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Everything posted by anddy

  1. another classic that strikes the farang as an unusual, yet understandable, use of words is: to open & to close. You "open/close" the aircon/the light/the TV, whatever. They don't use the rather complicated English terminology " to switch/turn on/off". Which, knowing Thai, makes sense because in Thai the equivalent verbs for open and close are used for this purpose (poed เปิด / pit ปิด) Which, if you think about it, isn't that wrong. You flip an electric switch, which "opens" ("closes") a gate for the electricity to flow to the device. As for the intial consonant ng (ง) that @Bob mentioned: this consonant is obviously very common as an ending consonant or in the middle of a syllable in English, so all English speakers can very well pronounce it as such. Just oddly not as an initial consonant which should require just a little getting used to to do it given its ubiquity in English. Try this: you can say "I sing" you can say "I'm singing" now say singing-singing-singing.... successively then and gradually try to leave out the "si" singing-singing-singing-nging-nging-nging I find it very easy from there you can go on to say ngong (งง) which fittingly means confused, puzzled, bewildered
  2. @jason1975 did this bottle thing at Lucky Boys recently and I had the pleasure of joining. We had I think 3 boys and the cute mamasan with us more or less all the time. Was great fun, with fun drinking games (which included opportunity to get 100 Baht instead of drinking for the boys). Though given your initial bar suggestions of bars it may well be that the type of boys (or hunks, rather) you are into may be in short supply at Lucky Boys.
  3. yeah I know they do.. that's what I suspected
  4. why would that be though? Fear of competition? Xenophobia? Thai superiority complex? Other? Can't really think of a "reasonable" reason....
  5. or the "tip off" was simply delayed or insufficient payment of tea money? Like the police need a "tip off" to know what's going on lol
  6. muscle men at Lucky Boys? I've been there I think 4 times now, I saw a couple maybe (let it be three or four as margin of memory error), but that's out of, what, up to 50 boys? Yes they kinda have all types, but the vast majority is either twinky, or slim or swimmer or next door "normal" type. The one muscly guy that stood out on my last visit was indeed quite muscly and beefy, but still not in the same league as Tawan. So while I would also highly recommend Lucky Boys for the sheer number of boys (minus the lady boy / drag queen lipsynching), which produces a decent probability of liking a few of them, I would just want to manage expectations here for someone who has a penchant for Tawan-type muscle hunks. How this all compares to either of the new Dream Boys bars I cannot say, as I haven't been.
  7. never new all those position names haha. Sounds like great fun though
  8. Fun evening that was! Well worth all the red notes I gave to Cambodia boy and Viet boy and L and into the game. jason1975 was kind enough to send me the pictures taken in the lobby with boys and garlanded mamasan L, so nice! Mamasan L is the opposite of the cliche bad pushy obnoxious mamasan, so deserves a good tip. On top, I suspect jason1975 just likes him personally a lot, which is very understandable given his cute and charismatic looks, great smile and great personality. I liked him right away, too, when I first met him. There is only one BIG problem with him..... he is not offable
  9. anddy

