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Moses last won the day on January 22

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  • Birthday July 15

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  1. No. I is not about charging. First case (Thai) is about lithium accumulators, second one is about cheap chargers without insulation btw high voltage and low voltage circuits. In first case you can't use power banks for power supply anything, even heater for baby milk. In second case you will be killed by bad charger when you charge any gadget in metal case. Phones themself are out of discussion.
  2. Russia couldn't while in Ukrainian constitution exists article 85. It is threat to national security interests. If Ukraine will remove article 85, and NATO will varrant neutrality of Ukraine (and not like in 1989 to Gorbachev), then it may be subject on negotiations.
  3. This has nothing to do with the ban on power banks. A faulty 220 to 5/9 volt converter circuit in the phone charger resulted in 220 volts appearing on the phone chassis. And if the phone case was metal, then electric shock was inevitable. There are NO high voltage in power banks - they have 12/9/5 volts, depends on type of the bank. That's why I never buy phones with a metal case - either plastic or ceramic, and always use the phone in a plastic or leather case.
  4. It is still peace, you know? And when you oppose to it, you are voting for war.
  5. "At least" they killed in few days already more than 1000. Assad killed "thousands" in 24 years, according to you. The new regime "dealt" with this number in a couple of months.
  6. Bases are still there. And "new government" does exactly I predicted - killing religious and political opponents: just in 3 nights there were killed more than 500 civilians including children and women. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/syria-imposes-curfew-latakia-tartous-after-clashes-2025-03-07/ from SOHR only for March 7: in total: 240 just in one day on March 7, https://www.syriahr.com/en/357387/ Do you still think Assad was much more bad for Syria?
  7. It is great relaxation of rules: few years ago it was allowed only up to 20W. I think they extended limit for to fulfill demands of travelers with notebooks.
  8. Are you sure you have read it correct? There are no information about "ban power banks". This is announcement about ban of "use" and "charging" during flight. Looks like one more clickbait in "Pattaya news".
  9. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen 2022: — Russia's days are numbered. The Russian army is pathetic, it is forced to collect chips from stolen washing machines 2025: — Russia is an imminent threat of an unprecedented scale in our lifetime, Europe can mobilize 800 billion euros in military spending to protect Europe from Russia
  10. I think they knew. Judging by the photo of the destruction, it was not a drone, but an expensive hypersonic missile was used - drones cause significantly less destruction. Russia does not fire such missiles without reliable information about the target. I assume that after some time the Ministry of Defense will publish information about the strike. By the way: look on flags in front of hotel. Backyard. look: they removed number plate just before to take photo - part of dust is cleaned
  11. You can't to distinguish nationality from satellite, you know?
  12. There are always Russians in Grindr and Hornet in TH at winter time, as well in VN and on Bali. Month ago I always saw 2-3 Russians within 1 km around me on Bali, all were tourists or "remote workers"/bloggers and other nomads. Even when Russian winter is relatively warm this year, it is still winter, and many migrating to warm countries at that time. He started talk about money or you? If he, then he is living there, if you - then he may be just a tourist.
  13. By the way: on March 5 Ukraine didn't get US satellite data. And as result only 1 (one) drone attacked Russia at night, while typical number is btw 60 and 150. That clearly shows what US is responsible for killing Russian civilians by Ukrainian drones.
  14. Well. We all know, what "British and US volunteers" are just euphemism for "freelancers" and army instructors in civilian clothes. Ukraine is using 3 sets of "patriots". There are no Ukrainian personal who is able to serve these machines because US do not allow to Ukrainians too do it - to many secrets in hardware and software. So around 120-150 persons are US military staff. All of them are legitimate targets for Russia. The same with satellite data - Ukraine is not allowed to get data directly from satellites. And that means, what tens of US officers located in UA for to be middleman btw sattellites and UA drone forces.
  15. If in hotel is resting military personal or HQ of military, why not then? In 2022 Russia bombed theater. There were a lot of false cries till Russia published list of victims: about 40 officers and 150 soldiers - they had meeting there. In 2023 there were a lot of cries about bombing of kind of scout camp not far from west Ukrainian border. But victims was 200+ "freelancers" from the France, Poland and some other countries.
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