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Everything posted by caeron

  1. Hi, I'm not a complete newbie, but it's been a lot of years since I've been to Bangkok, so I'm hoping some more recently experienced folks will give me a hand. I've quit drinking, and would rather avoid the bar scene. I'm reading a bit about using social dating apps to pick up guys. How does that work? I'd be happier to just pay the guys and play at the hotel than to pay off-fees and massage fees. What's the going rate (I'm a bottom, and I like kissing) these days? I tend to prefer more athletic, built guys (not so into twinks), any place in particular I should go? I did Tawan last time, which was a bit hit or miss and pricier than the rest. I won't be in town long, so want to make sure I make good use of my time! Thanks in advance.
  2. You said I didn't know why I stopped posting and hanging out here much. So either I'm a liar or I'm an idiot. You want to fit me into your narrative of thin skinned people on the internet getting wound up. I simply don't care for shit storms. If I could predict them perfectly, then I could avoid them, but of course you can't. so when the incidents become common enough to annoy, you avoid the neighborhood.
  3. Yes, of course. I"m a liar too about why I don't visit. See, that's why I don't visit much, perfectly demonstrated.
  4. And this is why I don't post around here much anymore either. JD posts about his drama. I don't know JD, and don't much care, though I think the use of the N word is way off base. The drama is between them, and they're sort it out, or they won't. But then the local nasties decide they want to stir up the shit storm and now it's this. If I wanted to experience this infantile name calling, I'd go hang out at an elementary school play ground. Are your lives so boring that you need to make somebody else's drama about you? checking back out....
  5. The forums over there have always had way too much nastiness and drama. I was a member many years ago and left because I got tired of all the nastiness. Not sure why they are that way, but they are. Lots of people putting way too much emotion into stuff that isn't worth that much emotion.
  6. I'm glad you got out safe. I would never, ever, ever work in Saudi Arabia. Even the smallest amount of research will show what a hellhole it is.
  7. Yes, I know, but seriously. I watched an episode. It was entertaining, but not all that. Maybe I just don't have a car fetish.
  8. Yeah, don't care how entertaining you are, you don't punch a co-worker in the face.
  9. Yawn.
  10. I would hire someone straight, but only with good reviews. If they can perform, then I don't care. But without a review, no way.
  11. I think they look silly. seriously, if you're going to go here, just have the guts to go nude.
  12. I go to macdonald's all the time... but only because they have relatively good coffee cheap which I can pick up on the way into the office. I wouldn't eat there unless there was really no other choice.
  13. Sorry to hear this. He was a real porn crush of mine. I wanted to be his bitch in the worst way.
  14. I'm not a bieber fan, but I'm not going to blame him for stupid stuff he said when he was 15. I can't imagine any 15 year old who doesn't say stupid stuff.
  15. Anal probing just ain't what it used to be!
  16. This history is, even after all those years, still too close to watch. I saw it back in the 80s, but I just don't want to go back to those dark days, even through a film.
  17. I don't think so. Most americans are morons who are unaware that the 'reality' shows they watch are scripted.
  18. My guess is that they all know, and just act like they don't. They aren't the fools, the people who bother to tune in are.
  19. You could always ask him if he'd like a job doing maintenance on the garden...
  20. Come on people! Admit it, you'd hire a whole harem of hot boys. I sure would. I'd fly around the world, visiting strange and exotic places where I would fuck hot boys.
  21. Pretty much never. Certainly never any of the generic ones (beer, cars, etc.). I'm a computer gamer, so very rarely I will click an ad for a game on a gaming site to learn more about it. That said, I don't think I've ever spent a penny on anything I've clicked either. I actually do some of this from the other side too. And I've found that getting responses from online ads is exceptionally difficult...
  22. I always like: "Looking for gentlemen who appreciate only the finest" = I overcharge gullible men.
  23. For stupid folks, sure. Unless this guy is known as being virulently anti-gay, this rent-boy just broke the cardinal rule of discretion. Who wants to bed a boy who can't keep his mouth shut after the deed?
  24. I think Fred Phelps got turned down by the first guy he propositioned and he never got over it.
  25. caeron


    So it's saying he's playful? or maybe really into PnP? That's almost like a foreign language.
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