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Everything posted by anddy

  1. I would, but super tied-up at the moment. Only MAYBE later at nights for a drink, but can't promise anything
  2. slight correction if I may: ggobkk means departure level (=level 4), not arrivals level I fully agree with this. Even with traffic taxi is usually faster than all those trains with changing trains and stations multiple times, and then STILL not at front door of hotel requiting another walk or taxi.... Taxi may FEEL slower, coz with traffic at times you're not moving much or not moving at all, but I NEVER take those trains (too lazy) and it has NEVER taken more than 1 hour to get to Silom. With no trafffic it's just over half an hour. Plus it's dirt cheap, for me definitely worth the convenience (especially if with a big suitcase). Since OP @12is12 asked for FASTEST I would still take a taxi even at that time. The advantage of taking the train is you have near-certainty as to how long it will take (only "near" coz in rush hour you may not be able to get on the next train coz it's full).
  3. would love to meet, but unfortunately I'm usually out of town over Songkran...
  4. here is some more anecdotal evidence about the safety and honesty of Thais in general: when people on motorcycles park their bikes, they ALWAYS leave the helmets just hanging on the mirror or similar. NOBODY, EVER, locks it to their bike or in the compartment under the seat. Neither do I with my bike/helmet. That's unheard of in other countries, including all of Europe. Never are any helmets stolen here, though. However, there is ONE serious safety risk in Bangkok that the OP should be worried about (pretty much the only one, really): a sprained ankle from the notoriously treacherous sidewalks of Bangkok, with loose tiles, potholes and unexpected poles to bump into when looking at one's phone (or companion) and whatever else. That's a REAL risk in Bangkok, unlike all the others he has posted about. Now with that in mind he should stop worrying, go with the flow and have fun.
  5. do not worry about that. In THIS forum nobody will be "offended" by such content. If in the unlikely event that someone is, then that's HIS problem (easily solved by not reading such content), not yours.
  6. Paradise massage on Silom Soi 6 opens at 10am (according to google). It's not a full-service gay shop as Prince or Arena or Senso, but it's very gay nonetheless, meaning "things" WILL happen there....
  7. he's blonde, so must be Stockholm
  8. get crisp USD at Superrich, they have a special service for that, knowing that in some countries you need those. They a slightly more expensive than regular USD notes, which is understandable and if I remember correctly the difference is negligible. I was in Cambodia only this last March and already completely forgot what the currency situation was LOL.
  9. it's actually not that new, been around for close to a year by now I believe. There has been at least one report about it here: https://www.gayguides.com/forums/topic/12173-trip-report-christmas-in-bangkok-and-new-year-in-pattaya/?do=findComment&comment=130034
  10. you could have solved that issue more, uhm, elegantly by taking a short time room. First, such rooms are not reserved for encounters with money boys LOL, and second you are no stranger to using them as evidenced in Pattaya For future reference in case you don't know where: at the Suriwong Hotel, reight next door to Moonlight. Thanks for the great reports, great fun reading them, and great fun meeting you. See ya next time (if I'm around)
  11. Travelgayasia is appalling in their listings nowadays. They used to be very comprehensive, and I am 100% they used to list Keybox in the past. Now it seems they only list places that pay them for it or something. So annoying and useless. Gay party maybe, but the have a superb underground techno scene (not gay). Find "The Council" on facebook. Tuff Club is one of the venues with some REAL partying....
  12. A typical box of condoms sold at 7/11 contains about 2-3 condoms, some brands maybe even a whopping single condom.
  13. Seriously, that leftover fear from the 80s is so incredibly outdated. I understand it may sit deep because back then an hiv infection was a near-certain death sentence. Nowadays, in the INCREDIBLY unlikely event that you should catch hiv despite being on PrEP AND condoms (virtually impossible to get it really) it is also a certain sentence - to take a pill a day until you die a peaceful death of old age. Nothing much wrong with that, because millions upon millions of people, including I bet a sizable percentage of forum members, take one or more pills every day for all sorts of ailments like high blood pressure or whatever else. Big fucking deal (as it were). couldn't agree more. So go see a therapist, let him get you out of the old 80s anxiety and then go and ENJOY
  14. the pricing is weird, yes, but actually (maybe?) not that outrageous if you consider your options: Tantric Massage 3200 Tantric Massage + Aroma Massage 3200 Tantric Massage + Body Scrub + Aroma Massage 3200 So for the same price you can get a tantric AND a regular massage. However, I'm not sure if both are done in the same time, i.e. the aroma time is at the expense of the tantric, or if the aroma is actually additional. If the latter, it wouldn't be so bad. As for masseur selection, I thought they only had certain masseurs trained in doing the tantric, thus no choice. That was certainly true in the past, maybe it has changed. @DivineMadman might be able to shed light on both points...
  15. I agree with the thread title - I realized too that I will have to get used to it and be forced to bite the bullet when the next visa-related bank transfer comes up (ugh). Biting my ass for not having done much more at what now look extremely attractive levels last year. Oh well, some investments make up for it. What might come to the rescue at some point though is another political crisis. These seem inevitable here and a matter of when, not if...
