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Everything posted by caeron

  1. Sexuality is more than a state of either/or. If these folks want to claim they have a gay guy fetish, let them. I think rather by definition though if the guy is banging them, he's bi. Which is cool, because I think there's too much pressure to self-identify in binary categories. I banged some chicks in college. It was fine. Wasn't the thrill of doing a guy, but I had a good time. I suspect many of us have slept with women at one point or another.
  2. I hate that I have no coverage portability. I have a great plan, but if I get fired or quit, I'm screwed. We've been involved in a couple of hostile takeovers and it could happen to us and I'm out the door. We want competitive, risk taking workforces. Why wouldn't we want everyone to have reasonable access to health coverage? Why make losing a job carry such a risk?
  3. I don't have a lot of sympathy for people who are rich who still can't manage to live within their means. Hire a fucking accountant and listen to their advice. I work for my money, and I don't get to borrow $24 million and not repay it. Her work is iconic though, and it would be a shame if she loses artistic control over it.
  4. I have 2 brothers. One worked in the towers, one in the pentagon. I didn't know for hours that neither was at work that day for whatever reason. I don't think anybody is forgetting any time soon.
  5. I wish I could outlaw opinion commentators. I think hard fact has given way to this sea of commentators on both sides who blather their fact free opinions to adoring fans who shout hallelujah. Why think? One of these people would be happy to do it for you.
  6. I agree, sadly. I think the shorter term was just to muddy the water before the corrupt elections scheduled for next year and to appear to be more lenient. The Junta hasn't changed at all.
  7. I open up the boards this morning to find this porn link http://theater.aebn.net/dispatcher/movieDe...theaterId=49061 titled "The Best of Shear Chaos" Which shockingly is not about hair dressers going wild. In fact, it doesn't seem to have any hair cutting in it anywhere, but then I didn't actually pay to see it.
  8. I thought it was an interesting article. I thought it was a good representation of the system I'd like to see. Everybody gets a good base level of care. No bells, no whistles. If you want more, you can buy more.
  9. Do you really think Alito and Scalia aren't headstrong bullies?
  10. Gods I hope they can make this work. Thanks for the link.
  11. Nonsense. I've posted a few reviews, but not too many, this bear's review count is just right, and he should get a weekend with Andre. Who votes the contest should be everybody who posts gets a weekend with Andre :-)?
  12. caeron

    Craig Caves?

    The US attorneys can get as Victorian as they like, the internet is global, and someone in some global backwater can easily pick up the slack. They'd have to start demanding that internet companies block websites, and I don't think that would go over well.
  13. I think it's simple politics. I disagree with both Obama and Prejean. Obama is in a position to give me some things I want, however, and is much better to me than the alternative. Hence, I leave it alone. Prejean is nothing but a political adversary so I'm happy to take a dump on her. I imagine that's what most people are thinking.
  14. I've never watched a full episode of american idol. count me as one of the 12, I guess.
  15. I voted for Bill once. I didn't vote for him twice. I'd seen enough of his character by then. (this isn't a political statement, it's a "he's slimy" statement.)
  16. Besides the cum stains would really show on his black robes.
  17. Then to understand the rest of the story, you'd have to know I love being fucked more than anything else. I'm a bit of a one trick pony, which may be a pity. Some day I hope to be rich enough to grow bored of that trick and branch out, but I think that's going to require a winning lottery ticket, and adamsmith's win reminds me that that kind of luck isn't my forte :-).
  18. I'm going to be patient before I get mad. This isn't a top priority, and it would help to let the military work through this themselves before forcing the issue. I think the military is starting to agree that there's no evidence that homos fuck things up.
  19. Perhaps I was unclear. Nothing about the poz makes me the least bit uncomfortable. My father is a doctor and I never had delusional fears about proximity giving me infection. Just that it was an incredible turnoff. I'm happy to spend time with poz folks, just that the idea of fucking completely leaves me cold. I do sometimes regret that with hot poz guys, but the libido isn't always subject to the rational mind.
  20. Well, everyone's different, and this is a bit off point, but for those of us who are older and remember friends dying, HIV isn't just another thing. I understand the safety issues. I understand that you must assume everyone is poz. But when I _know_ someone is poz that is the ultimate sexual turn off for me. My memories of those dead can't exist with a heated up libido. That virus frightens me.
  21. I used to fantasize about going back to the town I went to JR high school in and walking up to the door of one of my tormentors from that time and blowing him away. I think a lot of us suffered through a lot of crap growing up. It's hard to come through that unscathed.
  22. Congratulations!
  23. I was sad when I read this story. As a gay guy who got a ton of abuse in school, I sympathized. I thought of suicide quite seriously back then. It also angers me. I want to just beat these bullies with a 2x4.
  24. I've been on the internet for 25 years (from the days of the arpanet). I've never seen political discussion do anything other than turn into a drunken brawl. Who knows, this might be the first site to manage it, but I doubt it. If we end up there, I will participate much less. My experience is that these discussions are very low signal to noise ratio discussions with much interest in scoring points and little interest in debating. Even if they are debates, they are usually useless because if you strip it all away, it's just different people saying they have different political priorities than others. If two people have different priorities for judging political decisions, there is really no useful basis for debate. Add to that a huge helping of bitching/insults, and I find that there isn't much useful to be gained by the conversations. My .02
  25. I think he did a couple of small reasonable liberalizations. If cuba responds well, it could happen swiftly. If we can have "normal" relations with China, we ought to be able to with Cuba.
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