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Everything posted by anddy

  1. ....while almost all liberal democracies are currently engaging in highly repressive measures against their populations. Just before the Easter weekend a court in Germany lifted a ban imposed by the regional government for visits to the Baltic coast. Rightly so, because what risk of virus transmission is there on an incredibly spacious and windy beach? Close to none I'd say, common sense says, and the court says, ruling the measure "disproportionate" and thus illegal. Goes to show that political leaders in said liberal democracies have an equally repressive mentality and interfere in matters they shouldn't. On the general issue of lockdown and proposals for a more measured approach to just quarantine the elderly and otherwise at-risk people, the German minister for family affairs said it would be unfair towards those people. What kind of repressive mind is that? So in this situation these mind sets are everywhere, common sense seems to completely out of fashion. The alcohol ban is rather harmless in comparison, and possibly justified as the government knows their people and how they like to flout the rules....
  2. not that it matters much to most members, but alcohol hand gel is now available everywhere. and I mean EVERYwhere. Tops supermarket is selling it, Watson's have at least 5 different kinds/brands, and even street vendors sell it now.
  3. it looks like his Instagram, where he posed the TikTok clip. He posts lots of pics and clips on IG... worth following
  4. agree with all above posts
  5. yeah you are right about the possible blessing in disguise.... Though in this case it wouldn't be my generosity (or lack thereof) as there was never a single Baht involved. It was true, genuine mutual affection. Like I said, he was not a MB, nothing to do with the gogo bar scene or otherwise. But yeah we change, and so did he apparently, the muscles became fat, plus an unhealthy diet in the country where he lived (lives?) led to a nickname he used on Romeo for some time including the bit "chub". Not sure how chubby exactly he got, and whether I'd have cared because of our affection, but yeah I don't know how things may have developed. Now, I have VERY fond memories from what must be almost 10 years of knowing him....
  6. yes I thought that was clear from my post.... Met him many many times, before and after that memorable night. It became increasingly difficult to meet, as he had moved abroad for work and we had to be lucky to be in BKK at the same time to meet. And unfortunately eventually lost contact altogether.
  7. The greatest night lastet for 24 hours. It was approximately 2006, +/- 1 year maybe, not sure. I had met this guy way back I think in 2001 at Songkran, I think at DJ Station. Very hot muscular guy, student at the time with great English. Not a money boy at all, just a guy being into farangs. Had been in touch throughout and met almost every time I visited Bangkok. So it was again that one time, I was staying at the Tarntawan. I can't recall the what happened in what order, but the essence was we spent about 24 hours in bed (interrupted only by the odd bathroom trip or trip outside for food). Of course with amazing sex (amazing top with unbelievable control; he could last for ever and if it took me long to cum, he would hold it until then and then cum with me), but mostly just cuddling, kissing (such a great kisser too), or sleeping or half-sleeping. It was this mutual feeling of trust and warmth and closeness that needed no words at all that made this very very special indeed.
  8. if you're looking for such an experience, you won't find it. You probably know that yourself. It's the very nature of such surprise experiences that they come out of the blue. Hence the wow factor, too.
  9. uhm, if it's not listed, then why not click any other? There may be some that maybe even somewhat similar, like massage or whatever else.... if that help is for informal workers, then there is no or not much proof anyway these people can produce, so just make something up. That would just be my guess for a possible solution, not knowing the details of the program and the application process, obviously.
  10. this for stranded TOURISTS? House registration and all? A tourist will have no idea such things even exist. And no access to it when staying in hotels. Again, Thai bureaucrats excel at making NO sense whatsoever. If even stranded tourists need that shit for a mere 30 day extension, what will I need for my 1 YEAR extension coming up at the end of April?????
  11. Thanks @DivineMadman, I will have a look in that thread, though I don't particularly like ThaiVisa, precisely for the reason you mentioned, all the complainers, as well as bullshitters.... Was hoping to get the answer from Michael since he just successfully did it. But seems he is on an actual visa rather than an extension. Will see what I find in the thread/ Otherwise my idea was to maybe go to the immigration office at Chamchuri as it's nearby and just ask there (though not banking on a definite and reliable answer there LOL)
  12. That's great that it worked well. I have looked at it, too, in case I need to do it (only needed to do it once since I moved here, coz usually always traveling abroad beofre the 90 days lapse) and saw one detail in the form where I don't know what to put: On the second page they ask about Visa information. I don't know what to put there really, as technically I don't have a visa any more. I have an extension of stay. Is that it? Or would it be the associated Re-entry Permit, which is a bit more like a visa as this is what allows be to (re-) enter the country, like a visa does. What do you have and what did you put there, @Michael ? P.S. The link you provided doesn't work. This one should: https://extranet.immigration.go.th/fn90online
  13. The absurd requirement of a "fit-to-fly" medical certificate as well as a completely pointless "certification" from a Thai embassy or consulate (to certify what? That the Thai person carrying a Thai passport is actually Thai?) leads to this: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1888735/about-300-thais-stranded-in-malaysia I wonder what the medical certificate is supposed to say in this case, as "fit-to-fly" does not apply, as they are not flying. As it happens, Covid-free is NOT a requirement. So a corona-positive person not in hospital (thus obviously unable to travel at all) can still enter. So it's just COMPLETELY pointless paperwork just wor the sake of paperwork. Luckily, one Thai person has taken up the challenge and put it to the courts in Thailand: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1888315/fit-to-fly-order-challenged https://www.khaosodenglish.com/politics/2020/03/27/government-sued-for-barring-thai-citizens-from-going-home/ I really hope for all the poor Thais struck by this absurdity that the court will show some sense and void those idiotic regulations. Fingers crossed.
  14. as so often, they issued new rules without thinking them through and thus leaving many details and questions open. Work permit holders were mentioned as allowed to enter, but haven't seen visa holders such as retirement visa. Glad I'm just here and don't have to worry about any of that. Except the upcoming extension (end April) which may be a challenge; who knows if Immigration is open then...
  15. yup, though - again - too late. Now hundreds of thousands have left for the provinces and home countries already, taking the virus with them after using the opportunity to spread it fast at the overcrowded bus terminals. One person from the Lumphini boxing stadium cluster has already traveled to Chiang Rai and infected people there. Source: a hospital nurse in BKK.
  16. exactly. Makes no sense whatsoever. Naturally, the affected people are already protesting: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1882445/thais-abroad-protest-new-check-in-rule I guess it's a matter of time until the government performs another of its well-trained flip-flop
  17. even Bangkok Massage can be seen with several boys... Al Jazeera has a similar piece, though not as focused on the nightlife:
  18. is Thailand possibly the ONLY country in the whole world and having invented and requiring such corona-free certificate? Agree with Boy69, it is absurd to include Thais in such requirement. Even the countries that have completely shut their borders allow their own citizens back in, which should be glaringly obvious. Angain ONLY in Thailand...
  19. anddy


  20. yes, passing Soi 4 this evening (9pm) a quick look across the road (was on the other side of SiIom) found it all dark, no sign of anything open
  21. some more surprising news tonight from Patpong: While the gogo bars will of course be closed as expected from tomorrow (Dreamboys was already closed), Hot Male beer bar will stay open. Presumably that's because it is outside and not an enclosed space.
  22. because here is no such thing...
  23. same as in USA
  24. and here it starts with the lockdowns: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1880080/buri-ram-province-locked-down Songkran postponement is now definite. Thai friend told me (who had to cancel his Songkran trip as a result) and here: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1880010/33-new-infections-as-songkran-postponed
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