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Everything posted by Travellerdave

  1. Its actually quite difficult to get a picture or movie with the camera working remote. I once bought a small tripod to make it easier to get myself and the boy in the picture. Previous efforts with the camera balanced on a table or chair were a failure. Even then the results were poor with the both of us only partly shown. Also concentrating on getting the photography right caused failure of erections and lack of penetration !.
  2. I always stay at the Tarntawan. Nice hotel and is known as a gay hotel. No problems with overnight boys.
  3. Lovethailand Didn't try the internet whilst on Samet. I went with a gay friend and we both took boys from Pattaya. We only stayed one night and bought an inclusive trip from Malibu.
  4. Im in Pattaya just now. The place seems to be making the transition to low season. One big difference compared with last year when I was here is the absence of Russians. Obviously they are suffering with the decline in the value of the rouble. They are big buyers of property here in Thailand and I noticed yesterday when I was in a high building that none of the numerous cranes on half completed buildings seemed to be working. Perhaps this is also a symptom. Its very pleasant in Sunee sitting in the open air bars after the heat of the day. Sunny Boys gogo is usually busy and has boys to suite most tastes. Dongtan Beach is busy but has few unaccompanied boys. However encroachment by Russian families and females is not so apparent as before. I went to Samet last year. The beaches are beautiful but there is no obvious gay scene.
  5. I started reading this thread not noticing it was started 7 years ago. It was only when I saw the mention of the Kaos gogo that I realised. I had discovered Thailand and Pattaya the previous year and Kaos was a main source for me to off boys. I remember also Jimmy Jimmy James and the other Sunee gogos. Also picking up boys from the gay beach is mentioned and I used find this a good source of bed companions. No doubt GR and other dating sites have had a major impact on the gay commercial sex scene, but bars will continue to attract customers, despite inflationary price increases. I very much look forward to my trips, one of which starts later this month.
  6. Thanks Up2u. Thought so. Pity, I love to see boys in speedos, preferable like those in your pictures or my avatur. Whilst sitting on the beach Ive used the wifi to invite GR boys occasionally to join me there. Sometimes they have come fairly quickly but never in speedos.
  7. Im due in Pats in just over 2 weeks. I would love to hear that the beach is adorned with many boys like the two in Up2u's pictures. That used to be common 7 or 8 years ago before GR made a big impact. Any update ?. The pool at Sansuck can attract unaccompanied boys in high season willing to accompany customers into the dark maze for a consideration (against the house rules of course).
  8. Thanks z909 We need more like him at Dongtan
  9. Oh well neiver mind about the fat lady what i want to see in my next trip is the boy wearing those speedos in your avatur.
  10. Whats this board coming to !. Now we have been infitrated !. Do we allow bisexuals ?. Tmax I enjoyed your account of your visit to Adonis. You wanted to be topped and the boy looked worrying over endowed. I have often had that experience and find it better to be on my stomach and allow the boy to lube me gradually probe for the entry.
  11. I think either section 14 or 15 must be Rits. I generally sit just past the toilet block. Any sightings of the fat lady by the way ?. She wasnt there during my September trip.
  12. I would love to be on Dongtan Beach just now. Ive just looked out of my window here in -5 deg England and see a frozen scene. Not sure if I will be able to drive my car up the road. Stil im consoled that I will be going to Thailand in four weeks. I dont think I have a colonial mentality but I am very concerned about access to cheap Thai sex workers. I need to take full advantage before they disappear.
  13. Farangyai... Yes thats a common situation. You sit with a boy in a bar or gogo and buy him a drink. Hes attractive and you are intending to off one for the night. However its only 9pm and you dont want him with you for the next few hours as maybe you will see another even more hot and maybe something will occur to change your mind. You tell him "maybe" which suits you but not him. He later is disappointed and resentfull that you didn't turn up. Of course it can go the other way - you go back later and are disappointed that he has been offed or maybe he is sat with another customer who is fondling him, and you go back to the hotel to sleep alone.
  14. Over the years I have had very few problems about tips and money. I put this down to usually paying at the top end of the going rate and also very often agreeing the figure beforehand. I remember however a difficult confrontation with a boy I offed from Kaos in Pattaya about seven years ago. It was my final night before going home and I wasn't intending to have a boy overnight but when I visited a gogo i saw a really gorgeous twink who agreed to go with me for 2000 LT. The sex was great with kissing, rimming, sucking and finally me topping him. He went in the shower and emerged seeing me preparing another condom for use in the morning (I dont like fumbling about in the dark doing this). He said What you do - I go - you pay me now. I pointed out that the agreement was for LT and offered him 1500. He came out with a load of abuse and was quite threatening. In the end I had to pay the 2000 and was a little shaken by the experience. I left Pattaya early next day even though i had an evening flight because I know its wise not to get Thais angry.