    Art Massage

    Sometime recently, Art Massage changed names and is now called Olivia Massage. Which sounds much less appealing to me... Anyone know why this change? Maybe previous owner Mr. Art simply sold it to new owner Ms. Olivia?
  10. yes, we all know it, it is by our very own, esteemed member @DivineMadman But never hurts to re-post the link for anyone who may have missed previous postings
  11. how sweet of you But he DOES have a winning smile, doesn't he? All about the smiles, as the thread title says
  12. that is possible of course!
  13. when we were there on Monday, @jason1975 and me did not observe such behavior. Of course the fuck show couple came around for tips, but that's customary. That was all unless I overlooked or forgot something. Jason1975 might add a comment....
  14. ...who is very cute, both by looks and by personality!
  15. I have stayed at Siam Heritage once a VERY long time ago (might be 10 years), also issues with joiners. Obviously, they still have the same policy of requiring to formally register guests AND pay 900 Baht given the sign at reception jason1975 mentions. But apparently jason1975 had no issues with joiners. Either they relaxed the enforcement of the rules, or jason was just lucky. Here is a theory (jus t a theory, of course) which might explain such luck: jason1975 is Asian, so coming with a boy maybe night guards mistake them for a regular Asian gay couple staying at the hotel. Whereas in a (older) farang plus boy case it would be much more obvious what's going on and they'd be stopped. No idea if there is any truth to this, but I'd advise caution booking this hotel. There have been so many reports of joiner issues (much more recent and therefore more relevant than my old experience) that I wouldn't really trust my luck there, especially as a farang. My 2 cents.
  16. not all monks shave the eyebrows....
  17. haha yeah weirdness is very Japanese Kinda unexpected to the uninitiated observer given the rigid, formal culture, but as has been said before they, too, need an escape But I've never seen a jap. game show.... Only jap porn haha
  18. if I get a chance to meet Babe with @johnsontan this weekend, I shall ask him about his hair.... maybe he ordained as a monk for a few days/weeks? Wouldn't be unusual AND explain the hair.
  19. you are of course right about the Japanese to purposely get drunk in order to break out of the cage of a rigid and reserved society. They're just normal humans like everyone else after all. Just wanted to point out the contrast The whole group was actually very young, seemed like in their twenties to me. They were a fun bunch, with loud cheering when something interesting went on on stake, with or without their own participation lol. They could (should lol) have picked some of the slimmer/fitter guys from their group to get naked, but it was all right, the one guy staying naked for a long time and getting on stage frequently wasn't too bad, they other one made only one appearance and was more chubby than stocky. Made for a very fun evening
  20. they were both a bit stocky, yes, but young and the more active one actually had a kinda cute face. He was quite active with his "role" of getting on stage, often intensely encouraged by the boys, but for some reason he remained completely limp the whole time. Even when trying (and with help from a boy) it didn't grow a bit. Pity, but great fun nonetheless. He even went so far as to be fucked by one of the boys after the official fuck show ended. You'd think this is a totally unique, one-off experience, but boy (3 years experience as a bar boy) told me that it does happen, usually with Japanese. So much for reserved Japanese culture haha
  21. it is an interesting system for sure, but too complicated and difficult to apply in reality - how do you determine the RATIO of shoulder width to body height without measuring them or holding up a grid of squares, as in the illustration? But looking them up in a table when reading his reports sure can give some good indication as to what he is talking about
  22. As it happens, Busaba massage is no longer there. Ir technically maybe it is, in a sense. But it has changed dramatically. The shop seems to have been renovated and refurbished, looking like new and more upscale than the old Busaba now. Also the name changed to "Relax Thai Massage". See this picture taken from Natural Massage just opposite: In rather typical Thai fashion, nobody bothered to take off the big old Busaba sign board above. Otherwise, it has no resemblance to the old place. This changed happened very suddenly and very quickly, I had seen the old place not very long ago, maybe in May. As for other shops, on the right hand side there are the following shops, in this order coming from Silom: 1. the new Natural Massage as described by Mack in his blog, some boys sitting outside 2. Center Point Massage, almost invisible as nobody ever sits outside 3. Paradise Massage, not THAT new anymore, but facilities still in excellent shape, always boys sitting outside. Very gay, no minimum tip but extras virtually always offered, but still good massages (my experience). In Mack's categorization I'd put this between type 2 and 3. 4. Classic Massage, formerly Ben Ten girlie massage. Changed their concept from girlie to mixed, now always boys (and some girls) sitting outside 5. The Green Massage, sometimes, but not always boys sitting outside. Well known type 2 shop using Mack's system.
  23. if you go on your won profile page, you'll see a circle to the left that would contain your profile picture/avatar. There is a small picture icon there, you can click that to add/change it. Signature I don't know....
  24. doesn't look like a "BABE" anymore.... pity
  25. that's quick, the pics from June 7th don't look like it would be done in just a week, but then again why not. Too bad I can't go to the Grand Opening (assuming there is one) because of other commitments tomorrow...
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