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Everything posted by Moses

  1. Nope. It is small indoor pool with wooden sauna cabin in the corner for 4-5 persons, huge window to hotel's yard and few training machines. And it is unisex. Public nudity prohibited including space of sauna cabin. At least it was like this when I visited it before covid. They had idea to change it to spa zone. There zero left from past Ganymede gay sauna.
  2. why should he wait? you book em after landing and finishing all border and custom procedures... waiting for car arrival time usually is 3-7 min depends on time of the day.
  3. By using apps you don't have to communicate with driver at all: start point, end point, price - everything is fixed by app. All you have - to find correct car with number on car plate on the place of start point what is shown to you by app and sit into. Ok, also to say "hello" and to fasten your seatbelt. And you are sure: you got fair price, no scam, no cheating.
  4. Rate will always better in bank where you change to it home currency. THB are home currency for Thai banks, so best way is to make exchange in Thai bank.
  5. whom?
  6. When the USSR brought missiles to Cuba, the Cuban Missile Crisis happened and almost a war broke out. When NATO in 2020-2021, taking advantage of Zelensky's inexperience, began to approach a country 400 km from Moscow, the Kremlin repeatedly warned, "don't cross the red line", this is unacceptable for Russia. But this did not stop the USA. And now in the place of the USA'1962 there is Russia, and in the place of the USSR'1962 - the USA. And the Northern Cuban Missile Crisis - 2 developed. And all the talk about "protecting democracy" is a smokescreen. The Kremlin has repeatedly stated that Ukraine can join the EU as many times as it wants, but Ukraine's participation in NATO is unacceptable from the point of view of the national security of the Russian Federation. And do not write about sovereignty - Cuba also had it in 1962, but this did not stop the USA in any way. And there is no need to write about humanity - no humanity prevented the US from dropping 2 nuclear bombs on the heads of Japanese children. As US state dep says "nothing personal, just interests of national security"... and starts intervention on another continent. Why you wonder what Russia now follows own interests of own national security, at least Ukraine is just behind Russian border and not somewhere in the Afghan mountains, or Syrian desert.
  7. Because the first stage is always denial.
  8. Well. This is how all the debates in this section end. When the opponent runs out of arguments, he moves on to discussing me. Classic.
  9. Hahaha :))) Western urban legends? Whole Russian army in Ukraine are contractors. Russia had one only mobilization 2 years ago - they mobilized 300K and since then no one men. Payment is higher than in US army. For signature in contract one time payment 10K-50K (depends on region of origin) + USD 2.5 monthly + bonuses for each Ukrainian tank (USD10K) or other technics or drone.
  10. Nope. Look on Bloomberg's or FT's publications on this week. Sponsors are tired from permanent Ukrainians failures. Zelenskiy has no plan, because "to win" and "to get all territories back" aren't plans. Ukraine has no resources to win, first of all - human power. They already mobilizing cancer patients, disabled people and people with limited mental abilities. They have already had 17 waves of mobilization. So: with Trump or Harris end will be the same. Fast endgame. West can buy weapon, West can send money. West can't make more Ukrainians. Nation runs from own land: most rich people in Ukraine beside Zelenskiy and Co now border guards on western border - everyone know price for 1 adult men to step over border - USD5K.
  11. To stay away - Trump is unpredictable and impulsive... That why Kremlin says they are preferring Harris - she is more predictable, so they able to calculate her and own steps.
  12. Dear, if you will take off rose glasses, then you will see, what US does the same - criminal prosecution and prisons. Not in Putin's interests to kill anyone - they are flees near his shoes by influence. If you mean Navalny, then he had conflicts with half of national elites here. And any governor or leader of any national minority could do this - Navalny was inconvenient for everyone. Literally everyone - from the government to the national republics, from governors to the owners of large enterprises, including other opposition parties. That is why he had no chance, and only schoolchildren and students followed him. Troublemakers are popular with teenagers in puberty. R-r-r-r-revolutionary. Look on Kasparov or Khodorkovskiy. Both have much more long "story" with Putin, both are much bigger figures on that game desk. Both are alive.
  13. Yeah... let's talk about 600K civilians died in Iraq? Madeleine Albright told that it is acceptable collateral... murder... and nobody found chemical weapon there after all
  14. No more than Netanyahu or Bush, or any other US president... Can anyone here name an American president who has never invaded another country? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_United_States_military_operations in XXI century US presidents supported wars: Bush Jr. 5 times Obama 12 times, Trump 9 times Biden 7 times https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_involving_the_United_States
  15. nope... he is formerly KGB spy... so he wins by his professional skills and experience...