  15. The policy of hotels regarding boy guests varies. Some insist on retaining the ID card. One hotel even gave me a form to sign when I returned with a boy to stay overnight. Some check that everything is OK before giving the card back, although I normally accompany the boy to reception for this purpose. Some hotels are not bothered whether cards are handed in or not and others find holding the cards a nuisance. More places are using plastic cards to open the room door which are not handed in at reception but are retained by the guest. Sometimes particularly late at night or at small guesthouses you find nobody at reception or the guy is fast asleep. It can be reassuring when the card is properly checked that you havent acquired an under age boy.
  16. I stayed at the Malaysia about three years ago for a couple of nights. It was recommended to me as a budget gay friendly place and so it proved. I had a boy overnight once. However I havent stayed there since discovering the Tarntawan, which in my opinion is well worth the extra baht (800 about per night ?). 800 baht can vanish in the blink of an eye in bars and gogo's !.
  17. Sorry guys did I give the impression that one has to finish jogging in the park at 6 pm when the National Anthem is played ?. Of course when the music stops you can get going again and probably you will go faster as a result of the short rest !.
  18. I go jogging in Lumpini Park whilst in Bkk staying at tye Tarntawan Hotel. Loads of runners at dusk from 4.30pm, although you have to stop at 6.00 pm for the national anthem. About 2 miles round so 3 laps for me is a good run.
  19. Ive just noticed this short thread. Im on the verge of making a reservation for my forthcoming trip to Pattaya. I wonder if any members have stayed there in high season ?. I am slightly wary of staying there if its full of Russians (ive nothing particularly against them but they are not very friendly). I prefer to stay in gay hotels and the Sansuk is 100%. Hotels in Boystown and Sunee suffer from noise at night and I am sensitive to that. But I want to be reasonable close to those areas and dont stay in Jomtien. In September when I stayed at Sansuk it was quiet but easy to get to on a hired motor bike often bringing back boys. It was nice in the morning floricking in the pool with my overnight boyfriend.
  20. Yes Happy Holiday to everyone on this excellent forum ! And best wishes as we approach 2015
  21. Ive had 5 implants done over the last couple of years here in England. Total cost £9,500. Im very happy with them - hard to tell them from natural teeth. The cost is a lot lower in Poland but then you have the cost of multiple trips there plus hotels. Maybe i should have checked out having them done in Thailand.
  22. Lesson 12 The Intercontinental Hotel would be way above my budget, which allows for hotels at about 2000 baht per night, like the Tantawan in Bangkok. How much do you pay ?. I never have a had a problem with taking boy prostitutes to my room in Thai hotels, regardless of there dress or appearance, but then I stay when possible in hotels favoured by gay guests. The reason being that I feel embarrassed and uncomfortable being seen with boys 18-25 at the reception desk, dining room, pool etc. I would not have that problem with older Thai men. On odd occasions when i have had two boys overnight my hotel has made an extra charge. Does this happen at top end places ?.
  23. Another great report Vinapu. I will miss them when you go home !. Sorry you didn't check out the Dongtan Gay Beach - its been a favourite of mine over the years. I often go in the Bamboo Bar after being on the beach, usually about 5 pm. Its in a rather strange location for a gay venue, most of which are in the Complex or adjacent to the beach and its virtually next door to the busy 7-11. It seems to vary day to day. Sometimes busy with farangs being entertained by the waiters and then next day being empty with a couple of bored boys at the entrance.
  24. Vinapu Another great report - keep them coming ! In September, I used the Voctory Monument mini bus service to Pattaya. I did not realise the lack of luggage space and only bought one seat and I had my large bag with me. The bus was full so I had a very uncomfortable journey with a heavy weight on my knee. I went to Magnolia in September and experienced a rather brief first half of the massage. Im different from you as I only visit massage parlours for sex. At Magnolia I was happy as the boy topped me in a rather expert way which was exactly what I wanted. Its a long walk from Boystown - you had your daily exercise !. I like long time and good kissing is important. Before offing a boy I like to tongue kiss with him before committing. No doubt you will be visiting the Dongtan Gay Beach and I look forward to a report as this where I spend time, often with my boyfriend du jour. my next trip to Pats is coming up !.
  25. Thanks Vinapu for these excellent reports of your activities in Bkk. I wonder if the desire to leave in the early morning is common with Bkk boys (I spend most time in Pats). I am sexually most active then and love to wake up with a warm brown twinky body next to me and with my cock erect. I would have not liked your boy keeping checking the time. I like to believe that the boy is enjoying being in my bed even though probably he is not.
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