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Everything posted by brall3

  1. BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO firecat69, well said. People need to realize that prostitution is a business and the basic rules of business apply to prostitution. I love going to Disneyland and despite all of the special effects, Disneyland is not reality. It is a business. Years ago visiting Disneyland was a lot cheaper than today and a lot less Asians visitors. Sounds familiar? Now the cost of visiting Disneyland has sky rocketed and watch out for the masses of rude pushy Asian visitors. Again, sound familiar? Thank goodness they are not that rude or pushy in Sexieland (oops, I mean Thailand, ha-ha).
  2. The place where Vit works requires climbing steps, without a hand rail on the right side as you ascend. One person wrote on another thread about even wheelchair people are assigned an upstairs room. Very funny, but point we'll taken. Concerning Vit, one can off him and easily get a short time room at the Copa or Ambiance hotel. The Prince and Hero get an A+ for rooms being on the ground level. I can not recall any places in Pattaya with massage rooms on the ground floor. Yes Alexx, having been to V-club several times, I am sure the greeter knew a lot about me. You know how the guys talk. The receptionist even greets me with my first name.
  3. Perhaps firecat69 you have not been to a massage place in Thailand or memory is failing you. Every message place I have visited in Thailand, without exception, has presented a pricing menu to me as soon as I entered the establishment. Obviously that was not done at my recent visit to V-club. Previously this was done there, but not today. In the USA and other countries I have visited, when there is an increase or decrease in sale prices, the information is generally conspicuously posted or the customer is informed of the changes upon entering the establishment. Also this post is about the change in prices and not the daily or routine price. By the way, price is important to everyone! When was the last time you bought an airline ticket; stayed at a hotel; bought a car or a pair of shoes, a shirt, a house, etc; ate at a restaurant or negotiated a financial contract WITHOUT knowing the price? As Oprah once stated, she knows where every penny is going before it leaves her account. Indeed there is a lot of wisdom in her statement.
  4. I just returned from an amusingly visit to V-Club. I informed the greeter that I wanted a one hour oil massage and then selected the massage guy. Just prior to the massage guy and I leaving the lounge area, the greeter said "the minimum tip for the boy is 1,500". The minimum tip price shown on their Internet site is 1,000. After the massage I returned to the lounge area and looked at the plastic pricing menu. ADDED to the pricing menu were: "minimum tip soft massage 1000", "minimum tip Hard Core massage 1500". The greeter did not tell me about the two tear minimum tip system, he just stated 1,500. I laughed to myself as I thought about the similar situation at Dream Boys during Halloween. There, they did not inform the customers of the increased drink prices until AFTER the customer was escorted to INSIDE the bar and seated; almost the same as V-Club. The money hungry life in Thailand; you gotta love it - smile.
  5. Just read the reviews about Prince and decided to post about my three recency visits there. In the past I have had a great time at Prince and was looking forward to returning. All three recent visits were enjoyable, but this time EACH GUY REFUSED TO CUM! On one visit to Prince a buddy went with me, and he had the same experience; the massage guy refused to cum. One massage guy said that if I wanted him to cum, make an appointment for him the next day at 1 pm: I did not. After the three cumless (is there such a word - smile) visits to Prince, I moved on to other places. No problem with the guys cummings at Arena!!!!!!! Cum or no cum, Prince is a beautiful place.
  6. Enjoyed reading your posts. I am glad you did not believe the fact that you were Vit's only customer for a while. During July, August and Sept. my friend and I enjoyed his company 2 to 3 times a week, separate visits for each of us. Indeed he is a charmingly cute young man, the best at the massage place. When I steered my friend to your post, we both laughed because now we know where Vit was on the times he disappeared or was busy. Also each of us was his first bottom experience. I guess the guys do not realize that we talk about our experiences with them like they probably talk about us; funny indeed. Glad you had a great trip. Remember, when having such a great time and being completely flattered in mind body and soul, always keep one foot firmly planted on the ground of reality.
