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Everything posted by PeterRS

  1. Yes indeed. Sorry about the mistyping!!
  2. Cathay certainly seem to be in bundle of trouble. Low cost carriers are killing a lot of their premium business to key markets but I suppose theres not much they can do bout reducing their first and biz class offerings. 10 across coach seating has indeed been in some airlines for a few years. Personally Id prefer 10 across with 32 in of leg room to 9 across and just 30 in of leg room as some carriers have announced.
  3. What a disgrace! One of the worst posts i have ever read on any gay forum
  4. One of my close friends used to go to DJStation in his mid40s. In 1977 he met a young fulltime student from Chiang Mai there and they arranged another meeting over dinner. They have been a couple ever since then. That young Thai has lived in London with my friend for the last 18 years where he has citizenship and a good job. They got married as soon as it was legally possible. Assumptions about who earns what and who attends DJStation are meaningless.
  5. It does not need a degree in forensics to know that abidismaili once posted on all three main chat forums. The style of writing, the endless boring questions, the lack of trip reports are the dead givaways. Only now he posts on just two boards because under another of his aliases he was banned from GBs board. As he himself has written on this or another board he is in his mid40s, from Europe (I believe the netherlands) visited first in 2014 and is totally paranoid that he left his first visit so late in life. He is a drier version of Hercule Poirot if thats possible, only he will not accept that his visual calculations are often just plain wrong.
  6. I have zero doubt you are correct. But since titles of threads has been raised, if it is ok to post a subject that is non-Thailand in the Thailand thread is it ok for all threads to be originated there before being moved some das later ? I dont post often but others who do will surely consider their posts equally worthy of a wide readership?
  7. I read post headed Taipei and it was in the Gay Thailand forum. Fine. To me Taipei is in Taiwan. There was no indication it had been moved over to the China Taiwan part of the forum. So when posts are moved we are supposed to guess where posts are moved to. Nice to know.
  8. Calm down! Whats got under your skin? I dont read the forum regularly. If I send anyone a pm in any chat room it is customary to get a reply. I accept moderators are busy but a brief response is just a matter of courtesy. For you information yes it so happened I do read. And I read your post in response to Kokopelli about Scooby being happy with the thread where it was. Not surprisingly I thought that was the end of the subject. So unless someone informs us it is not, how are we to know it has been moved?? But since you are so touchy about the subject, I am happy to apologise - although Idon't know whether thats to you or Mr Scooby. And you might apologise to kokpelli and me for being so touchy about it all.
  9. 4 days ago I made a suggestion which I believe solves the problem. I sent a mail with the suggestion to Scooby. Absolutely no reply that I can see! Is there any moderator here? Does it seriously take 4 days to reply to a serious request from a member? Sorry but if this time non-reponse is supposed to be interpreted as non-agreement it is only a matter of courtesy to reply along with a yes or no.
  10. The people in black were most likely Thais lining up in very long queues to see the Kings catafalque in the Throne Hall in the Royal Palace. There are still huge queues every day. I really do not think many will go to see the cremation structures until they are much nearer completion in a few months.
  11. What is wrong with a forum when the owner fails to respond to repeated requests? Taking non response as the equivalent of the owner being happy with the way things are run is akin to the Trump palaver over Obama wiretapping. Trump can fix the issue with one phone call. Scooby can fix the issue with one Im ok or one Ill fix it post. But Trump and Scooby remain silent. Seems odd
  12. That is logic. But the Taiwan thread under discussion here is posted under Thailand. And one poster believes there is no need to have it posted under Taiwan/ So how then do you find reports about Taiwan?
  13. It is surely logical that trip reports are filed where readers interested in that part of Asia can easily find them at a later date. I cant seem to find any logic in posting a report that is only about Taiwan anywhere other than the subheading Taiwan. If readers dont read the China, Taiwan section its tempting to ask why is it there? But surely theres a solution. If a post is so interesting it deserves a larger readership cant it be posted on both? Isnt that a better solution instead of a constant back and forth of conflicting ideas?
  14. After living in Pattaya for a few years does anyone actually have any energy to survive beyond 75 ???
  15. A thought. Since there is a Turning 55 thread maybe the board should have a series of such threads along with lots of photos of the posters so others can also wish them happy birthday. Turning 60 Turning 65 Turning 70 could end up being the most read threads here
  16. Fine if you are one of those 8 passengers. But what about the others who were all on time? I agree there are two situations here. Connecting perhaps from a transpacific flight at Narita to one departing for another Asian city is basically a hub and spoke operation. Not so long ago in the case of US based airlines, the Asian sector started in the late afternoon or early evening and was the last flight of the day with the return being in the morning. Holding that final sector for passengers from a delayed incoming flight was therefore not a major inconvenience for the airline or the rest of the passengers. Now that hub and spoke operation is nothing like before as more partner Asian airlines have taken over the Asian sectors. JAL and ANA for example fly into BKK, drop their passengers and then fly another load overnight back to Japan. So holding a flight at NRT for the 8 delayed passengers has very definite ongoing consequences for an airline working to much tighter schedules. On the subject of delayed passengers on their first flights of a trip, many airlines have a note on all boarding passes that passengers have to be at the gate up to 20 minutes before departure time. Despite this I have been on quite a few flights where passengers are late purely because theyve been doing a bit of shopping, forgotten the time, gone to the wrong gate area...and so on. Yet planes are still held for them. On others, departures have been delayed while the delayed passengers luggage is located and taken off. Both scenarios result in late departures. So I cannot understand why scheduled departure times are not listed everywhere as 15 minutes prior to actual departure time, even on airline websites. Surely this makes sense. At a busy airport and on busy routes, aircraft are allocated departure time slots. Miss the slot on an intercontinental route and you might have to wait on the tarmac for up to an hour before air traffic control can find another slot on the route.
