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Everything posted by Moses

  1. If everything were so simple, then the manufacturers of Cialis and Viagra would go bankrupt. From personal experience: bitter dark chocolate, hazelnuts, and especially parsley and dill greens dramatically increase potency. For me, a mixture of lightly salted feta cheese or cottage cheese with a lot of parsley and dill works perfectly.
  2. The success of instant messengers, and texting in general, is precisely that, unlike phone calls, the user can answer when it is convenient for him, and the texting format itself does not imply an immediate response. When I send messages, I do not wait for a response - the correspondent will answer when he has time. If I need an immediate answer, then I call. And if I need a specific "yes" answer, then I call by video - it is harder to refuse in person than by text.
  3. SO, here is answer: nobody cares about ICC. Preparations Airport: Motorcade: Meeting in president's palace:
  4. a toothless organization that is manipulated by anyone and everyone... And the most remarkable thing in this forum thread is that citizens of countries that do not recognize this ICC write about the ICC... The biggest mockery of the ICC was the recent decision of the Ukrainian parliament - last week Ukraine ratified the law on recognizing the ICC with the proviso "the jurisdiction of the ICC does not extend to citizens of Ukraine"...
  5. Dear, how exactly do you "not let me post"? Do you mean you derailed thread about "Cheap travel in Thailand and Cambodia by bringing here Russia for not to let me posting about Cambodia and Thailand? Or what? You clearly vandalized and derailed thread.
  6. What kind of idiot trust to Ukrainian propaganda? Tell me: why Russian language is forbidden in Ukraine for official use? Why schools with Russian language were closed? Why ALL (!!!) TV stations and radio in Russian language are forbidden and closed? Why ALL (!!!) newspapers and magazines in Russian were forbidden and closed? And all this happened before Feb 2022. Why Zelenskiy dissolved 11 opposition parties? And talking about ethnicity of Zelenskiy: he is just loyal to Nazi ideology Jew... he isn't first and for sure isn't last in history. And when you support Ukrainian regime, you support not Jew, but Nazi regime. State of Ukraine recognize formerly SS members as national heroes, state of Ukraine accept and recognize Nazi military parts as state army.
  7. Yeah, I wrote to moderators to separate these posts and put to politic one day ago. Some members can't hold their shit when they see my posts, even if the posts are about the Cambodian airport.
  8. The main difference with US and Russia - in Ukraine Nazi are members of parliament, and Nazi military parts are parts of regular Ukrainian army. IN US and Russia they are marginals, inUkraine - part of govt and state. And members of SS division Galicia are national heroes in Ukraine.
  9. So, Unicorn published here propaganda how NATO will destroy Russia, but warmonger is me?
  10. Not Russia - USSR.
  11. Oh, you want to talk about kids? Well, why your tongue was in your ass when Ukrainian Nazi killed Russian kids in 2014-2022 at the eastern Ukraine? "Valley of Angels" in Donbass region:
  12. Why should I think about these armies. Doctrine NATO declares what NATO is defensive union. Since Ukraine is not a member NATO, it can't be treated as countries who are members. It will be used and then putted to trash as used condom. USA just 2 years ago ran from Afghanistan and abandoned there local loyal govt, which failed in 24 hours after it. At past the same situation was with Vietnam. Nothing new. US not a first time betrays allies, and not last.
  13. You have no idea what you are writing about and follow Western propaganda. Putin visited Beslan because in a few days there will be 20 years since tragedy on Sep 1st 2004, when Islamic terrorist killed 334 of almost 1200 hostages, most of whom were kids.
  14. NATO will never participate in this conflict - nobody wants WW III
  15. They not "holding". Zelensky's regime is grinding its residents into fertilizer under pressure from the West... And the most shameful thing is that the West is collaborating with the Nazi regime.
  16. https://www.globalfirepower.com/country-military-strength-detail.php?country_id=russia last research, Jan 2024...
  17. dreams... dreams... but they give hopes to desperate Ukrainians... country without economic and almost without males...
  18. You can read the same "report" here https://www.businessinsider.com/how-ukraine-audacious-military-offensive-kursk-russia-could-backfire-experts-2024-8 Western military experts say the same. "We don't know why they did that". Let me show you the scale of the Ukrainian "victory" that Western propaganda is trumpeting It is map of European part of Russia It is map of Kursk region, Ukrainian soldiers are running in 3 districts of 28. They already lost over half of technic and about half of soldiers.
  19. Oh, yeah... you should be teacher of subject "How to derail threads". By the way: Russia took 1 Ukrainian republic - Crimea - and uses it 10 years already, took 4 Ukrainian regions and uses them almost 3 years. In total 125,000 sq.km. Ukraine controls 3 small districts along the border for 3 weeks, on second day after invasion they took 72 villages. Now they control just 28. It is PR company for the West, because sponsors are angry with no results since spring 2023. They expected Russia will move army from Donbas to Kursk. But Russia didn't. And that is Ukrainian fail - over 5000 Ukrainian soldiers already died in Kursk region, and Ukraine just 3 days ago declared total evacuation of 2 cities in Donbas - Pokrovsk and Krasnoarmeisk and 14 villages. https://www.economist.com/europe/2024/08/22/the-kremlin-is-close-to-crushing-pokrovsk-a-vital-ukrainian-town Pokrovsk is strategical logistic hub for Ukrainian army in supplying whole eastern region of Ukraine. Fail of Pokrovsk is unavoidable because Ukraine took half of Western tanks and elite battalions to Kursk region. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c785z8917leo So now Ukraine has +100 additional km of the front line, +5000 bodies to burn, and still will lose Pokrovsk. The only plus - short PR-campaign for 3 weeks. Ukraine exchanged 5000+ own soldiers to 3-5 "victory" reports and bunch of photos with Russian flags (see above)...
  20. What did you expect when new airport, funded by China as a part of its Belt and Road Initiative? who pays the piper calls the tune. this is just jealousy guide who isn't hired as guide by Chinese company... Khmers are drivers in these buses, Khmers are workers in these hotels, Khmers are guides for these groups, Khmers are waiters in restaurants where Chinese are eating and Khmers sell to Chinese tourists all these souvenirs which they order ... from China oh, and Khmers are workers in massage parlors, bars and saunas ...
  21. 6. Only 6 foreign aircrafts: And no one within conflict in Ukraine. At past winter S7 bought 45 aircrafts. 39 of them were Airbus 319 Neo, and 13 of them were grounded at past winter - they were need new certification, but now it is done and they flying.
  22. You should read news correctly. Aeroflot started high season flights from Koltsovo - from Ural. Flights from Moscow and S-Petersburg started in 2022 after COVID and never ended - around 18 flights weekly. I flew to Bangkok from Moscow after that start already 4 times. And in this news missed one more destination - Bali - Aeroflot starts direct flights to Bali from September 24. It is "embargo for naïve readers". While Boeing do not sell spare parts, there are a lot willing countries in World to be middleman and earn some money. Russia buys Boeing spare parts from UAE, China and other friendly countries. And Boeing pretends not to see: who wants to cancel business with UAE or China? The biggest stupidity that the Biden administration did under the influence of populism while introducing sanctions - banning payments in dollars for Russia. As soon as this was done, the United States completely lost control over what and from whom Russia buys, since settlements went into rubles, dirhams and yuan, transactions went on and on, but now the US administration can’t see anything - settlements go past US banks - they are no longer in dollars. With one decision by Biden, the US became blind, lost its source of information, lost control of the situation and lost leverage.
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