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Everything posted by floridarob

  1. Keep in mind a couple of things..... The percentage of Americans there vs Italians, Russians, etc..... AND what is "reported"....is a communist country that "reports" what it wants..... It does happen, rarely, yes...but almost all occasions is between sex workers and clients. And Chicago.....is Chicago.
  2. Keep in mind, there have been a number of gay and straight tourists killed in Havana....that Caribbean blood gets hot fast (not in the good way). paying 100..??? how much were you paying the other guys? I used to travel to cuba every other month for a month back in early 2000..... good sex back then was as good if not better than Brasil, as of my trips last year, was maybe 50% chance of good sex. Smelly feet has always been a thing in Cuba, clean bodies but smelly feet.....now I see bad breath, crooked teeth, non- performing guys, thiefs.... but rarely, there is someone good. Just with the exchange rate being so good in brasil and being able to go to a store and buy or eat whatever you feel like, Cuba has fallen down on my list.
  3. enjoy the cruise, try and find a cutie worker (is what I do) to hang out with on shore.
  4. Imagine if we earned the freq flyer miles for the tickets we have bought for others??
  5. This used to be a quiet respectable town.....
  6. Been on MANY cruises to Cozumel....problem is the entire islands' economy is cruise ships...so when ships are in , EVERYONE is working. Those that aren't, study and live at home with their parents. Not saying it's impossible to hook up, but during the few hrs that you will be there, you'll waste the day hoping/hunting. Playa del Carmen would be a better option to look into, or bringing someone from Playa over to you....but you'll need a place in Cozumel.
  7. I always say how I still go to Fragata and some people think I'm crazy..... However, I prefer the guy next door look over the big muscle guys.
  8. Solacesoul pretty much summed it up ;-) Also, keep in mind the question was what is the most you've paid.....during the recession Adam4Adam was a great place for $50-60 sex in USA, and Barcelona normal was 40 Euros......in the Sauna and Grindr
  9. Grindr, also check out this page: https://mx.mileroticos.com/escorts-gay/distrito-federal/ Also, street hustlers 500 pesos on Hamburgo after you go past the Hotel Galeria Plaza Reforma (Old Westin) up to Praga, then to your right and around the block. Most people do this driving in cars, no problems with the police.... Fair going rate on apps is 800 pesos...usually is the Colombians and Brazilians asking 1500+
  10. When I lived in Houston, there was a guy with money...oil money. He bought a kid he liked a townhouse and a Bentley. And from what his friend told me, he's done that for more than one that he liked.....
  11. Someone once asked me, why go looking for the pot of gold when you already know where it is, lol
  12. Easy mistake, as you pointed out, you are generic Asian, no??
  13. Namuzu was refused travel from Brasil to Colombia for lack of yellow fever papers......
  14. https://www.passporthealthusa.com/destination-advice/cuba/ Colombia would fall under one of the countries, as far as I know. In my MANY years traveling to Cuba and dealing with Latin American/ South American airlines.....better to be safe than sorry. You NEVER can predict what rule they'll be enforcing at the moment.
  15. I can't imagine yours (or mine)...lol I'm going to Thailand and Jakarta the middle/end of Jan in case you're in that part of the world....... going more for next yrs status, gotta start early
  16. You're just stubborn.....did I ever mention that to you?? I'm also disappointed in you.....you let a cute 20 yr old get away without sex...???
  17. Not my favorite place in Mexico...I went with an ex bf and we were shaken down by the cops 2 times over 1 weekend.... I have experience in various parts of Mexico with corrupt cops, but GDL was by far the worst and they didn't beat around the bush, they were very direct in asking for money. If you do find someone good to be with, It wouldn't be as much fun alone, take the Jose Cuervo express train to tour the Tequila distillery and the town of Tequila, was lots of fun. https://www.mundocuervo.com/eng/jose-cuervo-express
  18. I've chosen an AirBnb in Santa Teresa, not far from 117...tired of Copa and Ipanema.
  19. I'd disagree and Google seems to point that way too..... you have to keep in mind when people say Chicago has the highest gun murder rate, and the toughest gun laws (it's 25th in gun murders and 6th in toughest laws)...but you have to keep in mind , where do the guns come from? Neighboring states that have lax gun laws.
  20. I switched many years ago to T-Mobile and haven't looked back. I can't understand people that travel frequently using anyone else but them. In some countries, their 2G internet roaming is like not having internet....but I have a dual sim phone and would just buy a sim in that country for that.
  21. I get the feeling you are having fun, lol Brasil over Thailand???.....be honest!!
  22. The mother's were fighting about who's son got to go with you before you left...and I thought that only happened to me
  23. I went to Bali last year and loved it. Not the quantity guys as in Thailand , but I really had fun. I'll still go to BKK for mileage runs, food, massage and if lucky, sex. Is not how it used to be (or it's me). But like we see in Gen Y (Millennials), the Thai's are so aloof and expect to get paid, given gifts....just for being young and cute, without having to earn it....my point of view.
  24. No , is in Copa....lo0ks like it's been renovated. http://www.timeout.com.br/rio-de-janeiro/en/gay-lesbian/venues/354/rainbow-kiosk
  25. Funny , the guys that I've become close with and go places and do different things, Not one of them liked futebol....neither do I , I don't care for ANY sports and I'm from Boston, how weird is that?
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