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Everything posted by Moses

  1. Dear, future "government" is in UN list of designated terrorist groups... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_designated_terrorist_groups Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (you know them under the label Al-Quaeda), exactly they took Damask... if you dreaming about bright future of Syria, you should correct your dream at least in few points: it will be Shariah state with Shariah law, it will be theocratic state, there will be no democracy at all because to make election in Syria will be not possible due quite big set of different military groups acting in interests of different countries, ISIS will get strength again because of unrest and because there are no Assad's army anymore to suppress them, with very high probability there will be civil war, maybe for few years, maybe nonstop and endless, few "governments"... like in Libya now - one sits in UN but controls only capital, other are real local govts... whatever you think about the Assad regime, it was the last civilian/secular regime in the region, and it fell, now the mullahs will be in charge and regarding the Russian army: it is better for the West that it stays there, because if the Russian troops leave Syria, in a week they will be on the Ukrainian front, where Ukraine is already in a very bad situation... so, if you want to have picture about future of Syria - just take a look on Afghanistan and Taliban - if Al-Quaeda will have enough power in Syria, or on Libya, if it will have not enough power to control whole country.
  2. The same as with Snowden: to ignore.
  3. Navalny was used by everyone: the West for propaganda, his brother to make money, his wife to become famous, and even Putin to highlight the opposition. And then no one needed him anymore.
  4. By the way: his widow took selfies on the beach with Chichvarkin very soon after death of Navalny
  5. https://dataunodc.un.org/data/homicide/Homicide in prison freshest data shows homicide rates in prisons for Russia 2.1 per 100K prisoners, for US 5.5 per 100K prisoners, France 8.8
  6. List of countries by incarceration rate, Oct 2024. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_incarceration_rate
  7. Was Navalny below 18 yo? When Navalny was in colony, he regularly recorded messages to his supporters and communicated with his family. Therefore, Western media always had material to criticize the Russian regime. This camshot from his colony. Look on the bunkbeds - most of them have no mattress, that means nobody live there. better view, this is colony with "strict" regime:
  8. Dear, last concentration camps were in Germany and US (for US citizens of Japanese origin). Here for adults are prisons (more harsh conditions) and "colonies" (less harsh conditions, people may work, have salaries, use shops on territories, call to home, study in colleges and UNI, and receive parcels, set of allowed activities depends on type of regime of colony - these may be "relaxed", "regular" and "strict", type of colony where criminal will live depends on court's decision and criminal codex). For kids (14 yo - 18 yo)- "special boarding schools" with mandatory education. Kids below 14 yo can't be prosecuted in any case. Check minimal criminal responsibility age in your state.
  9. It sounds funny: "We don't like him, so you should deal with it". If you don't like then you should deal. You do? Looks like it doesn't work as intended and only brings additional deaths. There were peace talks in 2022 in Istanbul. The West arrogantly advised Ukraine to interrupt them. Since that time Ukraine lost 4 regions, which were acknowledged by Russia as Ukrainian territory in 2022. Now these 4 regions are part of Russia. Well, now your hands are covered in blood. And now you are pushing Ukraine to lower the age of mobilization to 18 as a condition for continuing the supply of weapons. War to the last Ukrainian?
  10. Maybe. But also sounds like any other prosperous country.
  11. Why? Income is rising at last 20 years, GDP is rising, quality of life is rising. Do Russians have reason?
  12. Well, you may join them then. Or you are brave only while sitting in warm home on soft sofa? Why just "hope"? Set an example, go to Ukraine and join them, typical example of cowardice "with all thoughts and prayers". Are you "hoping" that 15 year old will fight Putin for you? If you think that Putin should be fought, then go to Ukraine instead of sitting on the couch. You don't have to answer. It's clear anyway: you prefer that others suffer for your beliefs.
  13. Dear, in US more than 10 boys already been prisoned for contacts with ISIS. Contacts only. By the way: they got up to 20 years of penalty. Google it. This one boy applied to membership it terroristic organization. Not this one where dissidents writing pamphlets, but organization created and financed by Ukrainian secret service and based in Ukraine, organization what blew up cafe in Sankt-Petersburg where about 40 civilians died, blew up few houses on the south of Russia near the border with Ukraine. So fact what he got only 5 years is humanity. And that fact of participating in this terroristic organization confirmed by himself and his mother. You may continue your fake cries...
  14. And now Syria is in hands of radical Islamists. Good luck with them!
  15. Exactly. Peace-loving USA and predatory China.
  16. This is classic "Our noble intelligence officers and their insidious spies." Tell it to Snowden
  17. You forgot one very important word: "If". We all know what words of Western propaganda worth zero. See "Powell's case" above.
  18. So, if US poisoned foreign citizens, then everything is OK? Tell it to Vietnamese.
  19. No worries, I don't care, because such behavior is excellent indicator (see above)
  20. When the opponent has no facts to counter, he begins to talk about the personality of the participants in the discussion.
  21. It is not mine. It is ChatGPT analysis. Neutral and informative. Sorry for broking your dreams.
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