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Everything posted by floridarob

  1. why am I a "Dangling" member and Tomcal is "aroused" member....just seems wrong, lol
  2. a lesson to all.......don't get so CRAZY in love with a boy in another country that you blow everything you have for "imagined" love.......OPEN YOUR EYES..(my favorite expression in Thailand, btw)
  3. Representative of Tomcal's type......they all have a penis, LMAO Oz has a "type", I have a "type", Joe has a "type".....I've known Tom so long and his "type" has ...mmmm, evolved(?) so much I fear he's going to return to females before long
  4. was for both from Bangkok city to Pattaya, nice vehicle, tolls included, punctual. http://www.pttaxiservice.com/
  5. Believe me.... this isn't the 1st time this has happened to me in Thailand, however, it is the 1st time the guy apologized, put his clothes on and walked out the door without asking for money...I give him credit for that. The mamasan had said he had a big one (yeah I'm a size queen, why I favor Brasil) he was Thai average, I had spent money on his bar drink, 350, off 500, food and a beer....so it wasn't free in the end was it....?? As an 18 yr veteran here....some guys have tricks and schemes to lure the farang out of their cash AND sooo many willingly do so...... however, like many third world countries..... what they make compared to a "standard" job, is very different. I met someone, a non-board member at Dick's the other night. Has lived here for 12 yrs...... he asks the mamasans, who are the new arrivals..... says they haven't had time to learn the "tricks" and is never disappointed.
  6. I was with Sam on that night, was actually the boy that ordered the 2nd drink not the Mamasan,,,,and was a cola...so imagine paying that price just for a GLASS of cola, not the can. That's the same boy that spent more time on his phone than talking with Sam....probably a technique to make some money for doing nothing and sent away to try to get offed again, brilliant strategy and it worked. Another thing that pissed me off in Pattaya was in BBB, sign outside advertising drinks for 280.... I offered a boy a drink and the bill was 350 for his drink....just deceptive in my opinion, even the waiter agreed and was embarrassed. One positive out of a negative experience was the boy from BBB couldn't stay hard nor perform properly, even after trying a long time.... got dressed, apologized and left...didn't ask for any money. I always preface an off with the agreement, no power= no money...ok??? He lived up to his end in that respect. (a problem you will NEVER have in Brasil, btw) My best mamasan experience so far on this trip was in screw boys.....I was going to buy the boy I was taking off a drink, she told me save the money buy him a drink somewhere else, too expensive there... she didn't even ask/suggest a tip for her 1 time, smart girl.
  7. maybe how we hear their names, lol
  8. Were you taking notes... how the F*CK you remember all this stuff??? The rude waiter was at Cafe Royale.....I'd been eating there late nights for years..I guess the owners passed away, supposedly the Thai "mafia" owns the building now and rent it out....was I was told from a Farang that has lived in Thailand a looonnnggg time.
  9. you will inevitably be making comparisons to Brasil in your head if not out loud (I do), lol PROS Thailand: More guys speak some basic English, accommodations cheaper, transportation cheaper, food cheaper, AMAZING massages, more places & options...disco, go-go, massage, sauna, host bars, safer late night, drinks are more $$$, long flights are good for airline mileage status. PROS BRASIL: BIG cocks (I've become a size queen admittedly) , AMAZING sex 99.999% of the time, rates are cheaper for programmas, Churrascarias ..... I have fun in both places.....drink more in Thailand, better sex in Brasil. Guys in Thailand view foreigners more as an ATM, in Brasil they see us as customer or a friend. MANY westerners live in Thailand and are almost cult like about Thailand and many different nationalities......many not friendly at all. These are my opinions.....be interested what your perception is after your visit.
  10. sure you've heard this one...... know how to make a small fortune in Thailand......start with a huge fortune,lol
  11. went last night...early, about 9pm.....good time, good off, good mamasan
  12. I've been going to Cuba for over 20 yrs......if you're going for sex, all the cute guys have left the island,lol really, the scene has changed so much.....its golden days have passed, imho if you're going for music, rum, dancing....go....is not expensive and you'll have fun.
  13. I Guess listening to this guy that had so much experience in this country, made my negotiating 100 baht discounts seem like nothing. I wasn't talking negative about anyone...however, I'll introduce you to a Thai freelancer that used to live in L.A. to get the inside scoop....and yes, they do give it a lot of thought. How many boys or farang do you know that have money transfers on regular bases for whatever "emergency" they declare. They even talk among themselves to compare notes and strategies....happens in many countries but the Thai's have it down better than most, imo I'm a 18 yr veteran of this place and many others.....and is still a learning experience as far as 7/11 negotiating prices, wasn't me, maybe an Indian (they negotiate EVERYTHING) ..... negotiating to get the cashier to go home with me, yes I'm guilty ;-)
  14. floridarob

