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Everything posted by anddy

  1. true, structurally the language is very simple, it's the tones that make it difficult (at the beginning) and it takes some time to develop an "ear" for the tones as well as the ability to produce them correctly (note: tone is not made by tone of voice, but a throat position, from which the tone automatically follows) An observation regarding the adjectives coming after the noun: that's actually also true in French, so I found it not very unusual, though to an exclusive English speaker it may be.
  2. I agree with what has been said here about the boy's own motivation to learn the language. If he has it, he will succeed, if not, it will be a waste of time and money. At the same time, the learning process should be a fun experience, not boring and dull which studying grammar, for example, is by definition. Besides, studying grammar is completely unnecessary to be able to communicate in any language. Nobody EVER learned their first language by studying grammar. Grammar is an afterthought, taught only AFTER you have already mastered the language as a child. The same goes for reading and writing, which can come second after being able to speak, though it can be useful for an adult learner I'll concede. So picking a school that has a FUN teaching approach will help both the learning process and the learners motivation (especially a Thai boy's!) Yes you can. You are not dumb that way, anyone can learn new languages. As a westerner, just don't try to use traditional language teaching methods when trying to learn a language as alien to western languages as Thai, being tonal to boot. That's a recipe for frustration. I speak pretty decent Thai by now, and rather effortlessly, too. And note that I put close to ZERO effort into it, only time and patience with no goals and no pressure on myself. The magic does work and is available for a rather cheap price at - AUA! (Bangkok only) So if you live in Bangkok, learning Thai is actually quite easy. For the casual visitor trying to study it in their home country it will unfortunately be very difficult.
  3. I'll have to agree on the low density of cute boys - that's why I said "single men", not "boys" or even "cute boys". So I won't promise you anything interesting in the dusk hours.... ;-)
  4. not sure actual cruising takes place, but Lumphini Park after dark before they close is kinda full of single men oddly sitting on benches or aimlessly walking around, and mostly looking at other males.... For sure no action happens in the park, but who knows if it's not a pick up place given the suspicious men described above.
  5. let me slightly correct that: phonetically it is not like fa-lung, but like fa-rung, because the first letter of the second syllable is the Thai equivalent of an "r" (āļĢ), not that of an "L". Now, the Thai "r" is different from the western/european "r" in that the western one is produced in the throat, whereas the Thai one is produced by rolling the tip o the tongue against the roof of the mouth right behind the front teeth. Now when people speak fast or sloppy or both, that way of producing the Thai "r" makes it sound like "L", which is also produced by touching the roof of the mouth with the tip of the tongue. More often than not, people in day-to-day talk are too lazy to make the proper rolling "r", thus giving rise to the frequent misrepresentation of fa-rung as fa-lung (or fa-rang vs fa-lang, depending on how you'd pronounce the "u" or "a", respectively, in your country). OK, enough linguistic hair-splitting LOL ;-) As for the racism part, it is not a racist term per-se, and it 's common use not meant in such a way. That said, some levels of racism, or should we call it prejudices and reservations, against outsiders do exist in Thai society, but name a country where that's not the case....
  6. anddy


    it's "impatient" and it is coaching and not couching, couching may be when you have sex on the couch (aka the sofa in some languages/areas, including Thailand) LOL . And the person/teacher giving the coaching is called a coach (not coacher or similar). Anyway, your record as well as your approach and patience are very impressive. Congratulations to you and those guys for these successes!
  7. anddy

    Penis Map

    afaik you can select between cm and inches in the settings section of the apps yeah right lol as for the statistics, I agree with previous posters that those are highly questionable and the AVERAGE certainly isn't that small based on my own highly scientific empirical research
  8. interesting story linked in number 3), did't know that and I'm kinda surprised as Thais joke about dying lightheartedly all the time. Did you ask your companion Voy later about some explanation (sometimes there are, sometimes not, of course)? As for 5), apparently in the old days of Ayutthaya Wednesday was reserved for the king's haircuts and doing likewise by commoners was an offense punishable by death, so that superstition has a very real and understandable root (IF that historical explanation is in fact true, which I can't vouch for obviously, but could well be as Ayutthaya was a rather harsh regime)
  9. Absolutely untrue. I get guys all the time (if and when I want to, that is, which is not as often as I would wish for lack of sex drive - very unlike numazu haha), and in fact I rarely ever turn the apps on because if I do I get showered with messages, too much to handle, Some will be "massage boys" sure, but most are not. Very easy to get free guys, also in the discos, or, as below quoted post points out, in the saunas. exactly
  10. anddy


