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Everything posted by Moses

  1. Fantastic report! Just amazing
  2. Moses


    After midnight nose is not so disturbing: show in Venue is going till midnight.
  3. Yes, in Pattaya some hotels charging for visitors 1000 baht
  4. did you saw link to site? guiding $50 / 8 hours at day time, $30 / 6 hours at evening, or $70 / 14 hours full day. If you will need car - add some money for fuel by agreement - depends on distance, some tips for massage (again by agreement) Woody doesn't provide any sexual service.
  5. In fact we should divide "regular massage shops" and "gay-massage shops" I. For regular massage shops: in shop: - prices are lower than for outcall massage, - you have some choice of masseurs in some shops, but in some shops you will get "next in line vacant masseur" and nobody will give you warranty even if it will be men , - some shops haven't showers at all, so may be you will walk to home oiled after massage - you will spend more time: to get to shop and after massage to get to home - 20-30 min aftermassage relax is necessary for right therapy but you haven't it in shop - usually massages are just behind curtains in common room - no personal climate-control in room: - own private room - own private shower - outcall is timesaver - you don't need to visit shop - it is more expensive than massage in shop (usually x 2-3) - you can have 20-30 min after-massage relax Short side-story about relaxation after massage (sorry for my limited English): at time of massage masseur stretching your muscles and "putting" bones to right position in places of connection. So after stretching of muscles and after moving of bones body need some time to adjust to new position and muscles need time to take regular length. That why you need time to lay 20-30 min after massage. Also after good massage usually ppl have signs of algidity/chill - if you have such signs that means your body takes a lot of energy for adjusting after massage and spends energy to it instead of normal warming itself. II. Gay-massage shops "for fun": in shop: - more wide choice of boys - higher prices than from freelancers - less privacy (communal shower, sometimes just massage cells in communal room) - some risk of thieving in room: - no warranty if your "masseur" know massage - more privacy - some risk of to be robbed if masseur is just from pick-up sites such as Romeo or Hornet - no middleman - so prices are cheaper than in gay-shops
  6. Just a reminder: for people who in new in Chiang Mai as well for returning visitors Siamroads.com has a guide in Chiang Mai - Woody. Woody is local guide, driver and masseur. You can find many positive feedbacks on this forum about his service. http://siamroads.com/woody-chiang-mai/
  7. Yes, the main target of our driver are multi-days travels by country - that why we agreed to include him to team. SUV can reach places where normal taxi or sedans can't run normally - hills, remote villages in national parks and so on. Also big cars are more comfortable for long travels - more space, more comfortable seats.
  8. It depends on class of service. Simple taxi you can hire for 1000-1100 Limo puck up sedan car (like Toyota Camry) normal price are 1300 - 1700 Limo pick up SUV car normal prices are 1600-2200 Toyota Fortuner is SUV - premium class, comfortable and powerful, but also fuel consuming car, so SiamRoads offers competitive service to customers who prefer to use comfortable premuim class cars. What class of service you will choose: taxi, simple, normal or premium limo - it is up to you. Check our competitors, we are hiding nothing : http://www.pattaya-express.com/taxi-rates.aspx http://www.suvarnabhumiairport.com/en/115-limousine http://www.firstclassbangkok.com/luxury-cars?field_what_kind_of_luxury2_value=All http://www.zikandzakservice.com/transferservice.php
  9. Hello friends, SiamRoad's team is happy to announce new service: car with driver. Driver: Olay, 28 yo, professional driver with license for public transportation. Languages: English, Thai. Car: Toyota Fortuner (2016), comfortable, premium class, new, fast. Up to 4 passengers or up to 3 passengers + luggage Services: transfers to/from airports, Bangkok, Pattaya, Hua Hin, whole Thailand. Multi-days orders are possible. Details and prices, contact and booking forms are here: http://siamroads.com/olay-driver-bangkok-thailand/
  10. Moses


    "Best bed Inn, Jomtien", directly on the beach, 5-7 min walk to Jomtien gay area, $25-$40 price range, visitors are allowed for free.
  11. Exactly. He is the only supporter of his grandma and grandpa. He got skills of massage in real massage school, 3 years late from income from massage he got motobike taxi license, and now he is working as much as possible:at day time massage when has appointments and late at night moto-taxi driver. No weekends, no vacations.
  12. https://www.google.com/search?q=central+station+club+moscow check images
  13. Nick's website been updated http://thaimasseur.biz/ Testimonials are here: http://thaimasseur.biz/testimonials/
  14. In addition to prev. comments I should remind: April 14-16 is Songkran - Thai New Year. Most Thais visiting their parents/families that time.
  15. Short update: Siamroads.com soon will have new look. Website will have more clear design, typography, logic, logo. Preview (from my home server): main page Listing of companions: Companion's profile: News:
  16. I wonder how different is culture in countries. In my country to ask somebody about source of his money is extremely rude and is counting as a low-class behavior.
  17. After 2015 Paris attack EU collects passengers data from airlines to Schengen Information System (SIS II). Law been implemented at the end of 2015. Check "PNR directive" in Google http://eur-lex.europa.eu/eli/dir/2016/681/oj
  18. It is forbidden by law in many countries already: people take a lot of bags when bags are free, and that is bad for ecology https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phase-out_of_lightweight_plastic_bags#Indonesia http://jakartaglobe.id/news/indonesian-cities-now-charging-shoppers-plastic-bags/
  19. install CCleaner and check your system http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/ free version is enough
  20. I can tell only about Pattaya and only about host bars. Boys there receive 50% of "off fee" and have nothing from regular drinks, but have 10% from whiskey bottle + soda + ice sets. Fine for "no show" at work is 100% of "off fee", waiter's salary is "about nothing": 100-150 baht per day, so they are leaving on tips and offs...
  21. Russian holidays will start in few days.16 daily direct flights + about 12 daily by Emirates, Ethihad and China Airlines
  22. Moses


    Rotation of boys in massage shops is very quick, so advises will be almost useless for you. But one suggestion I still have: such shops are in service over 30 years (I mean business in general). Managers and receptionists saw many strange things, heard many dirty jokes and totally understanding situation. Than more clear you will describe your dreams and wishes then more satisfied you'll be with service after. They aren't your mom or teacher. Be straightforward
  23. If you still are there, use half day to visit Rolous group of temples - they are 2 centuries older than Angkor Wat. Also don't forget to visit Tonle Sap for sunset
  24. Yeah, check Aliexpress... they know how to sell underwear to patrons of young Asian guys Disclaimer: all pictures collected from aliexpress.com just in 5 min. Price range $2.5-$5. To repeat search use words "jingjiang" (brand), "sexy" and so on... I spend more time for to attach pictures than to collect them at Aliexpress
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