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Everything posted by Moses

  1. Qantas has no accidents since 1951
  2. This is my final report about work with Lookme spa's site As it is announced in the topic, my promises are not only about "nice", "modern" and "with high usability". There is word "effective" in topic. Yesterday, just in 1 days after everything was ready and in one week after first drafts were published, my work appeared at first page of search results in Yahoo It is first, but not last result, Google will be next one Thank you for commenting, helping and watching!
  3. Ok. It is ready in 99%. I have to make few minors hacks for Internet Explorer. Everyone is welcome to critic If you will feel I miss something - let me know too. Only 2 notes before you will start to critic: - there are no photos of masseurs (as per owner) - I'm not native in English, so every misspelling, mistyping are VERY WELCOME. site is here
  4. Moses

    airport taxi

    I think the cheaters just use night tariff at day-time. Yes, I take taxi from upper ramp - from drop off zone. I did that many times for years (more than 15 times for sure). No one time I have been stopped or even asked to go downstairs. If nobody from officials is worrying about why should I worry about then? By the way - it is best way to get car to Pattaya just for 900-1000 Baht.
  5. Moses

    airport taxi

    Usually I take taxi from upper level. It cut 50 Bahts of airport fare and I never meet doctored meter there - drivers have no time for manipulation there.
  6. yes, I know... I saw your visit to site but to place or not - it isn't my choice: I'm just webmaster who is making website i'm not boss
  7. Short report Almost all in design is ready, now I'm filling site with real content (FAQ is empty yet and Gallery is at step of programming). Still have to fix some bugs of design which are visible only in IE. There are even live chat (it is visible only if admin is online). So you have chance to chat with me next two days. Hope to finish site at Sunday night. Thank you.
  8. please add under Pattaya hotels http://pattaya-gay-hotel.blogspot.com/
  9. Rogie thank you for your comment. Right now I'm working about styles (fonts, colors, backgrounds, dimensions, spaces etc.) of site. Almost all content is just a draft - only to see how it will look like. Only header is 99% ready and some illustrations. When styles will be ready then I will change most of content to real one. Hope to start to work about content tomorrow at evening.
  10. you miss it was me - with testing in 7 browsers... I'm in Moscow now... statistic allows me to cut own visits but only when I'm logged in, and I can't be logged in from all 7 browsers yes, there are views at graf and I'm talking about visitors... anyway: if I have views then I have visitors for sure and I didn't expect too many as I got by the way: design of page with prices is ready (I'm about design, but not about content)... next "to do" is to finish design of right column... everyone is welcome to watch design and leave comments page is here
  11. Hi there Thank you for your attention to my work Header is 99% ready, Now I'm working with styles of central part of page. It is 90% ready. Footer's and right column's styles are 70% ready. I didn't expect to see so many visitors Stay tuned
  12. Thank you Today I had start to make new one, as a gift to lookmespa Everyone can watch "online" my work step-by-step here Now I'm working with styles and CSS. It is the main and most long step. Have hopes to finish this step in 1-2 days.
  13. Great But it looks ugly at website... Feel free to use my pics instead, but when will put them on page please be sure if width is 365 px and height is 200 px
  14. To have some personal relation with potential customer is important for business. Esp. if we are talking about such business as therapist, doctor, guide etc. If your team don't want their photos to be published you still have few ways to estab. more close connection with visitor of your site anyway. You can put some description of your team with using nickname instead of real names. Example:
  15. lookmespa, do you have a plan to put photos of masseurs to website?
  16. Hi lookmespa I like how you reply to posts here Small advise: Here http://www.lookmespa.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=10:-spa-area&catid=8:spa-area&Itemid=10 you have pictures of your spa. They aren't small, but are just "tightened" by code. Look at code: Your huge picture http://lookmespa.com/images/stories/pix-spa/picture%20011.jpg is just tightened to 191 x 144 px size, but our browsers still need first download 1.2 Mb of real picture which is 2592 x 1944 pixels from your server and only then make it smaller and show us 191x144 pic on your page. It makes your page very slow. Please feel free to use next pictures which I resize for you and made them a little bit more "nice". And they are 600x450 and 191x143 sizes and are 10-80 times smaller by weight
  17. Nice to meet you Oh I will wait till you will publish your portfolio My first website become profitable in far 1997 Hehe... it was porn-site for straights ))) I made it just coz was curious about web and business in internet. First monthly turnover over $100K for 1(one) website I got in 2004. My best conversion (visitors to customer) result for traffic from searchengines is 14% and average conversion is 9.6% (comp. average for world 2.2% and average for search 3.2%, top-10 world av.conv. is about 12%) For now I'm owner of 100+ websites and 10+ e-shops. Ok. It was about dick's length ))) Now about Eros website. When I post my first note about it - I had no idea who made it and how. I wrote only coz want "Peter's" site to be nice That's all. I wrote my impressions. Why do you think it is "negative"? It isn't. It is just list "to do, if customer wants to improve visibility in search-results, if customer wants better usability of his site, etc."
  18. wow unpredictable nobody wants website for free...
  19. hehehehe... usually I do opposite: at the evening before special night I put bottle of wine in front of door of my neighborhoods downstairs with note "sorry, it will be special night tonight" never had complains after it
  20. just make right click and you will see something like as I saw all pics were taken in about 20 days...
  21. I think it was about 12 of August - Queen's Birthday and Thai Mother's Day. Almost every bar was closed at this day.
  22. The path is the same every time:
  23. preparing of Christmas travel, start of Christmas vacations... IMHO and may be new google-bot visit
  24. asiansexynine Lets clear situation... I have nothing against you, I have nothing against your skills and experience... I just wonder: why you call this work "design"?
  25. Hm... I think if code looks like Wordpress: If structure of files looks like Wordpress: Then it is Wordpress - free platform for bloggers.
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