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Everything posted by anddy

  1. ONE SINGLE case and major panic breaks out. Even the Phuket project gets delayed because of it: https://www.bangkokpost.com/business/1980435/phuket-reopening-delayed What does the one case have to do with the Phuket tourist model? Nothing I'd say. What would they have done had that one local case occurred in October when the Phuket was already running? Have all the tourists (assuming there are any) pack up and send them home? Goes to show how scared shitless they still are.
  2. dirt cheap hotel offers are everywhere. Even the Mandarin Oriental, normally not engaging in heavy discounting is offering a staycation package for 9,999 Baht for one night. Early check in at 8 or 9 am, late check out at 8 or 9 pm, so you get 36 hours in the hotel. Package includes some cash credit to be used in the hotel and other goodies. Many many hotels in BKK are offering such packages, some even with TWO breakfasts included given the early check-in. In Chiang Mai, 5 star rooms can be had at 20% of their usual pre-covid rates, sometimes less. Combine that with the tiaowduaygan government subsidy of another 40% and it feels like almost free. Done that in Samui recently, and will do it again in Chiang Mai next week. (Have to travel with a Thai and do the bookings in his name, of course)
  3. another piece in the puzzle explaining increased cases but no illness or death may be this: https://www.bbc.com/news/health-54000629
  4. On the danger of Covid, I can't help but feel that it is much less of a menace now when I look at some simple numbers for France (which I did because some friends wanted to travel there, weren't sure but then decided to go): - daily new cases about the same as at the height of the crisis & lockdown in March - active cases actually THREE times as many as then 150k vs 50k) - but (almost) nobody dies from it any more I admit I haven't looked at any other countries, just France for the given reason, but I find that very striking.
  5. Another thing about enforcement of road safety is the fines imposed. The fine is always the same, regardless of the severity or dangerousness of the violation. I give you some examples of fines I have incurred myself: park mosai on sidewalk or other spot where it's not permitted 400 Baht illegal u-turn (on mosai) 400 Baht speeding on motorway (in car; limit 90, actual 112, so not THAT bad) 500 Baht (would be same for much faster speed) Going through a red light, which depending on the nature of the intersection and the time of day/night can obviously be VERY VERY dangerous would also be just a paltry 500 Baht. In Germany, you lose your license for 1 month instantly on passing a red light, plus a steep fine, PLUS the highest number of points for a traffic violation (with a certain number of points you lose your license for good). Result: red lights in Thailand passed ALL the time, even in plain view of the police (I do that, too, these days when it is safe to do so) whereas nobody does it in Germany. A while ago I heard or read about proposals of introducing a points system here, too, but as usual nothing has come of it (yet) - TiT.
  6. if real immunity exists and, importantly, how long it lasts is still hotly debated and researched afaik. So not sure this idea can fly (as it were) yet.
  7. lol google is bad for Thai in general, and for slangy language like used in social media you can completely forget it. But that's my understanding too. not a joke, see above. It is tomorrow, Sept. 3rd 20:00 BKK time
  8. Why should they not. Like I have posted somewhere here a couple of times, Lufthansa has been operating regular (2 or 3 weekly) flights FRA-BKK since June. They can be found on flightradar24.com (search for flight LH772 and LH773 for the return), so they are not LH website mirages. And I say again, too, that who exactly is on those planes on either leg is a bit of a mystery to me. Seems to me that "ban" on flights doesn't really exist as such, more like a ban on (most) passengers arriving on such flights as per covid-restrictions.
  9. I heard Moonlight opens in October. Can't vouch for it obviously, but the source seems reliable enough. But then, even if he spoke the truth, things can change and decisions be reversed between now and then. Source: guy working behind the bar of Moonlight. He has been back in his province since late March and we've been in touch once in a while. He told me he's coming back to bkk to work at Moonlight again Oct. 1st. I wonder how that's supposed to be viable, as nothing has changed really in that regard. So again, it might not happen after all. As with everything else this year: wait and see.
