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Everything posted by Travellerdave

  1. I’ve just purchased my flights for my next trip - 3 weeks in February - probably mostly in Pattaya. I expect Pats to be very busy but probably not so much with gays. Probably I will just make a reservation at Zing for 2/3 nights where I like the pool, around which I like to sit/lie with boyfriends. It’s gay friendly but I have been there when there were too many parties of noisy str guests and children. I would then need to change but that’s not so easy as in low season. The strong baht is of course the main deterrent for Western visitors and Pats is increasingly full of Indian guys (nothing against them ) and Chinese tour groups. I still fail to understand the big reduction in gay visitors over recent years. Maybe one factor is the greater acceptance in European resorts of same sex couples. I did think of asking a gay friend to go with me to Playa des Ingles where I used to go before discovering Thailand, but the draw of Asian boys is too great. i did check Terminal 21 shopping mall when it was packed with Thais, Chinese and Indians but Soi Buakhow market is more my scene - perhaps buying presents for for my boyfriend du jour.
  2. I stayed at the Poseidon a couple of years ago - liked it. It’s 100% gay. Has a rather novel sort of jacuzzi with a flow of water you can swim against. However I have gravitated to the Zing in recent trips.
  3. When I was a user I used to invite Asian boys to share with me which they occasionally did and used whilst having sex. But I can’t think of an occasion when a boy offered And I don’t really know how prevalent popper use is within the Thai gay community.
  4. You occasionally see poppers being advertised by Thai boys logged onto Planet Romeo. Also a few years ago they used to be offered on the Jomtien gay beach, but I’ve not seen that recently. I suppose the risk of of being caught bringing them in at the airport must be near zero. I did that several times years ago when I was a user, but I worried that an off boy would report me.
  5. I think another correction is needed here Vinapu in respect of Pattaya. The gay bars in the Jomtien Complex are 99% female free. Occasionally you see Thai lady’s visiting and farang couples who have strayed into the area or are on a sight-seeing trip to view us gays and our Asian boyfriends. But I’ve not seen groups of Chinese lady’s there in the bars or any organised sightseeing parties as in BT. Hopefully it will stay that way.
  6. With you 100% Denny. The very mention of breasts in this forum . In a gay bar I only want to see other gay men and Asian boys.
  7. Boy69 mentioned the Agate and Zing Resort in the Jomtien Complex as the best gay friendly hotels there, which I certainly agree with, having stayed in both. I lean towards the Zing as it’s pool is fairly large and of a useful size for exercise swimming. I frequently off boys from the BT gogos and from Winner and use quick two up motor bike taxi transport back to the Complex, but this would not be for everybody. Boys on the internet dating sites are usually familiar with the Complex hotels and their locations. I’ve never stayed at the Venue but can recommend the nightly show which is surprisingly good providing you don’t dislike ladyboys.
  8. This used to happen at the Sansuk sauna in Pattaya. I say “used to” because I have not been there for nearly two years. However Before I visited regularly during my trips, both alone and with Thai boyfriends that on occasions I had met on the beach. Many members will know that on the upper floors there are cruising areas with a number of cubicles with doors. I sometimes liked to enter one with my boyfriend and be watched. However the voyeurs were prevented from joining in by dragging the heavy bed across the door but leaving a few inch’s of the door open. Sometimes several pairs of eyes would appear. Occasionally heads looked over the top of the cubicle wall, even though that was strictly forbidden by management !.
  9. In rural areas most of the agricultural work is casual so for much of the year so 22 or 30 days would not be worked and incomes would be much smaller. Many Thais therefore have migrated to Bangkok or the tourist resorts where more stable employment can be obtained. For young attractive girls and boys the sex industry beckons.
  10. Regarding dick size. I have transitioned over the last five years from a 100% top to a confirmed bottom. During the first part of this change I actively sort out small dicks particularly during the early part of my Pattaya trips and eagerly scanned boy’s descriptions in the online dating sites for that vital specification. Now I look for large rock hard dicks after a couple of delightful encounters with one boy who eased his into my arse hole very slowly and gently and commenced fucking only when he got my confirmation that I was not in any pain. Prior to anal I love to be rimmed but many boys will not do that although sucking is nearly always a given.
  11. I’ve slept twice with a boy that I contacted from Planet Romeo. He arrived on a new looking motor bike which he told me he was buying on credit. He’s very attractive and speaks fairly good English so I’m sure he doesn’t have to look far for customers and does not work in the bars. I’m not sure how many customers he needs to meet the monthly finance payments and his other expenses. But you never know with the boys he might have a daddy who’s not in Thailand at the moment.
  12. I stayed for a few days at the Zing in the Jomtien Complex during my current trip. Extremely good value and it has a useful size pool for swimming. It’s a favourite of Gays including myself.
