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Everything posted by brall3

  1. Fat Richard, I smiled when I read your comment "run off to Cambodia or South America where such exotic offerings are still available at a cheaper price". When was the last time you visited Argentina, Brazil, or Columbia? If not within the last few years, you will be amazed at how expensive those places are. The hotel prices alone are well over $250 a night, and not a 4 or 5 star hotel, and the boys, wow! But prices are increasing the world over, a fact of life. Thank goodness we can say "during the good old days" (smile). Now, I travel less frequently, stay for a shorter time and have as much fun as my aging body will allow.
  2. brall3


    This past weekend I went to Dream Boy in BKK. The drink charge is now 400B, the off fee is 650B, and the minimum fee to the boy is 2,500B. The place was packed on Saturday and Sunday nights, with mainly Asians customers. Sunday night there were a few Caucasians customers and two of them were disgustingly loud and carried on disgracefully. The bar workers politely tried to calm them down, keep them off the stage, and insisted they refrain from taking off their clothes. I was so disgusted and embarrassed by their behavior that I left. I went to three other bars and to my surprise, they were almost empty, except for Jupiter which was partially full; and to think that Dream Boy was full with standing room only. The increased prices is not deterring customer attendance. I do not understand it because at Dream Boy the boys are definitely not that special and nor is the show; nevertheless, the place was packed despite the higher costs. For those who have written that tourism is down in Thailand and the economy is struggling, guess again. The prices of a lot of things have gone up, except the street food vendors where the Thai people eat - go figure (smile).
  3. Two nights ago I was at a club in BKK that I visit frequently. As the show began 5 Chinese couples came in and were seated on the vacant front row. Immediately the Chinese females started yelling and screaming at the guys on stage, whereas the Chinese men sat calmly with folded arms. During the nude shows, the females gave generously 100$B to the nude dancers. As you can imagine, the guys danced exclusively in front of the Chinese as the females loudly cheered and threw out money. Almost ALL OF THE CLUB WORKERS AND MOST OF THE BOYS started standing around and catering to the Chinese. The nude shows lasted longer than usual, at the encouragement of the head mamasan, because the money and drinks continued to generously flow. Two unrehearsed nude shows were spontaneous added to the venue. The boys literally got on stage, started dancing around, removing their shorts, and stroking their meat to get it hard. The mamasan was going around talking to the boys and directing them to the stage. All the while, the Chinese females kept jumping up and down, screaming as they played with the boys dicks and tossing out money. Everyone seemed happy. When the Chinese couples left, things returned to normal. The boys had more money, the club made A LOT OF money and again, everyone appeared to be happy. As I watched the Chinese females carry-on, I thought: if this event was captured on video and shown in China, the girls would probably be disgraced. On the other hand, so would a lot of other guys because of their behavior at various clubs (ha-ha). Generally though, when people travel they let their hair down and do things they normally do not do at home, but that is another topic of discussion. This report is related to money and the Chinese female customers, and just a report - nothing more, nothing less.
  4. There is an old American expression: "Money talks and bullshit walks." It appears that this is true universally, especially in Thailand. People in business are there to make money and their loyalty is to the almighty currency. Like some customers, I get annoyed when I see a flow of females invade an establishment which caters to gays. So, I just pay my bill and leave. In BKK going someplace else which is void of females is getting more difficult day by day. Such is life.
  5. We all have opinions, so opinions aside, does anyone know EXACTLY if one has to pay the drink charge if you enter the bar/club to off someone without consuming a drink? Yes, one can go in, look around and walk out without buying a drink or paying. However, having been to a place before and knowing exactly who you want to off, you return, tell them you want to off number whatever, you do not sit down, you do not drink, you pay the off fee and you are there for less than 5 minutes. In other words, is the posted drink fee an actual drink fee or a required ENTRY FEE to off someone?
  6. brall3