    Yes they do have PrEP, also available from the friendly www.sathornclinic.com. BUT - this shouldn't just be bought and taken like aspirin without supervision by a doctor, as it can have some serious side effects
  11. don't forget the free "show" of muscles at the outdoor gym in Lumphini Park
  12. anddy


    don't worry too much about cum in your mouth, oral is considered low-risk for HIV-infection. If you catch, say, a syphilis or gonorrhea, no big deal. Just get tested regularly not only for hiv but ALL STI's (and thus treated in a timely manner if need be) and you're fine.
  13. anddy


    as assumptions go, they are assumptions and by their very nature flawed and prone to being false. This particular assumption may be true in many cases, yet it would still be short-sighted behavior of those guys. Reason being if you are infected you may still catch a different, drug-resistant virus strain which can ruin your therapy or make a future therapy more difficult. This is a concern especially in lower-income countries because people will not be consistently taking their pills for various reasons which breeds drug resistance.
  14. anddy


    surely the best strategy
  15. anddy


    no sorry if that wasn't so clear. I am not saying it is "okay", but still the risk is lower, though also depending on other factors such as being circumcised or not (cut having a lower risk than uncut). But you are right and to be clear I would not advise doing so. Just *IF* it happens, the risk will be lower than when receiving.
  16. anddy


    as for "keep it wrapped", are you topping them or bottoming? If you top only you risk is much smaller. If you bottom, have him put on the condom, shouldn't bother you would it?
  17. anddy


    1. no risk - no fun, that's a general truth in life 2. you can minimize the risk by playing safe, i.e. use condom for anal, that way you are EXTREMELY unlikely to get hiv (pr Hep-C). You may still get other STI's occasionally, but most of them are easily treatable and thus no serious worry. 3. You may want to consider getting vaccinated for Hep A and B
  18. ggobkk's post +1 This was easily the most enthralling reports I've had the pleasure of reading here. So personal, so engaging, of course so sexy, full of suspense, too. Looking forward to the wrap-up, but will be missing something when it's done - until the next one hopefully
  19. haha I've thought about that trick of keeping the card, but never tried because technically that trick cannot work because the premium lane card has the date stamped on it (at least the ones I had so far). But then they probably won't look at it that closely, and if so, can just argue that's what they gave you on board. Anyway, will keep it in mind ;-) (shhhhhh)
  20. as you get to the immigration lines in the main immigration hall, there are some smallish, not very prominent signs pointing to the right, where the premium lanes (including senior citizens' if I'm not mistakten) are So look to your right as you approach, and you should see the lanes and the signs. Again, easily overlooked if you don't know it's there
  21. no surprise here, I live off of street food as well. It is THE single best solution to eating, as it is both cheap and soooo good. I do have a kitchen, too, but never ever cook, mostly because I'm too lazy, and because I don't know how (Thai food, at least) AND because it's so utterly pointless, when you can get a super delicious Thai meal for the equivalent of 1 or 2 $$. I usually buy my food from a place on Silom, they put it in a plastic bag, add a bag of rice (total price: 55 Baht) and at home I just heat it up in the microwave. Impossible to match the taste and the price by cooking myself. don't ever deny you're the master of suspense, this is in intentionally crafted cliff-hanger!! ;-)
  22. a follow up question to this one: if the customer is really really unattractive, why not just reject him? You on't HAVE to go with any given customer if you don't want to right? Nobody and nothing forces you to, no (apart financial pressures, but let's leave that one out for the moment ok)? I believe go-go boys in the bars in Thailand can do that, i.e. reject an off. May not happen often, but CAN happen. But like I said, I think that is the case, I don't know for a fact, so the experts here please correct me if wrong.
  23. OK since you keep insisting quite often about your poor writing and stubbornly don't believe posts here to the contrary such as vinapu's: you are a shit writer. But you are an AMAZING narrator!!! LOL As for getting angry, that's a general lesson in life, don't judge (and getting angry is a form of judgement, as it implies the other did something wrong) before you know all the facts. So better ask who he was talking to and why BEFORE spitting out the anger at him. That would have quelled the anger even before it would have reached him and led to tears. Mothers are very important to Thai (and Cambodian and Lao, and...) boys, so it was a valid excuse for appearing "rude"
  24. - second hand smoke is already being regulated in many many countries (no smoking in restaurants etc), and its not an issue with any other drug except pot - drunk drinving (on a LEGAL drug, mind you!) is already illegal and obviouly will and must remain illegal, irrespective of the intoxicating substance - there will be no more "drug-related crime" if everything is legalized - the cost for medical treatment is a non-issue once drugs are legalized, because the gazillions of dollars being spent on the pointless and lost "war on drugs" will be saved and can be diverted to health care instead. Besides, these health costs already are already there because drugs ARE being (and have been for millennia and will always be) widely used, legal or not (lost "war on drugs" and all...). - and: now there are many drug related deaths that are not linked to the use of drugs (like overdoses etc), but a result of that stupid war on drugs. A death is a death, and a human being is a human being, right? So in terms of human loss, legalizing will reduce that sharply. Totally agree with Michael, why should using drugs be illegal in the first place? The distribution may an should be regulated (like it already is for all legal drugs, be it recreational drugs like alcohol or tobacco or prescription drugs), but that has nothing to do with the legality of consumption.
  25. they don't have numbers, this is not a go-go bar lol Also, normally you don't get to choose, unless you ask, and then it is from photos on an ipad.
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