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Everything posted by Moses

  1. Dear, I not only "want", I directly said: when an uncultured opponent has no arguments, he resorts to personal attacks: a common bazaar practice
  2. when an uncultured opponent has no arguments, he resorts to personal attacks: a common bazaar practice
  3. That's correct, and it is based on law. Good law or bad law, but The Law. This is based on wish and family membership. Like in monarchy. Hunter isn't president to use immunity. Dad just (ab)used presidential privileges.
  4. You know what is common sense? We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. If pardon is based on family membership, then that pardon is in contradiction with one of most important American declarations.
  5. 4 years - flip - 4 years - flop - 4 years - flip - 4 years - flop...
  6. You should write "democracy" and "laws". Because decisions that made both presidents (Joe Alzheimer and Orange Clown) are heavily based not on the oath they took when they assumed the presidency, but on family ties. If this were not so, then the pardons would have been issued immediately after the court decisions were made, and not "five minutes before leaving the oval office and turning off the lights." As for the "law" - the biggest irony is that the carousel of "guilty - not guilty - guilty - not guilty" was under the same laws, which serves as irrefutable proof of the fact - American justice is NOT BASED ON LAW and is completely dependent on the political circumstances of the court decisions.
  7. And you complain about Trump's presidential immunity? At least presidential immunity exists legally based on an international convention. But what is the immunity of the relatives of the US president based on? Anyone - from the Democratic Party, or from the Republican Party...
  8. Oh, dear. I'm sure that your political beliefs are speaking for you now, not the truth. I could have heated up this discussion by simply finding in the archive what the Democrats said when Trump pardoned his daughter's husband. The truth is that in the pseudo-democratic country that propaganda calls "democracy", the opinion of the law changes exactly every 4 years - along with the change of the owner of the oval office. The justice system is constantly prostituting itself for the money and at the will of the temporary owners of the hill. Trump: guilty - not guilty - guilty - not guilty Kushner: not guilty - guilty - not guilty Biden Jr.: guilty - not guilty. Why do you call this justice? It's a brothel, and the justice system has its legs spread wide.
  9. Well, for Westerners "millions of Chinese" is significant number. But in real life even 15 millions of Chinese is still below 1% of global Chinese population.
  10. - How to know a politician is lying? - Their lips are moving.
  11. it depends... 11.06 29,8% of adult population
  12. Telegram is also app for to find SPA and MB - many of them have own channels in TG. Most in Burmese language.
  13. yeah, I forgot about QQ
  14. 90% of Chinese youths don't know and don't care about Western social medias - WeChat covers all needs: messaging, payments, including p2p, social networking, gaming, news... everything 1.3 billions users monthly
  15. Your medias are like chaotically curved mirrors - never show real situation. Police raided 5 clubs, only one was LGBT, rest 4 were just regular, of which one is big one - up to 20 000 people. Yes, target were visitors with rainbow flags and symbols - it is forbidden here - it is country of Christian orthodoxies and on Saturday was day when that law was implemented year ago. So it was reminder about LGBT simbols. Flags are forbidden, but clubs are allowed to work. In total in Moscow 4 LGBT clubs about 10 bars and 5 or 6 saunas.
  16. Hahaha... you are speaking like Biden did in the March 2022. By the way at March 2022 ruble was 130 for one USD, now 2 years after it is 107, and 2 weeks ago it was 95, in February it will be again 95. State bank manipulates it - they need Russian goods will be competitive at the month of highest sales and yearly payments (December). We have the same here every year. And January is month of tax payment - when exporters changing currencies to rubles for to pay taxes. For to manipulate rate bank make huge buy currencies from the stock and that lowering ruble. They even announce such actions one week in advance for to let locals to use high rate. And about Russian economy. At this year, under sanction it will grow 4%. US economy without any sanctions getting just 2.8%... Dear, US will never do it - you are living in glass house: China owns 20% of US state debt. If you will make wrong step, then China may push all their owned debt to the sales on the market. After that your govt will have to emits a lot of dollars to cover that debt for not to be in default. And we are speaking about 5-7 trillions. You may compare with 2 trillions printed at 2020 for to cover expenses during COVID. Your inflation will jump to about 15-17% after that. Trump may try it, but that will be suicidal step for your economy.
  17. Wrong. You have do nothing - hotel will do it for you. The only difference with Thailand is - in Thailand you may book and live in any hotel and hotel will register you in police (that why they make copy of your passport) , in China you'll be accepted only in dedicated hotels what have license to serve foreign guests.
  18. Dear, you have no idea about what BRICS is now And a little bit more for you to get Trump's idea: since more than half of goods used by American population is manufactured in China and India, "100% tariff" means for you what you will pay 2 times more for the same goods, which you buy cheap now. And even more: US can't stop that process by any meaning - just because all settlements in this currency will not go through American banks or even SWIFT at all - the first sanctions imposed on Russia in 2014 showed the world that neither American banks nor SWIFT can be relied upon, so Russia got its own analogue of SWIFT and China got its own. It is thanks to this that MasterCard and Visa cards still work here, although sanctions allegedly disabled them 2.5 years ago.
  19. Hornet may help. Many users are shy and don't fill profiles, but if you will place your interests as #tags in your profile, then they may find you.
  20. Great location, but I’ve never been to this building before—it doesn’t seem very new, does it? Also, “ninth floor” immediately raised some concerns for me: in case of a fire, evacuation would be challenging—you can’t just run straight outside through the door, the elevators would be out of service, and jumping out of the window isn’t an option. Are people still allowed to smoke indoors in Thai bars?
  21. My statistic shows what LGBT-travels to TH rising not so drastically. Maybe 5-7%. Maybe because of strong Baht. LGBT-travels to Vietnam are booming . More than 50%. 2024 is first year from 15 years on the market, when Siamroads has the same number of guides in TH and VN.
  22. Fact checking: highest death rate was in 2021, 5.6% higher than in 2020
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