  7. I went to Dream Boys on Halloween night and paid 500, the anniversary/special show price. My first thought, most places have sales/discounts/promotions for their anniversary; oh well, this is Thailand. The show was nothing special, except the addition of the live sex show. The boys were the same, the dancers were the same, and the other varied shows had the same people as before. All in all, same-same, except the price. The added live sex show was nothing exciting for me. However, the Asian customers seemed to really enjoy the show because they gave out a lot of tips during the show. After the second of five shows, I left the half empty upstairs bar and went down stairs. The downstairs bar was packed. Perhaps the people stayed inside to escape the heavy rain: who knows? Was the show worth the price increase? For me, no; for others perhaps. Nevertheless, I was there. Next Halloween, drink prices 1,000? Ghostly!!
  8. On another thread was written: "Dream Boys caters exclusively to Chinese customers. ••• farangs are an afterthought". This seems to be true and not only at Dream Boys. Yesterday another board member and I decided to go to Hero, our favorite place for massages. As we sat in the viewing area, only one guy stood up and smiled at us. The other 20 or more guys remained seated, playing with their cell phones, talking with one another, etc. etc. totally indifferent to our being there. There were several Asian customers, I do not know what country they were from, going back and forth throughout the place. A few minutes later two additional Asian customers arrived escorted by one of the greeters. Almost immediately and as if on cue, the boys jumped up, struck various muscular poses while smiling at the newly arrived Asian customers. My buddy and I looked at each and he said WTF! Our host just sat there, looking around and smiling. We immediately decided to go somewhere else. We explained why we were leaving, and we did not even receive the customary "sorry". We ended up at Prince and each of us had a good time. It appears that the good old days of Thailand catering to the farangs are over at some venues, and possibly coming to an end at others. Oh, well, all good things eventually comes to an end; such is life.
  9. brall3

    My first off!

    No Whall, unfortunately "it" will not get better in time; the aggressiveness and tactics of the mamasans seem to prevail through time. In over 30 years of visiting Thailand, I have seen vast and unbelievable changes in the cities of Bangkok, Pattaya, and Chiang Mai. From the BTS, MRT, changing skylines, using a computerized toilet as oppose to a hole in the ground, meeting guys over a video communication system as oppose to meeting them on the streets or in bars, yes a lot of changes have happen in Thailand, but the actions of the mamasans sadly remains the same. So no, "it" will not get better in time. One has to learn how to deal with the prevailing pushy mamasans or stop going to places with mamasans. Learning to deal with an aggressive mamasans is as varied as each individual is different. Thanks to a few contributors to this and other Internet sites, several suggestions have been made on how to deal with a pushy mamasan. Combining that knowledge with your own individual personality should enhance your visit to Thailand. Mamasans are like car dealers, you dread dealing with them but you are delighted with the final product. And yes, just like cars, every now and then you end up with a lemon; just squeeze and keep on trucking (smile). HAVE A GREAT TRIP!!!!!
  10. O.k. I will try again to find the place. I hope I was on the right soi. Are there two stories row houses on the right side of the street and a grassy field on the left side with a new modern looking apartment complex adjacent to the field, and at the end of the street is a nice looking hotel/condo? If not, I was on the wrong soi. The soi I was on is off of Pattaya South road almost directly across the street from soi one.
  11. Yes indeed, to each his own, or as said, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". For me, an Asian with dyed blond hair (if one can call that strange color blond) is a complete turn off. That is about as natural as a dildo on a lesbian and claiming to be a man. But then again, whatever turns you on. The Pandora box is now open; go for it girls.
  12. I sent an e-mail with no response. I give up
  13. When was the last time anyone was at Magnolia? Twice I went looking for the place and could not find it; no sign outside or anything. Their phone numbers are disconnected. Are they still in business?
  14. I received the regular 30 day Visa stamp at the airport, and obtained an additional 30 days from the consulate in Bangkok. Any idea how long one can stay in Thailand on a tourist visa? Some countries allow a maximum of 180 days stay per year (total days and not necessarily continues). I am curious if it is the same for Thailand.