  13. I’m in Pattaya now staying in a non gay hotel as I like the pool and gym. This hotel insists on visitors leaving their Id at reception and if the guest leaves unaccompanied they telephone asking if everything is ok. I’ve had a boy from Laos and he left his passport. They looked carefully at the id of one young looking boy and glanced at me saying “ok”. Whilst I have had no recent problems with boys in my hotel rooms as regards honesty, my money and valuables including an expensive watch go in the room safe,
  14. I’m in Pattaya just now - arrived yesterday pm I intend to check out Toyboys tonight. Last night I visited Winner Boys in Sunee, not intending to off due to being rather jaded and tired after 24 hours “on the road”. On my arrival early at 8.15 about 10 boys were on the stage, wearing a variety of underwear and some, with bare feet. Several wore speedos type briefs and I picked one boy with very fetching stripey ones revealing nice buttocks and an impressive bulge in front. He was a 19 year old twink, the type I like, but was not responsive to my attempts to initiate some basic conversation,. I left the Gogo after tipping him to have a walk around to acquaint myself with some Pattaya landscape having not been in town for 6 months and planning to return alone to the hotel for a good sleep. There seems to be a lot of excavation of roads to install much needed higher capacity drains which no doubt causes even more horrible traffic congestion. however I changed my mind and went back to Winner to find only six boys in circulation and a couple sat with customers. On an impulse I offed the stripey boy, who had surprisingly not been taken, and went two-up on a motor bike to the hotel. His performance in bed was good so sex wise my trip has got off to a good start. But his quietness and lack of verbal responsiveness was a little unnerving as was his frequent consulting of his phone. So I paid him the ST rate and had an excellent sleep, which was the sensible course of action in retrospect.
  15. Any recent reports on Cupidol - I to visit later this week.
  16. about 8 years ago I was 100% top. I had tried being bottom a couple of times. Once whilst on holiday 25 years ago in Gran Canaria I was fucked by a guy i meT on the gay nude part of the beach. It was incredibly painful and from then I shield away from guys wanting to penetrate me. I started trying bottom again whilst during one of my frequent trips to Pattaya when during a massage the boy partially inserted his cock in me. I didn’t let him carry one but in retrospect I found the experience erotic so later I invited an off boy with a slim dick to top me. I persevered with moderate pain and enjoyed it when he came. From then on I was Regularly bottom but in the early days of my trips I have to try and get boys to penetrate me very slowly using plenty of KY.
  17. Pattaya train station is way out in the country and maybe dangerous at night. Several years ago boys used to be found late at night at the gay beach Jomtien. I’m due there in two weeks so will investigate but need to be careful.
  18. I like to keep fit and fight the flab by jogging which I try to maintain whilst in Pattaya, although that is not easy in the tropical climate. The best time to do this is at dawn when it’s cooler and there are fewer people on the paths. This creates a pleasant difficulty when I’ve a boy in my bed overnight (usually). I try to explain to him that I will be getting up early but returning to the room after about an hour but this is difficult to put across. However quite often I get the jog done and on returning and after a shower I have a great interval of sex and fun before breakfast at 10 to 11. The “card trick” comes in useful. Sometimes the boy is not conscious that I have left the room - they love to sleep only second to food.
  19. I’ve sent you a pm
  20. Hi I am Dave from UK. I will be in Pattaya during the dates you mention and could meet up. I will text you on here closer to the time with my Thai phone number.  I am of course gay and like Asian boys. My favourite bar is Winner in Sunee.

  21. We all know the disadvantages of the phone apps. The pictures are often out of date or of poor quality. The text information can be non existent or inaccurate. Communicate by the site’s message system is slow and difficult with boys who struggle to write English. on the other hand boys are available 24/7 and there is no off fee. Over the years I’ve had boys from all sources including beach and street pickups, but overall my biggest source has been the Sunee gogos, particularly before that location’s sad decline.
  22. There is a girly Gogo bar on the road leading into Jomtien. Never been in it of course !.
  23. The Jomtien Complex is crying out for a Gogo bar. Plenty of host bars there but many of us like to visit gogos and it’s a distance to Sunee/BT and slow sometimes in baht buses.
  24. Airfares from the U.K. seem to be low at the moment. I’ve just booked MAN BKK for return £505. On 29/10/2010. This is for an Emirates flight with convenient times, changing at Dubai. I should arrive Pats late afternoon, so after a nap, I should venture out into the Complex bars to see if anyone I know is about and to check out the boys.
  25. Oh I have taken in temples in the past, but when you have seen one you have seen them all. Shopping also - one visit to Soi Buakhow market per trip is all I need for retail therapy.
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