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Everything posted by caeron

  1. Ok, maybe I am really not with it, but what the hell does Fisherprice mean here? http://corvallis.backpage.com/MaleEscorts/hung-and-masc-100-satisfaction-i-will-rock-your-world-clean-9pipe-in-and-outcall-23/10038923
  2. smoking hot.
  3. ABC may have the legal right of it, but they're full of shit. The broadcast for free, but somebody gives the rest of us help getting the free signal and it's a horror? Just makes me glad again that I cut my cable so I pay those money grubbing bastards as little as possible.
  4. As your friend, I do think he owes it to the boys to hire four or five at once. I certainly would!
  5. I loved the books, and think the show is really good. But I think it makes so much more sense if you read the books first. That said, I think the last couple of books have been weak.
  6. We're queens. We practically invented schadenfreude.
  7. http://www.vanityfair.com/online/daily/2014/02/woody-allen-sex-abuse-10-facts The facts suggest Woody did it to me.
  8. I tuned out on Woody Allen when he married his daughter.
  9. Sorry, but spoken like someone who hasn't ever known an addict. Passing it off as a deficiency of character misses the point to me. This is called a disease for a reason, and turning a tragic death into an opportunity to preach is inappropriate. Then how you leap from that to "blacks are having too many babies" is just beyond me. Perhaps our society could judge people when it actually first tried to help them. But it doesn't. It just gets on its high horse and looks down.
  10. I look at this differently than the Bieber, because this reads like addiction to me, a horrible disease. Bieber reads like a kid who is just acting foolishly. Not comparable.
  11. So I'm seriously contemplating taking the plunge and doing Rio in April. My only hesitation is language. I'm not shy, and I'm fine navigating a city I don't speak the language in, but I wonder about the boys. How many speak any English? Not that we need it in the Sauna, but if I were going to take them out, I think it would get awkward quickly if we couldn't communicate.
  12. He just needs a daddy to fuck his bottom until he promises to be good. While gagged. Definitely gagged. Daddy doesn't want to hear what he has to say for himself.
  13. Thanks for those suggestions. I've been to prague some years ago and enjoyed, and was thinking Barcelona. I think I'd enjoy rio, but would get bored on the days when I didn't have the type of distractions I wanted before the distractions of the boys!
  14. So trying to think of a good spring vacation spot. I like history, museums, great scenery (though not a beach person), and of course inexpensive boys. I've been to Thailand a few times and had a great time, does anybody else have any good suggestions?
  15. Exactly this. These are large undomesticated predators. Today they may play with you. Tomorrow they may eat you. Letting yourself getting fooled into thinking you're "friends" is idiocy. I love animals, but they're animals, not people. When you ascribe to them human characteristics you risk getting hurt or killed. Moreover by training these animals to interact with humans in this way you screw them up, and put them at risk.
  16. So do I. I don't really want to wake up and pay attention, so I just sit, do my business and fall back into bed.
  17. Or the high foreclosure rate? If you're moving in, this should be a plus because real estate is cheap!
  18. Apparently she's a slut who thinks its bad to tell people no.
  19. Kris Evans, definitely. I've wanted to be his bitch for a long time That said, I'd take any of them!
  20. I think Card lost the opportunity to sell rights to his sequels. I'm happy with that. It also served as a platform to educate a lot of people on what a jerk he is.
  21. This is premature. There is no change in the catholic church's theology. They still believe that we're messed up sinners. Pope Francis is just going to be more polite about the topic and not trash us all the time. When he actually _does_ something to overcome that, or to really move the church on the issue, then I'll sit up and take real notice. For now, he's just said a few words with no deeds to back them up. I hope he will, but I'm not holding my breath.
  22. This is to be expected. There is a federal law against gay marriage, and one small federal province (the Australian version of the district of columbia) legalized it there. The federal court just did what it had to do and said that a province can't overrule federal law. It was a worthy effort, but had to fail. I don't know enough about the Australian legal system to know if there is any other way to overturn the federal ban besides legislation.
  23. Very moving.
  24. While I like the words of the new pope, at the moment that's all they are. I think there were better choices for man of they year because a lot of other people have done things. It remains to be seen if Francis will back his words with real change.
  25. His new friend flies like tinkerbell? Am I really to believe that Bieber is the top? I'm confused.
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