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Everything posted by floridarob

  1. See....we do agree on something πŸ˜‡
  2. Somehow I feel that you have a long list of strangest things that have happened to you and that wouldn't be in the top 10, lol
  3. Paying more means no STD's...count me in!
  4. No, I was referring to hundreds of dollars
  5. Same in Thailand, but there's people that pay that in USD in both places.
  6. That's a variable, lol Reis?
  7. So, a friend told me that he's been having so much fun there recently, he convinced me to give it another try. Was much busier than my previous visits, had a great vibe, more customers than GP's and the selection of GP's were 1 level below Meio Mundo 😬 I went with the former DJ from 117, Patrick, who has an Onlyfans account and has been doing pornos, so a few clients came up to tell him that they are his fans....almost famous we say, lol. I met one guy that seemed like he'd be fun and wanting to make the most of the hour journey out there, asked if he knew someone he worked well with for a 3-way. He immediately said yes, my cousin and went to get him. He was also presentable and Patrick confirmed with them all the details ahead of time to avoid any confusion or disappointment or possible lost in translation moments. After all in agreement, went to a room....then the 2nd cousin couldn't get hard in front of his cousin, had to go to the bathroom to get hard, he wanted me to suck him and I told him that I'm the one paying and if anyone is sucking it's him, kkk. Anyway it ended up ok, not great but we all got off.....Should've just stayed with the original guy only , but I got greedy πŸ™„ Hour Uber ride in each direction from Copa....$20 usd each way, Sauna entrance 45 reis, guys wanted 120 reis each to come, I could've negotiated lower, but that's so cheap as it was. All in all cost me $130 usd in all, had beers all around and some Coke Zeros for me, rooms with shower were free, not fancy but acceptable...better than Meio Mundo and Point 😝 I wouldn't go again alone, MAYBE with someone to split the rides...and I'd not do a 3-way again.....most of the place is outside, so make sure the weather isn't cold or rainy.
  8. I forget who, but someone did a floor plan/design for that space dividing it into 2 spaces, one for shows and one for closer, intimate sitting and talking if I'm not mistaken....was it you @macaroni21 ?
  9. Leave him home... or find a more compatible bf, lol
  10. And money....how much were those 5 days, you can be honest πŸ˜‡
  11. Walking and strolling......Maybe you have better luck when you are marching instead 😘 From almost all comments on this board, everyone pays them the agreed fee even when there is non-performance. If more people started to do this, I think it would happen less.....why should they work or do anymore than they need to if they're going to be rewarded equally, never has made sense to me. Is why I have lowered expectations to Thailand....relegated it to be good business class flights, amazing food, good-great massages and a slight chance to have good sex, with someone not from a go-go bar.
  12. I travel most of the year...if I had that reasoning, I'd be broke a lot faster, lol I'm not underpricing, I'm willing to pay market value....which I know. My Portuguese is pretty fluent, lived here off and on in 2004 for 2 yrs..... know the owners and bartenders/servers pretty well.... my problem is I like "short time" like in Thailand and that wasn't a problem in the past. Many guys today think their time is so valuable they don't want to go to eat, drink without getting paid and hourly rate.....I don't get that, but is where we are.... AGAIN, not every guy, but too many....and like one bartender told me, they make just enough to get by, don't try to do extra and most times don't have enough to pay for their bus home.
  13. I've liked this place, comfortable...security registers the guys ID. https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/15217565?source_impression_id=p3_1725735456_P3gRuXMv5TJOuJUl
  14. I was there last night....
  15. or take a grab 😝
  16. Extreme measure, burning your cock off.... but I guess that's one way of solving a lot of your issues .... and Herpes is the gift that keeps giving.
  17. You're not alone 😬
  18. Never been to Laos....just booked it for March, while it has industry rates available 😁
  19. Inflation....must be Biden's fault, lol They are asking more and people are paying perhaps....I'm sticking to my pricing, supply vs demand, there's plenty of supply for sure.
  20. Both But generally pay 150 in the sauna, which is rare because I hate the rooms at the sauna, 200 in my room/apt Yeah 😘 Was good, Hung out with a board member that arrived today for a bit and then did a pity programa with a friend, because he didn't have a customer and had rent due....Not my typical type but I like him enough to make that "sacrifice" πŸ˜‡ No regrets. There seemed to be a "crew" of guys from Bangu that claimed to be their 1st times at 202, I had to believe them because none of the regulars nor Jr seemed to know them. Something didn't seem right, I told them I'd see them Sunday at Bangu if they went.....vamos a ver....they were all hot though.
  21. I've been to 16 of those....Istanbul is a massive airport, long taxi to the gate. My favorite airport to travel thru is still Orlando, was just there last week, busy as hell but the airside gates so close to the runway make for short taxi times coming and going...now they have the Train that goes to Fort Lauderdale and Miami right in terminal C.....best airport signage as well, impossible to get lost, I'm sure Disney helped with that πŸ‘‘
  22. what were you paying in or out of the sauna....?? Do you do quick programas in the saunas or longer outside hook ups? I've always done "short time" like in Thailand in Brazil without any problems, now guys say BY THE HOUR....that mentality was creeping in during my last visit and seems to be expanding. Going to point tonight, will see how it goes.....I haven't been a fan of 117 for a long time, even the bartenders at 117 agree that some guys are getting greedy and then cry when they don't have a client or money for the bus.
  23. I think I'm getting jaded... This is from a resident of Rio: I really don't understand this passion for Brazil and especially for RJ that people have I imagine that a long time ago things were different, but now everything is shit I had a few guys agreeing to 200 reis, then shortly after or the next time insisting on 300. I told them , No thanks. Colombia or Indonesia is looking better, lol
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