  16. paid the exact same today at Cutey & Beautey for my waxing as at UP2. Service was OK, but I still (pointlessly lol) prefer old UP2, if only for being more unpretentious. And as I said before, I liked the gentle Burmese guy, very good and diligent service and just a pleasant guy. Maybe he turns up somewhere.... Until then it will have to be C&B. Didn't ask if they knew anything about UP2, the opportunity sort of didn't present itself. Maybe next time.
  17. I agree with other's in saying never try never know..... To try to top should be pretty easy and straightforward. Bottoming is not so easy, and the key to bottoming IMO is: 1. you have to really want it (in that very moment, not just in general) 2. to relax there. To get to the state of really wanting it probably takes two ingredients: the right guy and a high degree of horniness. Note: Horniness breeds desire, and desire kills anxiety. Which leads to the second point, to relax. Overcome your anxiety. If related to HIV, that should be easy as (i) there is no need to panic anymore anyway these days, (ii) use condom and (iii) consider Prep (in addition to (ii) of course). If anxiety is related to anticipated pain, there is no need at all for there to be any pain at all. Just learn to actively relax those muscles there. Train and practice with your fingers (increasing the number of fingers as you go), and probably with some, uhm, tools like a dildo (or a not too thick cucumber will do, too). Here @spoon's observation and advice is very true, practice helps. So practice by yourself, so you'll be prepared for the real practice with the real tools.
  18. I'll admit my selection may have been limited. But I just found it difficult to find good food, whereas in Thailand (and other SE-Asian countries) good food is EVERYWHERE. A friend of mine, who also likes Thailand and good food in general, said the same about Philippine food after a few weeks vacation there.
  19. I was unpleasantly surprised just about a week ago when I wanted to go and get some waxing. I was thinking about asking here too if anyone knows what happened and maybe where the staff went. My regular was the friendly Myanmar guy, not sure about his name (Vee?) I'm planning to go to Cutey&Beauty instead soon, kinda hoping that my guy got a job there. Even if not, I might ask if they know anything
  20. you've been around to great places already then. Don't forget to add Myanmar, too. One last thing about the Philippines I forgot: after (literally) tasting all the countries you mentioned, be prepared for a major disappointment with the food in PH, it's just awful (sorry @DrimVoiz!!). It's mostly just fried stuff with dry rice, no tasty sauces and curries, nothing. Of course they cite their famous chicken adobo, but even that is nothing to write home about and if that's the best their cuisine can produce that tells you something about the rest. Best stick with standard western tourist food, like pizza, spaghetti (even those they have a talent of making bland and distinctly un-tasty) and even - shock horror - McDonalds, KFC etc etc.
  21. I'm the same, it's all about the smile. When at Moonlight with @vinapu, @paulsf, @18past19, @CTCI8F I had ZERO intention to off anyone. As soon as I took my seat by the shower stall, noticed some boys lingering in the corner behind us, one of which with cute-boy-looks caught my attention. Then his warm smile - SOLD! So easy for the boys to off me haha
  22. and of course a comment on vinapu's (as always) fun and engaging report: it was great to be able to meet and catch up after the missed opportunity in August. It sure felt like he was just on a regular trip, one could hardly feel that there were "other activities" involved at all.... Great pleasure meeting @CTCI8F, @GoldMember, Tiger and the pizza at Madrid, thanks to vinapu's introductions .... except when it comes to pizza at Madrid
  23. is this your first time in either country? Just asking... For Thailand you get lots of info here, for PH let me just make a few comments: - Manila is an ugly mess, as has been said before - Boracay is gorgeous, though on my last visit in Jan 2018 it was so incredibly overcrowded, it wasn't funny. One may think of their president what one wants, but on the issue of Boracay and his drastic measure to close the entire island for 6 months, I fully support that. Now, after the reopening, it should be back to it's beautiful former self. TIP: the more quiet, and more gay area on White Beach is in the southern section, aka "station 3". Sepcial TIP: go even further to the south, past the rocks, and you will find several small, beautiful sandy coves with usually no people at all. It was like that even in Jan 2018 when otherwise everything was overflowing. It is (or used to be) somewhat of a secret gay spot, too. - El Nido is (or was?) incredibly beautiful and was rather quiet when I was there in 2012. Not sure how it is now, so would be interested in uour update. What is the mode of transport there these days? Back then, the only "official" way was by 8 or 10 hour jeepney trip from Puerto Princessa, which compounded it's remoteness and thus it's quietness. But then there was also a somewhat secret, private small plane service directly from Manila, which I took. Things may have changed.... Seems your PH trip is indeed hi-jacking this trip report thread, maybe open a new one for the purpose? But then the report is finished already, so not too much damage done
  24. Thanks! He looks great, I have just one comment about his pictures: one or two where he smiles would be nice, a smile is always more alluring than a serious look. I'm sure he has a beautiful smile, too!
  25. not making it tonight, so let's aim for tomorrow (maybe dinner?) Also didn't hear back from @oatbank yet...
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