  16. people who invested in that really exist? to invest into that is the same as to trust to Harris and her promises... both things are so naïve...
  17. Who Summoned Moses? Is the Blue Lemmings Book Club Depressed?
  18. Barry bought himself a crystal ball and reads the minds of politicians? The entire article is far-fetched and based on fiction: if no one is expressing concern, then where does the original premise of the article come from, that countries are concerned? Empty, unsubstantiated statements from an elderly distributor of fakes? Barry is true to himself - he writes nonsense and does not provide a single piece of evidence.
  19. In the official list of Airbus suppliers https://www.airbus.com/sites/g/files/jlcbta136/files/2023-04/Airbus-Approved-suppliers-list.pdf from China 220 companies, South Korea 198 companies India 176 companies Morocco 128 companies Tunisia 86 companies Turkey 50 companies Malaysia 30 companies Thailand 20 companies Around 18% of all A320 and A321 are assembled on 2 final assembly lines in China
  20. Dear, you know that going on to the opponent's personality means that you have no arguments on the merits of the dispute? And, besides, it shows a low level of discussion culture.
  21. Stevie, dear, are you alive? Great, otherwise you've been silent for 7 days and I have no one left to tease. That's not right, don't do that again or I'll scold you! What happened to you? Is everything okay? I'm worried about you: bringing information from two weeks ago here as "news" looks ridiculous. These two weeks have seen a sharp turn in the trends, because Putin's warning worked: Zelensky's "victory plan" that he brought to the UN General Assembly was rejected with skepticism by grown-ups. Scholz said that Ukraine would wait 30 years for NATO membership, and Biden, Harris and Trump all tried not to promise little Zelensky anything. And today's FT has a big article analyzing the situation and telling us that Zelensky returned hysterical, blamed the entire military leadership for his defeat and in the coming days will replace the Minister of Defense, the Chief of Staff and the Chief of Intelligence. And this is because at the meeting with adults he could not show a single success of the Ukrainian army over the past 2 years. Therefore, Zelensky was sent home to study his lessons and was ordered to return for the exam on October 12 at the Ramstein base with realistic plans. The FT calls the main realistic European plan Ukraine's refusal of the territories already occupied by Russia, fixing the borders and further negotiations through diplomatic channels.
  22. There is a character in Russian folklore called Zmey Gorynych, he looks like a dragon, only with more necks and heads. And there is a joke about him, in which in the morning all the heads except one swear at her: when it's time to drink, you drink alone, but everyone has a severe hangover in the morning!
  23. No one "on the top" wants Ukraine win. Because if Ukraine will win, next step will be demands to join NATO and EU then. Politico: Does America Want Ukraine to Defeat Russia? It Doesn’t Look That Way. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/09/18/america-ukraine-russia-biden-00179657 Wall Street Journal: Does Biden Want Ukraine to Win? https://www.wsj.com/articles/does-biden-want-ukraine-to-win-deal-russia-war-crimea-military-aid-630dbe60 The Hill: Why Biden can’t and won’t support a winning strategy for Ukraine and Israel https://thehill.com/opinion/national-security/4635968-why-biden-cant-and-wont-support-a-winning-strategy-for-ukraine-and-israel/ The Times: Does Joe Biden actually want Ukraine to win? https://www.thetimes.com/comment/columnists/article/nc14lawson-0f2ptrcc0 Wall Street Journal: No One Wants Ukraine to Win https://www.wsj.com/articles/neither-trump-nor-biden-want-ukraine-to-win-russia-war-military-aid-a2c77c02 The Hill: Biden inexplicably urges Ukraine not to be so effective fighting against Russia https://thehill.com/opinion/national-security/4557384-biden-inexplicably-urges-ukraine-to-be-less-effective-fighting-against-russia/ Foreign Policy: What Does America Want in Ukraine? https://foreignpolicy.com/2024/05/09/america-ukraine-forever-war-congress-aid/ Newsweek: Does the US Actually Want Ukraine to Defeat Russia? https://www.newsweek.com/us-want-ukraine-defeat-russia-putin-biden-zelensky-peace-talks-1846772
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