  10. it's not supposed to revive it, just to throw a life line. And, if successful (in terms of not getting an outbreak from it), possibly serve as a model for the rest of Thailand. How successful in terms of number of takers it might be, I am rather doubtful too. Like I said in my earlier post, stranded expats rather than real tourists might be the main takers and beneficiaries.
  11. Yes I have observed that for a while now. Fewer masks, but that's almost always in outdoor settings, where I don't see too big a problem with it. Shopping malls and similar of course won;t let you in without mask (and temp check), in my condo nobody cares anymore; they also removed the footprints and instruction stickers in the elevators, how you were supposed to stand facing the walls to reduce risk of infection. As for Thai Channa, I find that hardly (if any at all) any place enforces it now, even upscale shopping malls. You can just walk past, no need to even pretend to scan the QR. I still do it most of the time, though, but not always. Even did it at Sauna Mania the other day. I also think it's a good idea, even at 3 months without local transmission. Just look at Danang, can pop up any day, unannounced.
  12. Well Certainly it will only be "guesting" as Moonlight remains closed. Assuming things return to normal at some point AND the business is still afloat by then, then I'd assume that Moonlight reopens in it's former form, and Hotmale also returns to it's previous style. That's the only thing that makes sense given the same-same ownership. As for Babe, there is a funny and in some respects interesting clip with Babe here: I'll have to watch it again (at home rather than on the beach) and listen more closely, but from watching the first time I understood Babe claiming to never had anything sexual with a guy, and that yes, he used to be for hire, but only for women. Again, I'll have to watch & listen again to confirm those statements. Interesting though, isnt' it...?
  13. I saw this too, not sure this is official and approved yet. Will be interesting to see how many really take this up. Kinda demanding on the staff, too, not being able to leave the hotel, but I guess many will prefer that over not having a job & income at all. Maybe this model might be a route for people on retirement visa/extension to return to Thailand. First as "Phuket tourists" as described in the article, and after that simply stay as per normal under the retirement permission. Not the cheapest way, sure, but sounds doable. And better than the 300k Baht ordeal that dutch guy went through.
  14. Also not being a PhD in moonlight science but at least occasional visitor, it seems to me the picture of Nest is like 10 years old....
  15. My guess (and no more than a guess) is they allocate time slot for ASQ guests to use the gym separately and individually, and sanitise after each use. That way no risk. Now that's great idea and business model
  16. Yeah I do remember reading something somewhere a few weeks back about quarantine capacity constraints, both for ASQ and for SQ. That seems to be the limiting issue and even kinda makes sense and explains a fair bit. Still frustrating for all those affected
  17. Reporting by mainstream media about the protests may be limited for a reason other than being supportive of the government: https://www.thaienquirer.com/17181/thailands-traditional-media-faces-new-challenges-as-protests-touch-on-taboo-topics/
  18. He just posted on twitter that he got his 1 year extension
  19. On the topic of flights to Thailand: There are in fact international flights arriving in BKK. I arrived in Suvarnabhumi today from Koh Samui and saw the following foreign planes: SWISS Ethihad Oman Malaysian JAL ANA Also Lufthansa flies I think twice a week. I have checked on flightradar24 while ago if those flights are just bookable mirages that disappear when flight date arrives or if they're for real. They are real. Now WHO exactly is on those flights is an entirely different matter. Must be mostly Thai returnees and the odd business traveler and others who are now permitted with the onerous requirements (such as the guy who spent 300k Baht on his "visa run" as per the article quoted in this thread). All the information from Barry Kenyon as quoted by @Gaybutton appears very correct to me. And I note that in those statements B. Kenyon makes no assertions or predictions about the future, it's just an (accurate) descriptions of how things work (or don't) at the moment.