    Foot Fetish

    A lot of comments, but no information. Any names of bars/clubs in Bangkok?
  7. Trust me Alex, after ONE EXPERIENCE, I do not go to that spa again. Great suggestion Christian! Whereas the guy's telephone number is not posted with his photo on the spa's site, I call the spa and ask to speak to the guy; works like a charm! As the old expression goes: "there is more than one way to skin a cat". Again, thanks Christian, great suggestion.
  8. A few years ago several go-go clubs I went to had guys dancing barefooted; erotic and great for those with a foot fetish. On this trip in Bangkok I have not seen that. Has anyone been to any bars recently (within the past few months) where the dancers are shoeless?
  9. My aunt asked me to think about this: "what would he or she do if you were not there? How did they survive all of these years without you? If you are always filling up their bucket, why should they put anything in it?" I did think about this and still do. During my last visit to the massage spa, the guy told me that he really likes me because I am different, and could I buy the new I-phone for him? I told him I really like him and can we have free sex? He laughed saying: "free sex! No No, need money." I laughed and said: "free Iphone, no no, I need money. He said: "you have money". I paid him and said:"you have money." We both smiled.
  10. I just finished reading all of this information, wow. Question: how many old out of shape Thai men do you see with young thin Thai boyfriends, or have them as live in lovers? In your own country, how many old men do you see with lovers 20, 30, 40 or 50 years younger than them? How many POOR old men do you see with a much younger lover? Also, remember this, a rose has a lot more thorns on it than a beautiful blooming bud. Enjoy the beauty of the rose, but be careful how you touch or hold it or you will get stuck/hurt.
  11. So true, making a reservation for a specific guy over the telephone is a waste of time. Without exception, the guy I made a reservation for was not available when I arrived at the spa. And each time the receptionist said he did not understand what I was requesting; HOWEVER, this or that guy is available, take him. ARE WE THAT STUPID OR DESPERATE? Before everyone gets upset with what I have written, think about it. If this has not worked in the past, they would not still be doing it. How often do people actually buy things that they did not order or want? Can you imagine going to a restaurant, ordering a steak dinner only to be served a chicken dinner with the excuse that "I did not understand what you ordered"? Seriously, would you accept the chicken dinner and pay the steak dinner price? Again, obviously this system is working for the spas otherwise they would not still be doing it.
  12. By the way, can you suggest any other "soapies" locations?
  13. Thank you for the information and map. It was very helpful. That evening I went to JC. When I entered, I saw several girls behind a glass wall and an older lady rapidly approached me, asking for me to sit down and take a look. I did not sit. I inquired about a message from a guy. Quickly and yet politely she escorted me to the door and pointed out a "gay" massage place a block away. I smiled and quietly left. By the way, the gay massage place was terrible; such is life. Several years ago I had a "soapie" experience at a gay massage place in Pattaya. I do not remember the name of the place. It was located quite aways from the other gay establishments, and the boys sat/stood on stage in their street clothes. I thoroughly enjoyed the soapie experience; a lot more than an oil rub down - smile. Maybe one day.......
  14. Where specifically is JC Infinity located? I was in the area but could not find the place and no one knew of it.
  15. In the Pattaya area, any recommendations or suggestions for hotels located directly on the beach; rooms with a balcony over looking the beach,
  16. Nice report. Do you remember the guy's name?
  17. brall3

    The Venue

    Has the Venue in Pattaya closed? Their web site has been down for awhile.
  18. Thanks Calluna. All I needed was the name and addresses of the bars, and you did an excellent job in providing the information I requested.
  19. Does anyone have any information, such as name and location, of a bar or bars which features an underwater show in Bangkok, Pattaya or Chiang Mai?
  20. In Brazil the majority of the guys at the saunas do not cum because they will look for another client as soon as they leave you. To cum, the guys want extra money - generally double the price. That is understandable, after all they are there for the money. On the S. Korean massage sites, it is written that the guys "do not cum". Reading this prompted me to open this topic. Also, I decided to forego a trip to S. Korea and return to the land of "happy endings" for one and all. Thanks everyone for your input.
  21. When you visit a massage place or off a boy, do you expect him to cum?
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