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Everything posted by Moses

  1. So many words... But Putin prefers Biden... surprise So, remember: if you are voting for Biden - you are voting for Putin.
  2. 6 Why not punish the parties that betrayed the interests of the country, putting party interests above national ones, and vote for one of the independents? Why not punish the party that pushes through a disabled person, and punish the party that pushes through a neo-fascist?
  3. But OK. Let's talk about Russia. And Biden. “As a result of these unprecedented sanctions, the ruble almost is immediately reduced to rubble,” President Joe Biden said in Poland in the middle of March 2022. "Biden administration officials have repeatedly pointed to the deteriorating currency as a sign of the swift and devastating impact of Western sanctions, which included a coordinated effort to cut off Russia’s access to its war chest of foreign reserves." https://www.politico.com/news/2022/03/31/ruble-recovery-russia-biden-sanctions-00021850 Barely a month later, the ruble has staged a dramatic recovery — putting pressure on the Biden administration and its allies to deploy even tougher measures to undercut the Kremlin’s ability to finance the war. Also March 2022. "Ruble is still strong because Russia sales oil" said them and imposed oil sanctions in the middle of autumn 2022. Smart decision. After one year of oil sanctions Bloomberg wrote in December 2023: "Moscow’s monthly income from oil exports is greater now than before the invasion of Ukraine, highlighting the failure of measures to curb its war chest" https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2023-12-06/oil-prices-how-russia-punched-an-11-billion-hole-in-west-s-sanctions-regime And now, after more than 2 years of sanctions, 14 packs of sanctions have been imposed. GDP of Russia grew 5.6% in first half of 2024, Russian ruble was 84.75 in the February 2022 before conflict started, and today it is 87,74. And on the top of this cake is Putin's opinion on result of election 2024: Putin says he prefers Joe Biden over Donald Trump in the White House. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/15/world/europe/putin-biden-trump-us-election.html
  4. and "Biden stumbles", correct exactly that I wrote: The only “Putin” relevant to this discussion, according to Biden, is the president of Ukraine. Are you again, having no facts to support the topic, trying to throw the discussion off course?
  5. Is this thread about Putin and Russia?
  6. To me? Nothing. I am not American. My position has been clearly stated for a long time: the United States is a victim of political polarization and the interests of political clans. Look at this subforum - none of the participants have any real arguments in favor of their candidate and everyone is simply posting propaganda against a candidate from the opposite “camp”. One candidate, being in Cambodia, believes that he is in Colombia, shakes hands with ghosts that no one but him can see, believes that his vice president's name is Donald Trump, and the president of Ukraine is Putin. The second is an unsympathetic clown with authoritarian habits from a human point of view, and Project 2025 is a document that exists despite almost all amendments to the American Constitution. So, in my opinion, the situation is this: no matter who wins out of these two, America will lose either way, the clan gerontocrats will win. But when I voiced this for the first time 2 years ago, when I said that nation needed a plan B, otherwise everyone would end up quoting Shakespeare with his “a plague on both your houses,” both “camps” attacked me. Therefore, it gives me pleasure now to periodically “throw guano on the fan.”
  7. Let's listen sponsors. https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/07/12/us/biden-trump-election
  8. Yes Yes. Everyone avoided him because they were afraid he would call someone else "President Putin" or "Vice President Donald Trump." Biden's every public appearance now looks like a national shame.
  9. Moses