  15. Two weeks ago I went to the house. There were only 4 guys working. I was presented with the pricing menu as described by an earlier poster. The host politely explained explained everything to me, but you do not have to be a rocket scientist to understand it on your own. I left without selecting anyone because none of the guys were my type; I prefer more masculine. I made about 5 subsequent visits to the house, but did not do business with them. Frequently there were only 2-4 guys to choose from and again not my type. The place looks nice. I wish them success.
  16. Firecat, you hit the nail on the head with your comments, especially with the boy communication network. I offed one guy and he knew immediately what I wanted to do without me uttering one word - humm. No, I am not into twinks and have never taken one off. Again you are correct, the more masculine guys are a rare breed in Pattaya. Right now I am in Boystown and I have shown your, Z909, comment to several waiters at the 3 go-go bars here. They all disagree with you and maintain that the off fee is 400 and the boy fee is 1,500. Maybe as Firecat has stated, since I have been paying that price, they are sticking with it. Who knows? Nevertheless, regardless of what I or others pay, the important thing is to be happy and enjoy yourself.
  17. I am Pattaya and been here for over a month. During my stay I have taken a boy off every night, sometimes 2 boys but not at the same time, and from almost every bar/club/massage. The price, without exception, has been 400 - 500 off fee and a fee of 1,500 for the guy. Only once a boy from Boyz3 insisted on 2,000. To say the least I never took him off again and nor will I buy him a drink or give a tip to him. Those of you who are paying the guys 1,000 please let me know where and with whom you arrange the price. This will same me some money and allow me more offs - smile. Nevertheless, regardless of what you pay, don't worry, be happy! Life is too short for anything else (look in the mirror and at the guys sitting around you). The information on this and other sites is just that, "information". Be thankful that others care enough and will take the time to share the information and their experiences. But most of all, be thankful that you are here and HAVE FUN!
  18. Kokopelli, THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THE INFORMATION. Indeed knowledge is bliss, no matter how it is obtained, and we are all more knowledgeable when information is shared. How sad it is for a person to remain ignorant when a vast of information is available to them. Again, thank you very much for your input. Aside: I have lost my appetite for corn dogs (ha-ha).
  19. What the heck is going on with the dicks in Thailand? During this year's visit I have encountered several guys who have a small hard round bump on the shift of their dick. Other guys dicks are unusually puffy, especially around the head descending midway down the shaft. These dicks look like a very puffy American corn dog - a little wiener with a lot of batter packed around it. I did not notice these types of dicks during previous visits to Thailand nor have I seen such dicks in other countries. Have other viewers encountered these types of dicks? Indeed strange; at least to me.
  20. Wow, I can not believe this, every hotel recommended is booked for next week. What are the odds? OK well, back to searching on the internet.
  21. Moses, you are correct, I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT WANT TO BE IN A HIGH RISE HOTEL! Height is not my thing. The hotel does not have to be a gay place to stay. I am just looking for a nice beach front hotel with a view of the beach. Thanks for the suggestions. I will now check them out.
  22. After a few day in the Boystown area, time to try something different. Waking up or going to bed with a view of the beach or sitting on the balcony looking out on to the beach seems quite appealing. A lot of reviews about beach front properties state that they are old and in dire need of renovation. Any recommendations for hotels LOCATED ON THE BEACH which can provide the above mentioned appeal?
  23. Any quick recommendations for hotel accommodations in Chiang Mai? I checked on the Lotus and the price is 2000B a night for a standard room. I think the price is a bit high.
  24. Unfortunately I do not have much to add. I went to most of the places the posters mentioned, except to the J. beach area. Excluding Narcissus and Royal House, the guys at the other places were too young and far to effeminate for my taste. Neither Narcissus nor Royal House have massage rooms with showers in them. Therefore I offed a guy from both places. The manager at Royal House is a super nice guy and speaks English quite well. The off price was 400B and short time tip was 1500B at both places.
  25. Thanks to everyone for their "informative" comments. Z909 your list was great and right on the mark. Thanks to all of you, several massage places and guys now have more money in their pockets, and I am having a great time.
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