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Everything posted by Moses

  1. by the way: on all my forums political subforums are hidden from indexing by search engines, I don't want focus blurring
  2. here is 1 (one) reply relevant to topic
  3. I respect you and your opinion, but behind my words there are 20+ years of experience in owning and managing forums. The number of views is not interesting in itself, it can be taken into account only when you have a second indicator in addition to this number - time spent on the page. Because without it, the number of views can show only one thing - how well the topic title is written, whether it is clickbaitable enough.
  4. correct, the problem for forum is what that political subforum isn't relevant to forum's mainstream "where to go to buy hole or stick more cheap and safely", so political content works against forum's interests... it blurs the focus of the forum, indexed by search engines and lowers the forum in the search results for basic queries like "where to buy a boy cheap?"
  5. nope, because you never know what is behind of each view - there may be "oh, it is interesting" or may be "oh, again that shit" or "oh, again click bite header with zero info", and each reaction still generates 1 view
  6. views means nothing, replies show audience engagement: 3 replies with less views is better for forum, because each reply is additional content
  7. it still has zero replies
  8. Do you see "?" - question mark - in your link? You always may cut any content starting from that "?" because after it exactly affiliation is placed. And owner of ID 304142 (aid = advertiser ID) will get money from your post for booking Dorothy's .
  9. correct, because of but I always discuss the facts he publishes, and don't write "why did you bring something that no one needs" by the way, without me, quite a large part of his posts would look like this:
  10. @Reader is boring. The news he brings to the forum is selected biasedly: if he comes across a negative news item about Russians or Chinese, he will definitely bring it, because the news coincides with his opinion about Russians and Chinese. Quite a lot of the news he brings to the forum is copied from pathetic low-budget tabloid sheets and is not trustworthy. I have caught the Reader bringing here "news" from two years ago for the sake of a headline. BUT! This forum has an owner, administrators and moderators. And they are the ones who should determine the policy of desirable and undesirable content. The situation when one user tries to dictate what should or should not be published here is not normal. If a user believes that some content violates the forum rules, he should not play the part of a freelance policeman, but should use the forum function "Report" - the three dots in the upper right corner. Do you think the content is "wrong"? - press the "Report" button. *** When people try to tell me what I should do or not do, I always have 2 replies: Who are you to lecture me? Don't tell me what to do and I won't tell you where to go P.S. pic just for fun
  11. Well, to make rabbit stew, it is not enough to have a rabbit carcass, vegetables and spices - the most important thing is to know how to cook this stew. Here is a fragment of text that is 100% written by AI (I used your text from the first post and gave the AI some instructions on how to work with this text). Here is the result of the AI detector. Just a seasonal bonus to post in pinup style:
  12. You are optimist Merry Christmas to you My Christmas in on Jan 7.
  13. Sure. But: I never pretend they are texts for newspaper, I clearly mark AI-generated texts
  14. Moses


    This map shows soi7 on Thaniya road while map above shows Soi 7 on Silom road
  15. Dear, you know, if your president cares about poverty and tortures in Syria, when 40 millions Americans using food stamps, when veterans begging on streets and (hello Steeeveee) opioid crisis in country, may be then he should leave oval cabinet and became president of Syria? Just for to be more close to problems. M?
  16. Even from the point of view of gay rights - in Syria under Assad, homosexuality was criminalized, but punishable by 1 to 5 years in prison. And in the monarchies of the Middle East, homosexuality is punishable by death, just like in poorly educated Afghanistan. And the loyalty of democracies to these regimes is simply due to energy dependence, and therefore no one pays attention to gay rights in these countries. It turns out that if the country is loyal and supplies oil, then everything is fine with the regime. We will receive their leaders on red carpets, shake hands, hug and admire the golden toilets in palaces. And if it is not loyal, then every loudspeaker will throw mud at them, although there is no difference between the first and the second.
  17. And I am also surprised at how brainwashed you are: it never even occurs to you to discuss the palaces of the emirs and kings of the absolute monarchies of the Middle East, although their despotism is stronger than Assad's - at least Assad had elections. But the emirs show sufficient loyalty and that is why they are in your society columns, while Assad did not show loyalty and that is why he is in military reports. Although in essence, Assad's regime is much more democratic than the absolute despotisms of the Middle East.
  18. You forgot to add "and served by Western banks" for profit, since these billions for sure aren't in cash and nobody can pay in dollars of euro without to process such operation via Western bank...
  19. You said that for propaganda or because you was his personal banker and know details? What Russia really does - it moves C-400 and C-300 to Libya, because technologies are quite sensitive and it will be bad if Islamist radicals will get them.
  20. Photo from December 10. The ships have already returned. The base is leased until 2066. The current leaders of Syria have already decided on their position on the base - they will implement the previous agreement with Russia.
  21. Urban legends within brianwashed? Well... Consumption in liters: Changes in popularity at past 12 months:
  22. Because typical "easy way" looks like this (typical American easy way). Mosul, Iraq.
  23. State Ukrainian terrorists use disposable cheap drones-kamikadze with range up to 50-60 km and battery limit up to 2 hours. When they can't find military target within limits, they drop mines/shells to places where it may make max damage: busses, cars, private homes. Dec 6, 2024, Shebekino city. Private car, 1 person injured: When attacking buildings, they use a double strike technique: first, one drone attacks the building with an incendiary mixture, and 10-15 minutes later, the second drone attacks the firefighters who are putting out the fire there. Gorlovka town.
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