    Biden bloodbath

    Well, he had weak legs, not brains.
  10. for example here https://www.reddit.com/r/GayYoungOldDating/ it just example, you may found more using search function
  11. use Reddit.com - it has groups where youngsters seeking for daddies and daddies seeking for youngsters
  12. But may be stimulated by to be in right place at right time exactly! but 20 years ago I told to my husband about apples and bananas
  13. It will cost you much more than tax optimization. And may cost you more than just to pay tax. The easiest way is just have bank card in foreign bank and use it for all your need.
  14. Thailand signed MCAA at the end of 2022 and since 2023 participating in tax data exchange. All incomes from MCAA-countries (more than 150 countries in World), are transparent to Thai tax dep. Records started in 2014 for G-20 + few more countries, Thai govt has access to this data. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Reporting_Standard All that they need - to issue to resident expats Thai tax ID. They will do it when you will fill form.
  15. Looks like nobody listen this guy from legal company (video above): if person had this amount BEFORE Jan 1 2024, then nobody in Tax dep will care about these money. Also: it totally useless to ask that question without start "I'm citizen of ...." and only then ask question. Because of agreements of double taxations. By the way, for citizens of UK https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5a80bddc40f0b623026953eb/uk-thailand-dtc180281_-_in_force.pdf Pensions should be taxed in the country of residence, if you are living in TH more than 180 days in 2024, then you should be taxed in TH.
  16. Looks like it is in "pro-Dems" culture... Oh, did I just call it culture? It's probably correct to call it "lack of culture"
  17. Why all "pro-Dems" when they have no arguments, starting to talk about poster personality? Is it infection like COVID? You don't understand how law works. - Biden is too old to be president - Putin is murderer... bla-bla-bla... - Biden has cognitive and speech problems - Russia is...bla-bla-bla... Could you please focus your mind on topic? Presidential immunity.
  18. No, I agreed with what I originally stated: Nixon is a prime example of the use of presidential immunity. The fact that he quit doesn't matter. It is important that he was not punished for his actions.
  19. Be that as it may, Nixon enjoyed immunity and remained unpunished; there was no criminal prosecution.
  20. In your country even cops may kill "without reason"... You already forgot BLM? Speaking about presidential immunity https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidential_immunity_in_the_United_States
  21. I took into account that you may not know that in the Russian language, like in Korean and several other languages of the world, there are several levels of speech. When you use Google to translate into Russian from English, which does not have this feature (as well as a huge number of other features), you can offend the person who reads the Russian translation of your words, since Google cannot distinguish between speech levels due to their absence in English, and applies speech levels randomly. If the phrase above was not a deliberate insult, then take the advice: you should avoid directly addressing the person when using Google to translate into Russian.
  22. This is nonsense. Presidential immunity exists from early days of US. First case when presidential immunity was implemented in real life dated 1867 (Mississippi v. Johnson). Besides Trump this privilege was used by Nixon (1971, 1973, 1978) and Clinton (1994). Presidential immunity is part of system of separated powers.
  23. So, the facts are impossible to deny and your cognitive abilities suddenly turned off like Biden? Не припомню, чтобы разрешал вам называть меня на "ты".
  24. Did you forget? Latvia had about 1 mln "non-citizens" (now less) - formerly citizens of Latvian republic within USSR. And most of them haven't warm feelings to modern Latvia - to the state that is now demolishing monuments to their fathers and grandfathers who fought against fascism on the side of the USSR. And it is uncovered racism what is supported by EU https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-citizens_(Latvia) See UN Report Report on mission to Latvia, UN Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance Even about fires in EU: there are about 6 mln of Ukrainian refugees. And not all of them are followers of Zelenskiy regime. At least 1/4 of them are followers of regime "before coup'2014. Like these, who just few weeks ago dropped coffins with Ukrainian and French flags in Paris near Eiffel's tower - police found what they were Ukrainians and Moldavians and have been paid by Ukrainian businessman who living in EU and has no warm feelings to Zelenskiy. https://www.newsweek.com/french-coffin-eiffel-tower-kremlin-russia-ukraine-war-1907545 If you imagine what world has 100% solidarity toward to Ukraine, then you are wrong, less than 30% are "with Ukraine, " while for most part of World population true point of view is "a plague on both your houses". And there is no solidarity even within Ukrainian diaspora in EU.
  25. Just now: https://www.wsj.com/politics/elections/trump-expands-lead-over-biden-after-debate-as-voters-age-worries-grow-wsj-poll-finds-c3a793ab
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