try for sure!
  13. thanks for informative report... A few comments and questions: Interesting experience at Oasis.... While I did have HE in the form of HJ there, yours was well beyond that. Interestingly, they have a sign at the cashier asking customers to report any "indecent" offers to the management LOL I agree with you on the suspense aspect, this is my preference too. But at this particular massage you mention at Mantra, who was there any such suspense when it was just a foot massage? LOL, that's part of the fun!! I don't got to these bars, but if I did, other customers coming in would add to the thrill!! Silom Soi 3? Are you sure? That's the Soi just before the Bangkok Bank headquarter building, also called Soi Phiphat. I'm not aware of any massage shop there, but then again not sure as I don't pass through that soi often
  14. anddy

    Lumpini Park

    Yup, his English is indeed perfect. Smart, cute, sexy :-)
  15. anddy

    Lumpini Park

    well I got mine from the Bangkok Christian Hospital for free, but that's because I went there anyway because of something else and asked for it. They just gave it to me at no extra cost from the bill I got for the other things. I would think it won't be expensive there. Alternatively, go to www.sathornclinic.com, the gay doctor that has been mentioned here somehwere a few times. Very small clinic (or rather really a doctor's practice) and nice people and doctor. They now have two branches, one on Suan Phlu and the other conveniently right on Silom next to Noodi's, adjacent to the small soi where G.O.D. is.
  16. looks like a really nice guy.... too bad I'm not a visitor/tourist anymore, so need need for their services ;-)
  17. anddy

    Lumpini Park

    there is an underground passage at the Silom MRT as well. And an overpass bridge about halfway between the two corners of the park
  18. overdue rent? And THAT much? From online reports such as on this forum it seems business was going well, so it's not that they couldn't afford the rent. Which means it seems a poorly run business, and from a business standpoint they'd deserve to be closed. Having said that, someone on that other forum posted this: So that would different of course, sounds like the usual greed here that kills some businesses. By the same token, they should be able to reopen in a new location. Banana did, so why shouldn't they? Never been to Hero, so maybe should try now hehe ;-)
  19. If this info is correct, then Hero will close on May 31. Got this from another forum, someone posted it there so I can't vouch for accuracy, but then again I have no reason to believe it's a hoax
  20. anddy

    Lumpini Park

    For the swimming pool you need a membership with the Lumphini fitness club (they have an indoor gym right next to the pool, the membership can be appled for at the reception desk there). Needs some paperwork such as health certificate and passport copy and such, cost is only 40 Baht/year for the membership. Each use of the pool then costs 15 Baht. So not really suitable for visitors
  21. In Bangkok, go to www.sathornclinic.com, small clinic in Soi Suan Phlu, just opposite of Soi 8. This is a good place for a gay couple as it is owned and run by a gay doctor, thus specializing in "gay medicine" including HIV and all other STDs. The doctor is young and a very nice guy (and in fact very cute and sexy lol).
  22. Further info about the streetfood restaurant in Silom Soi 9: Please note that on June 2 they will move to the 1st floor (left hand side) of nearby Silom Plaza, which should be familiar to members as Arena (as well as Spabangkok) is in the same mall. I guess they will give themselves a name, too, when they're there lol. I'm just hoping that the quality won't suffer and prices won't go up too much....
  23. I have a card that allows me to withdraw money globally without fees from the card issuer, so I've been using that exclusively when I travel for years, though now not in Thailand anymore now that I live and have a bank account here. ATM is so much more convenient and safe than cash and having to go exchange it. Well worth the fee, which is very small as some pointed out here. Especially if you withdraw one large sum right away, THB 20,000 for example, so you incur the ATM fee of 200 only once. Tip: the ATMs of Citibank on Silom road do not charge that 150 or 200 Baht ATM fee, at least the last time I tried which is admittedly more than a year ago.
  24. good point. I don't know where the whole human obsession with monogamy comes from, really. In the past, polygamy existed, but that was a one sided affair only for men, women of course couldn't do that. Maybe they don't want it either, I don't know. But (some) men seem to veer in that direction - and who says you can't love more than one person????? People love at least 2 people right from the beginning of their lives, i.e. mother and father. Then, perhaps, more family members, then a lover, so why not more than one lover? As always, everyone is different, but if it works for someone, why not?
  25. oh sorry, I should have mentioned that....
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