  20. Seems your friend got it wrong on his own visa, or didn't relate it clearly to you, or some other misunderstanding. The way it works is apparent from the Elite website. I also have a friend who has an Elite visa. He certainly doesn't buy any reentry permit. The first part is correct, the second part is not. The visa (= permission to ENTER, not to stay) is good for 5 years. Upon each entry, he will receive a stamp with permission to stay for ONE year. Therefore, after one year without leaving Thailand, the PERMISSION TO STAY will have to be extended (by another year). The visa itself is of course still valid, but is not relevant in this scenario, other than that it is the basis for granting a one year extension, which Elite holders are eligible to get (as they do upon each entry into the country). This extension is very similar in nature to the annual retirement extension (except the paperwork etc). That retirement extension, by the way, does not allow you to enter Thailand as such. That's why you need the re-entry permit to re-enter Thailand under the same permission to stay that was granted with said extension. A retirement extension holder does not hold a visa. This is the difference to the Elite. The Elite holder DOES hold a visa and therefore does NOT need a reentry permit, because he can reenter the country using the still-valid visa and get a new 1-year stamp. Well, he believes wrongly. No need for reentry permit, as per above. Below is from www.thailandelite.com/faq : There you have it: 1. MULTIPLE ENTRY visa => hence no need or room for reentry permit 2. one year EXTENDABLE length of stay All very clear.
  21. I don't think that's an issue, links to news sites are frequently posted
  22. a big question is if people with good CVs, who have achieved something will WANT to do such job, as in involves engaging in years of politics, and the associated mudslinging and brownnosing and what not. It's just an awful business.
  23. Wasn't really aware of World Remit. Seems like it works similar to Western Union. Out of interest, I compared their fees and rates for sending an amount of EUR 100 (actually the quoted fee is the same for eur 1000, so %age-wise becomes less the more you send): WR: fee EUR 0.99, fx rate 35.435 WU: fee EUR 3.90, fx rate 34.899 XE.com rate at the time of this comparison: 36.50 So the hidden fx fee for WR is 3%, for WU it is 4.6% confirming it's image as being expensive. Good to know for future reference, thanks @daydreamer
  24. slight correction: you do NOT have to buy a re-entry permit, because the visa itself, granting permission to enter, is valid for 5 years. Upon entry, you get a stamp in the passport giving permission to stay for 1 year. Therefore, only thing you may have to do is get an extension of stay if you stay that full year in the country (cost of extension 1900 Baht). Also, there are other Elite options available which are better value for money. Who needs 24 airport transfers? Only the very busy business traveler presumably. The best value IMO is the 20 year membership for 1 million Baht, with no extra goodies such as the airport transfers (but still with priority lane at the airport). However, while the Elite visa of course allows you to "stay in Thailand all the time and leave and return as you please", this is true for normal times and NOT guaranteed in this Covid time. You will still need all the obnoxious paper work like "certificate of entry" from the Thai embassy, which reportedly is considered "on a case by case basis", Covid-free test, fit-to-fly certificate, I think (though not 100% sure) the Covid insurance with min. USD 100k coverage, and of course the 14 day quarantine. So Elite may be a way to get in now, it is by no means guaranteed nor easy and painless.
  25. Some updates & observations: - Was at Fresh Boys Sunday night. Had a few customers, and many boys (easily 20 or so). No Viet waiters. Mamasans very appreciative of the customers. - Surawong continues to be in a depressing state. Some, but not all, massage shops open with staff waiting for customers outside as usual, but close to zero foot traffic at any time of the day or night. - Increasing numbers of shops in Surawong and throughout the city are visibly out of business for good, evidenced by boarded up store fronts or bis "FOR RENT" signs. Red Planet Hotel looks like that too, the restaurant on the ground floor is completely gone (just an empty space now). - One bright spot on the bankruptcy front: Hooters on Silom / corner of Thaniya is also closed for good, Hooters-signs removed and windows taped up with newspapers. Good riddance, though sad for the staff of course.
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