  17. Even with 95% of flights being accounted for, that still leaves a lot unaccounted for. I note you state "OAG must have received data for at least ..." Is it the airlines and airports who select and provide that information? If so how does OAG know it is getting an accurate statistical average and not a deliberately weeded out list? To return to firecat69s point, data based on departure from gates to arrival at gates will be very significantly different from touch down and take off. Since the definition in an earlier posts mentioned departure from gate, presumably it also means arrival at gate. And if that is true then the 14 min 59 sec window probably allows for only a 7 min 29.5 sec delay at each end from push back to arrival at the stand. That really is pretty tight. So a carrier pushing back from a gate at concourse G at BKK 14 minutes 58 sec late but then having to taxi for 15 mins to the south end of the east runway is effectively taking off 30 minutes late. Yet statistically its "on time". Switch to landing. If an aircraft is on time for a scheduled arrival but then air traffic control puts it in a stack because of congestion and it then loses another 10 minutes by being changed from a northerly approach to a southerly approach its arrival is defined as "late" although it is no fault of the airline. What about New Yorks LGA where aircraft crawl along the taxiway for up to an hour despite the distance being very short. Every airline departing at peak time may leave the gate on time but is liable to be pretty ate arriving. There are just so many variables. At busy airports its far from unusual for another aircraft to be late departing its gate. So the arrival flight is held till that aircraft has pushed back. But the arriving aircraft has been very punctual. Who'd be an analyst?
  18. Am I the only one to wonder why the data includes only 80% of flights? Why not every scheduled flight on the database or even just 95%? A great deal can go wrong with the 380,000 Delta flights not included. To go back to the point I made earlier, if 80% of Cathay Pacific flights are included but the periods during typhoons are excluded presumably CX would appear on that list. Not that it matters other than to the airports and airlines. But it seems an odd way to go about statistical analyis.
  19. In my experience weather is often a major contributing factor. Once flying from SFO to Miami on an early morning flight the AA plane landed a few minutes early. Although there were heavy black clouds moving in we expected to get to the gate on time. Then on the taxiway the rain thunder and lighting started. Since ground handlers must stop work during electric storms we sat there for all of 110 minutes before moving to the gate. MIA was like a disaster zone. I missed my connecting flight and could only get one the next morning. firecat69 is spot on. its a crapshoot. But do your research beforehand and you maximise the chances on an on time arrival.
  20. Ah but numbers often lie! It all depends on how those numbers are arrived at and the underlying facts behind the numbers. Weather inevitably plays a role. Honolulu has great weather. Its home airline has a small route structure. Just compare the route structure with the far larger SIA or Lufthansa! So the chances of overall on time arrivals are obviously higher than an airport like Hong Kong which has to reduce movements and sometimes close during the annual typhoon season. OTP is usually more dependent on the airlines than the airport. The dreaded phrase delayed due to late arrival of the incoming aircraft is heard at all airports and a delayed incoming flight almost inevitably means a delayed outbound flight. Then again the more airport movements at any airport the greater the chance of delays. Then airports with more long haul international flights tend to be less good in airline OTP than those with just domestic flights. Haneda is probably top of the list because it is largely a domestic airport that was opened up to some international flights only a few years ago. Vastly more international flights operate out of Narita. so its not a surprise that Narita isnt on the list.
  21. Wrong forum. Very few Thais read this forum and even fewer would have time to accompany a guy theyve never even met. If you are prepared to pay a daily fee there will be lots of money boys interested. But dont expect any to speak good english.
  22. From what I read at a distance, the Scottish First Minister is moving closer to having another leave the UK referendum. It would not surprise me if this time it passes with a considerable majority, even thgouh the economic arguments this time around seem far less favourable. If memory serves at the time of the last referendum oil was priced at over $100. Even then new fields would have had to be opened up to balance the books. Now oil is half that price. How do the books now balance? Historically though the Scots have always looked outwards. Their persecution by the English resulted in the need for a vast number of Scots to seek their fortunes and livelihoods around the world. I guess that must be ingrained in their DNA
  23. Agreed 100% with ryanasia. A stupid thoughtless comment. There are apps showing flights in real time. Check Iraq and Syria and youll see only domestic carriers anywhere near that land mass. Theres a reason Middle East airlines have great safety records. Did z909 avoid British and Irish carriers during the 20+ years of the murdering terrorist insurgency in nearby Norther Ireland. I suppose z909 also avoids all flights into Paris, Marseilles, Brussels, Nice, Istanbul, Sydney, Columbus Ohio, Hanover, Cologne, Manchester, London, Berlin, Moscow, Manila and lots of other cities, trains in Europe - o and Bangkok and most of the south of Thailand! All have experienced terrorist attacks in recent years. Best stay at home z909.
  24. Was twice in Hong Kong over the Chinese New Year period and it was all but dead. Like Kuala Lumpur vast numbers had returned to their home towns in China or migrated to warmer climes for the holiday. There was one float parade and a few lion dances about. Best should have been the stunning 20 minute fireworks displays over the harbour. Several million US$ literally go up in smoke. But even they were a bit disappointing as both times it was spoiled by low clouds and no breeze to blow all the smoke away. Hong Kong can also be pretty cold at that time. In Thailand Chinatown in Bangkok was much more fun.
  25. Anyone interested in #888 better make that interest felt soon. 8 is a lucky number to the Chinese and 888 is about a good as it gets! With Chinese New Year approaching, soon gays from China, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan will be heading to Soi Twilight. Ive no doubt thats one reason the boy chose the number 888.
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