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Everything posted by Moses

  1. Because I have golden rule "never have dispute with believers". People who are ready to dispute, discuss facts. You bring here your "Saint Biden" and then "Saint Kamala". Both are weakest candidates to presidents. Then you continue to say I'm for Trump. While it is clearly I'm not. Then you bring here this nonsense about Putin and Trump from Western medias. And nonstop chanting about "Genocide" while no one court besides puppet-curt in Ukraine acknowledged Russian action in Ukraine as genocide. You are just 100% believer. What should I do? Again and again explain to you facts? You don't read them - they are against your belief, so you just ignore and decline them, as all believers do.
  2. You know what I like most about your answers? You don't deny anything I say. The reasons are clear - you have nothing to object to - the facts confirm everything I wrote. Instead, you continue to insist on my "faith". Whatever you like, you can think of me as believing in "Saint Putin". And what I like most about what he said is that I said it several months before he did.
  3. Why you continue to asking about "believing"? He is not a messiah "to believe". Simple analysis says - Dems in general and Kamala in particular are more preferable for Russia. I wrote that few month ago here on forum before Kremlin explained their point of view. Their(Dem) position is clear, it not depends on leader of party, and by this reason is more stable. Love they Russia or hate - it isn't important: every step is predictable and all is going as chess party: "they will make this step, we will answer with that step, then they will make that step and we will answer with this step". Like with sanctions: sanctions are implemented, but Russian GDP is growing every month, international trade is going well and one by one companies in world receive exemptions from sanction - titanium for Airbus, oil to Hungary and so on... It was predictable, so Russia prepared in advance own payment system, made agreements about trade in national currencies and so on... With Trump is more hard to predict - he in 6 month declared Kim (North Korea) the best friend, then the worst enemy, then again best friend. Orange clown is too much impulsive.
  4. Dear, I wrote here few month before Putin, what for Kremlin Biden's (now - Kamala's) victory is the best event. In such situation US will have very unstable, but still predictable political situation - House and Senate will have permanent fight and Senate will vandalize procedures and sabotage president's decision. Do you remember what it took 8 months to make law about sending weapon to Ukraine? The same will be under the next Dem. president. With Trump's victory situation will be unstable AND unpredictable, because he is too much impulsive. So Putin told truth - Kamala's victory is preferable for Russia: her political position is known, she is predictable and that allows to calculate future movements.
  5. You missed the point, dear, that's the GPT chat's opinion on monarchies. So to speak: sums up the state of affairs: And your habit of hanging labels reveals that you are a person of not very high culture and little experience in public debate.
  6. "Given"? By whom? Monarchies, despite their symbolic role and support for national identity, have a negative impact on modern society. They reinforce social inequality, political stagnation, and consume public resources, making them incompatible with the values of democracy, equality, and justice. Monarchies create the idea in citizens that power and wealth are hereditary privileges, not the result of work or achievement. This has a demotivating effect on society, weakening the ideas of meritocracy. Monarchy supports the class system, preventing social equality.
  7. What I like about this discussion is that not a single Democrat defends Kamala because she is indefensible - she is a weak politician, a bad speaker, has unclear positions on a significant range of issues, and at the same time takes a rather leftist position. So the Democrats, realizing how weak a candidate and placeholder Kamala is, immediately steer the discussion to Trump, Russia, Putin. Gentlemen, you are fleeing from reality. Let's face it: even after Biden's resignation, the selfishness of both major parties still forces Americans to choose between the two worst candidates in modern US history: neo-Nazi and PlaceHolder.
  8. Yeah, esp. in some (cough) 15 countries where is the same king Charles III. And he is king "just because" has specific Family name. And to change him to another person is treason.
  9. Why do you want to discuss Trump, quoting my opinion about Kamala's personal qualities? My opinion about Trump is known - he is a neo-Nazi. Am I right in understanding that you cannot refute Kamala's weakness and unsuitability for the role of a national leader and the fact of Putin's support for Kamala, and therefore you switch to Trump? Despite Biden's resignation, America still faces a "pick one of the two worst" choice: if you vote for Trump, you support a neo-Nazi; if you vote for Kamala, you are in the same boat as Putin.
