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Everything posted by caeron

  1. The movie poster I saw with kirk and spock was Waaaay homoerotic.
  2. Wow. That's just stupid. I saw the CD cover and found that really counter-productive, since it was once again about "people who hate america". That bullshit isn't getting the republicans anywhere.
  3. I don't know, for McCain, Warren might be a moderate choice. I wanted Obama because I wanted an end to the 8 years of ham handed stupidity, but I don't think Obama or Hillary would have been a great friend to the Gay community. ENough of one to keep our votes, but not enough to really take a risk on our behalf. We'll see, but I'm not expecting much from Obama. An end to "don't ask, don't tell" which I think the military is ready to abandon anyway is about as much as I'd hope for.
  4. caeron


    I've been trapped in the house for 3 days now, and starting to get a bit stir crazy. Fortunately, It's raining now, and with luck the drive will melt enough by the afternoon that I'll be able to get out.
  5. Maybe his wife is a lesbian and just figured this model comes with a built in dildo?
  6. I've had a few of those over the years. The more they talked, the less hot they got, so you just want to gag them before all the magic is gone.
  7. I get this, but I think in the end it does more harm than good by validating that position. It's like the days when every gay rights story had to have some raving lunatic in it talking about how we were all mentally unwell. By including them, you just tell everybody its a reasonable point of view to hold.
  8. caeron


    I just got back from the airport here in Portland, and it took better than an hour for a normal 20 minute trip. The ice was thick on our road, and our driver wouldn't dream of getting up our drive so we had to climb up through the snow to get in. Fortunately, the cats are blissfully unaware of the weather, and greeted us with joy.
  9. The turtle egg story made me laugh. I probably would have tried it and regretted it. My partner and I walked into a Malaysian place here in Portland OR, and noticed pig intestine on the menu. "Oh, chitlins" we thought, and decided we'd try it. When it arrived, I scarfed a piece up and put it in my mouth. The flavor was appalling. I didn't stop to think, and spit it into my napkin. My partner hadn't noticed this, so I gamely told her, "Wow, this is interesting, you should try it." She's way too polite for her own good, and the expression on her face was priceless. She hadn't noticed I'd spit mine out, so she managed to choke down a piece, tears coming down her face. She wasn't very happy with me later when she found out that I'd spit it out.
  10. I commented to friends throughout the campaign that I wasn't a good Obama supporter. I'm a cynic. I wanted Hillary, but in the end pulled the lever for Obama because I believed that it was time to end an era and try something new. But I'm not a dreamer. I don't believe the we can find a new, friendlier tone in american politics. I don't believe the religious right bigots who make big money off of hating us are going to change. I hope to hell I'm wrong.
  11. Zombie ads are the death of many of those kind of sites, though they never seem to figure that out. I don't want to see a ton of ads, but find most of them aren't current. Give me a site that makes sure the ads are current, and I'm there.
  12. I can so relate. My first boyfriend gave me a tshirt with "everyready" on it. Those times are way too far in the past...
  13. Blind Riders! Who would have thought? How many hours a day are you spending on the bike? Sounds like you've actually got some free time every day.
  14. I agree. I was pretty disappointed that he'd pick a bigot for this. Does he really need to pander to these people?
  15. Amazing story. I don't think my ass could handle sitting on a bike seat for that many hours a day, but I applaud you for it. please keep up the story, and we're cheering you on to the finish.
  16. I like NYC, but it sure isn't my weekend away spot because prices are so nuts. I've never understood by its escort prices where always so much higher than the rest of the country.
  17. I agree. It is cruel and I hope they get some relief. Part of the problem is that the way these things get funded involves a ton of guesswork. You can't know until the piper comes calling if you've under or over funded the obligation. It's one of the reasons why companies should have been so leery to make these kind of commitments.
  18. I used to watch that show as a kid all the time. great memories.
  19. kayak (www.kayak.com) is my favorite airfare search site. I find it gives me very good insight into what fares are doing and I can get to the lowest standard fare quickly.
  20. I think the debate here does highlight the need to address healthcare nationally. Both from a coverage standpoint, and from a cost standpoint. I'm married because of healthcare. I married my best friend 15 years ago because I was appalled at the thought that she had no healthcare. It has ended up a magnificent, if non-traditional, marriage that has brought us both joy, but it's roots were in the fact that she had no coverage. It turned out well for us, but it hasn't turned out as well for others. A friend's father died because he didn't have healthcare coverage and the state set necessary, but brutal cutlines on what it would pay for with its limited resources for those without coverage. I don't want to give up the great healthcare we can get in the US to wait months to see a doctor, but we need to do something about this issue.
  21. I agree. It is tragic. Perversely, I think one of the benefits I have is that no employer of mine has ever made such promises to me. I've had to plan on counting on myself, and have built a fair nest egg as a result.
  22. I agree. It is tragic. Perversely, I think one of the benefits I have is that no employer of mine has ever made such promises to me. I've had to plan on counting on myself, and have built a fair nest egg as a result.
  23. You did miss my point if you thought that was my point. My point had nothing to do with the active workers. It had to do with the total labor costs that Detroit bears versus folks like Toyota. The active workers make about the same as those at Toyota plants. The problem is paying for the promises made to workers past.
  24. I think you're missing my point. It doesn't matter what workers are getting the labor costs. The differences are real, and crippling to the detroit companies. Detroit can't promise to take care of its workers forever if nobody else in the industry is doing it. That's the reality they're dealing with today and why bankruptcy is probably the right way to go. In effect, they have to break their contract with their retirees if they're to continue to exist as a company. Kudos to the UAW for getting a good deal for their workers when the companies could afford it. Now they can't, so the deal's gotta change.
  25. That's hardly unique to the auto industry. The disparity of pay between workers and execs across industries in the US is really screwed up.
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