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Everything posted by Moses

  1. you need - you do... I'm not your secretary, do it yourself
  2. Well, the address is listed above, you can ask yourself
  3. you didn't have to admit it and your video selfie doesn't look aesthetically pleasing
  4. It is analysis of AI, dear. once again: this is a public forum, dear - I publish whatever I want, and I don't need anyone's consent for this... if you don't like it - don't read it and ignore it...
  5. I analyze nobody. AIs did it. If you don't agree with analysis, you may write that to chatgpt.com
  6. 1. It is ChatGPT, not "me" 2. I don't care what "you need from me" - it is public forum, dear.
  7. And this is DeepSeek:
  8. Salted salmon with dry martini, lime with sweet martini
  9. Are you judge?
  10. You can't still deny what Cambodia at that time was Democratic Kampuchea. And Pol Pot and Khmer Rouge was overthrown by communist Vietnam. And that the overthrow of Pol Pot is the merit of communist Vietnam and the USSR.
  11. You can't deny what country was named at that time Democratic Kampuchea. Should we call it democracy then? By the way, the West was so afraid of the growing influence of Vietnam and the USSR in the region at that time that it supported Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge - see the link to this in that same Wiki article that you cited in your post. And Thailand was the base for Pol Pot's guerrilla camps and it was to Thailand that Mao and the US supplied them with weapons (see the same Wiki article)
  12. There is no one word "communist" in the law. Again propagandists tricks? Full text: https://bonnalay-com.translate.goog/law_documents/ច្បាប់-ស្តីពី-ការប្រឆាំ-2/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp But if we remember history, the Pol Pot regime was overthrown by troops from communist and pro-USSR Vietnam.
  13. -10.26%? Well my bank deposits interests in RUR depending on length of deposits are 16% - 21%. So I'm in profit anyway
  14. looks like "panic" was usual fantasy game of CNBC. To whom it may concern: now it is 98,2
  15. Sure. There are no ocean in Bangkok.
  16. AI is like a knife - it can cut bread and it can kill. A knife by itself can neither cut bread nor kill, for this to happen a human must pick up the knife. And then everything will depend on his intentions. The word "intelligence" is included in the name of AI for marketing purposes: even the most modern AIs do not have intelligence. At all. Their work is based on probability, not on reason. These AIs also do not have free will. Therefore, talking about the risks coming from AI is the same as talking about the risks coming from knives. With modern AI, all the risks come from people who have access to the AI and their intentions. All modern AIs are controlled and monitored by humans, and without humans they are just software, like some Microsoft Word, waiting for you to type on your computer. In the fairly near future (a horizon of about 10-30 years) there will be AIs with what can be roughly called free will - these will be AIs that will work on quantum computers, just as AIs now work on servers. The combination of quantum computers and software that we today call "Artificial Intelligence" can "give birth" to real AI that has reason.
  17. That's inaccurate declaration. All 4 countries "are locked" in dispute "all against all", and for example Vietnam has the most questions about this matter for the Philippines, while Vietnam has already signed a settlement agreement with China. The West has made some attempts to channel these unresolved issues towards China, but within the framework of ASEAN and BRICS, these attempts have been neutralized and smoothed over.
  18. It is screenshot of AI writing. I can't delete part of AI writing and nobody can - In chat you may delete only own words. But people who is still living in XX century, and they reason about others, “What would I have done in their place? I would have delete it!”, and then they project these thoughts onto others, they don’t even know such little things.
  19. Dreams... dreams... You are nobody from nowhere. Pixels on my monitor. Why should I "suffer"? You know zero about me, so you aren't expert. And when you aren't expert why should I "suffer"? I just smiling and ignore.
  20. As "I predicted" you are living in your false dreams, which I politely call "urban legends". Just open Chat GPT and ask it. But you prefer to live in XX century...
  21. You accuse others of lying, but you yourself are so carried away by refutations that you don’t even look at the publication dates.
  22. I still write your language better than you write mine.
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