  10. Do you think that if you post 3 identical posts, it will look more convincing?
  11. Why don't you just say, "Yes, Kamala is a weak, uncharismatic leader, not an orator, not an experienced politician, not the savior of America, she's just a placeholder. And we're not voting for her, we're voting for the Democrats to stay in power and have a decent candidate ready for the next election." (And, by the way, this is a great reason for Putin to want her to win.) Otherwise, you're beating your chest with your heel in an attempt to prove Kamala's holiness and superiority, which she never had. She just happened to be in the right place at the right time.
  12. Two attempts, guys, TWO... and no one proof of "Putin's actions show he wants Trump re-elected" now... Now he is acting in favor of Kamala
  13. Could you please name here 1-2 actions?
  14. Nope. Just asked ChatGPT
  15. Well. You said this. And I'm sure: only fools will say that.
  16. Oh, you suppose Harris says truth? Are you so innocent? How to know politic lies? His lips moving. Police Misconduct Cases: Harris has been criticized for failing to prosecute violent police officers as attorney general and for taking a more relaxed approach to law enforcement overall. Criminal Cases: Allegations of corruption and misconduct by law enforcement. Her office has defended convictions despite new evidence that suggests possible flaws in the process, such as the case of convicted felon Kevin Cooper, who was denied a retrial based on DNA evidence. Drug and Misdemeanor Cases: Harris has been widely criticized for continuing to aggressively prosecute misdemeanor marijuana possession cases at a time when public opinion in California was beginning to shift toward loosening such laws. Artificially Delaying Retrials In several cases, her office has resisted reconsideration of convictions when new evidence was presented, as in the case of Daniel Larson, drawing criticism from civil rights groups.
  17. Nope. And here is reason https://www.politico.eu/article/kamala-harris-us-elections-2024-ukraine-aid-support-war-funds/ . Everything what Harris is doing now helps to Russia. And by the way: I told already many times at past year: Kremlin is more favorable to Dems - they are much more predictable than Reps... Trump is too much impulsive.
  18. It is live TV translation from Far East Economic forum, wanna see?
  19. The real reason is: too much scam and spam, because calls are very cheap now, not like $5 per minute in 90s. I also never pick up phone calls from unknown numbers, my phone even doesn't ring in such cases - such calls are answered by my AI assistant (simple rule: caller isn't in my phone book). AI talks with caller and sorts calls for me and records chats, then texts remark to me like "Financial spam" or "Advertisement" or "Call from John Doe about business"). If I'm interesting - I will listen chat and call back lately).
  20. A sense of humor cannot be instilled. A person either has it or does not.
  21. Chocolate is good aphrodisiac.
  22. By the way, Western producers of good chocolate do not support sanctions against Russia, because they do not want to lose this market. That's why both Swiss Lindt and Belgian Callebaut are sold here, the only difference being that they are very cheap here, as they compete with Russian chocolate. Callebaut, for example, costs about 4 pounds for 100 grams here, not 14 as in Belgium. Rittersport is low end product here, cheap as dirt - less than US $2 per piece.
  23. Hahahaha... very funny. Russia and Switzerland are two countries in the world that have a special law stating that only a product in which at least 18% of the product's weight is cocoa butter (in the US - 15%) and at least 35% cocoa (in the EU also 35%) can be called "chocolate", 70% for dark bitter chocolate. Note the conjunction "and" - in Russia both standards are mandatory, and in the US and EU only one of them. That's why all sorts of Western Rittersports and other surrogates like Mars and Bounty are sold here under the name "chocolate-flavored product" and not "chocolate", because they do not meet Russian standards. Russia is in the TOP-10 countries in chocolate exports and produces more of it than Switzerland. When I travel, my friends always ask me to bring them Russian chocolate.
  24. It's because Putin just announced, what Kremlin supports Harris. He said yesterday on The Far East Economical forum: "As for the favorites, it is not for us to determine. It is, after all, the choice of the American people. I said that our favorite, if I may say so, was the current president, Mr. Biden. He was removed from the race, but he recommended all his supporters to support Ms. Harris. We will do the same - we will support her. That is the first thing. And secondly, she laughs so expressively and infectiously. This shows that she is doing well."
  25. They want Russian oil and gas and gas pipeline over Mongolia to China for to get money for gas pumping. It was main reason for visit - discussion of agreement for "Power of Siberia - 2" gas pipeline. By the way: most of Mongolians can speak Russian and they speak very clear. Russian as foreign language is studying in almost every Mongolian school. Moreover - Mongolian alphabet is Cyrillic.
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