    Jupiter Star

    But can the other party say the same......?
  15. floridarob

    Jupiter Star

    ask how come and then answer your own question.....mental masturbation??
  16. I ALWAYS forget about this place......thanks for the reminder
  17. I met a guy last night at Golden Cock, CEO of this region for a LARGE western company. Even with his money (could tell by his clothes, ring, watch) he isn't cheap. He has lived in Asia for 25 years and we discussed negotiating prices at these bars....he has it down firm and even cheaper than my prices. He said would you go buy a car and pay sticker price, or to a night market/patpong without negotiating?? Is part of the lifestyle and many look at you as a fool for not trying, because they know there is leeway.....was very insightful. I had to google intrepid by the way, wasn't sure if it was an insult or compliment,lol
  18. floridarob

    Jupiter Star

    Not the minority, but generalizing a group of people (asians, blacks, latinos, etc...) is close from accurate. How many times have we heard from friends, Asians have small dicks. The only statement I will make is that everyone on this board is a whore, ;-)....not that it's a bad thing, lol Oh, and sex for free or sex for money.......sex for free ALWAYS costs more in the long run.
  19. I was thinking with the number of freaks (the sexual kind) that come to Thailand....I've never seen a gay club/bar that caters to this fetish........ are there any, even underground during the gogo boy sex shows, they use leather and beat each other with the leather batons ..... I think I saw one straight club somewhere in the PatPong area once.....but nothing gay. Not sure if anyone's ever been to the NY Bondage club in NYC on Sundays....something like that?
  20. and... " (he is as big a HO as me)".......doubtful
  21. "my namorado".....OMG
  22. So I got to meet Samebb and Divinemadman (thought it was divine madame,lol)....had a couple of drinks in Hot Boy on soi Twilight...Samebb was tied up entertaining a group of very nice guys so I got to talk more to divinemadman..... exchanging experiences thoughts about BKK/Pattaya We went to x-size and watched the show, we both offed 1 guy each and went our own way.... I think is fun/nice to put a face to the member here and get to know each other. Thanks guys....and Sam keep in mind the 1st weekend in Feb for Pattaya! Dave, my guy was cute and fun (for me) but ended up being a dud in bed Oh, the bar name on Silom that I like so much is Cloud 47.... such a great view of the city, close to PatPong, good service, not too expensive and the guys always like when I take them there..... DJ is fun for what it is, but they always LOVE the pics we take and send them to their friends ;-)
  23. just tell him you like 3 ways,,,if you do.. and see what he says, you'll def find others in Pattaya you'll want to be with...
  24. I'm in infrequent poster here, usually only check in when I know I'll be heading this way to see if anything has changed. Been coming here 1-4 times a year for 18 ys, have traveled quite a bit, mostly here, Cuba, Brasil, Mexico & S. America. On another board we used to have get together's in Rio that were fun but that was a long time ago but I made some incredible friends. So, here for a month and Pattaya 1st weekend in Feb....if you're a veteran or a newbie and want to hit some gogo bars or DJ....message me and we can meet up.
  25. I'm going to stay in BKK and goto pattaya... the following weekend, thanks for the input
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