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Everything posted by caeron

  1. Ha. Yeah, my partner writes really stupid romance. That's niche. This is even more niche. I understand to try to turn this into something you'd have to promote like crazy. Not sure it's even possible to promote enough to make this worthwhile. But if I could figure it out, maybe I could help my partner do the romance. That's farmed out to somebody else today.
  2. I have no tattoos and I am not going to start now. Not that I have anything against tattoos, but... I have seen a lot of shitty tattoos. I'd hate to end up with something ugly. Second, my tastes change. I know that even if I loved it now, I'd be bored with it later. The idea of putting a tattoo on my face is just right out though. I would know everybody looking at me would be seeing it, and not me.
  3. At a friend's challenge, I wrote a 'gay erotic novella' in December. I had been enjoying written porn more than visual porn recently, and thought it might be a lark to figure out how this whole self-publishing thing works out on Amazon. Turns out, these guys have the process pretty wired (what a surprise). In keeping with the genre, most things happen as an excuse to fuck. I will shamelessly self-promote here in the hopes that I can eventually sell enough copies to pay back the $12 that the cover photo license cost me. If this kind of thing amuses you, check it out. Even if it doesn't, please lie and say it's awesome. The Team Comes First on Amazon
  4. Congratulations. I have lost about 110 the old fashioned way. I went from size 46 pants to size 34. Lots of exercise and watching my diet. Work out 5 or 6 days a week. I'm in better shape than I've been my entire life. It is hard to keep the focus but the results are worth it to me.
  5. Well, hell, if you're going to have a presidential platform, you ought to at least include Public Orgies supported by the National Endowment for the Arts. It's what some people think they do already anyway!
  6. Politics is a cynical business. I want no part of it. I've got plenty enough cynicism without it!
  7. I'm with RockHard here. If the boys don't post public pictures of themselves, we shouldn't either. Treat people as you would wish to be treated and all that. I don't have the same hangups about 'exploiting' these guys, because I have spent decades being exploited by my employers. I sell myself to earn money. I personally think it would have been nicer to sell my body than bits of my soul. I'm not complaining; I got well paid. But I think almost all of us are whores and pretending that selling sex is somehow more degrading than selling your mind is quaint.
  8. To keep doing what I'm doing. I've lost more than 100 pounds in the last couple of years and gotten a ton healthier.
  9. One of the things the benefit of age has given me is an understanding of my limitations. Not being a mind-reader is one of them. I don't consider an escort's convenience because how can I? I don't know them. I don't know there situation. I expect them to manage their own shit, and I'll manage mine. If they don't want to or can't meet, they can just say no. If you can't be bothered, why not just put that in your ad? I've seen more than enough escorts that put that they can't do short notice appointments in their ads. If I'm short notice, I don't contact them. Simple. I find this whole thread a bit odd, honestly. You're venting about clients, in a virtual room full of... clients. I get that some clients can be annoying, but that is the job. While you find the suggestions that you look for other work insulting or annoying, perhaps you could consider how this kind of venting might be perceived by those who might hire you.
  10. I am choosing to believe the 30+ people who have accused him. You are choosing not to believe them. You can put a fine point on calling them liars, but by choosing not to believe them, that's what you're doing. It's the exact same bullshit that senate republicans pulled with Brett Kavanaugh.
  11. No, actually, it doesn't feel good. It sucks that a gay icon like Kevin Spacey did this. But pretending it didn't happen doesn't change the fact that he did these things. One or two people might make up stories. But 30+? I don't think so. Defending this behavior is an insult and attack on the people he did it to. If it was a straight man who had done these things, I'm pretty sure everybody here would be condemning him...
  12. Vox Article on the over 30 allegations against Kevin Spacey I think it's pretty clear to me that Kevin used his position and his power inappropriately at the very minimum. I am not at all OK with straight men doing this, so why would I be OK with Kevin doing it? Being Gay doesn't give you a free pass to be an asshole. I may be an asshole for saying it, but I'm OK with a few people's careers going up in smoke to teach folks that this kind of behavior is not OK.
  13. If it makes you happy, great. I'm not interested in the imaginary man in the sky. I don't need to believe in such things to be a good person.
  14. I think you are bringing way too much of you into this. I often don't plan ahead, and may have narrow windows to meet. I'll reach out to see if someone is available, and if they are, great. If not, oh well. I don't consider whether it's an inconvenience for them, because that isn't my problem. I don't know what their situation is, nor do I expect to get a lecture from them on how inconvenient that is. What I expect them to do is to tell me yes, or no. Sometimes they just don't get back to me. I take that, naturally as a no. I also don't contact them again. If these kind of appointments upset you this much, then just say no, can't without more warning. Tell them you can't do incalls on short notice. They made an offer. Accept it, reject it, counter it, or just ignore them. Whatever you want. But, do you. Stop reading other people's limitations as personal disrespect. That is a great way to drive yourself crazy. This post is an example of that. Honestly, if I got this kind of feedback from an escort I tried to book on short notice, rather than just a 'no', I'd cross them off the list. Too much drama.
  15. I was a hot twink back in the day, and did a bit of gender-fuck. I have always thought it was sort of just a part of being in the community. I don't these days, because I don't think it works now that I'm no longer young and hot... It seems like such an unimportant thing to me. I don't find it arousing to see men in those clothes, but it can be fun and entertaining.
  16. I think dave is a lot hotter than his brother. There's also this one....
  17. I bow before anybody who has a large enough personal data set to say that with any conviction.
  18. Agree, Jkane. I try hard to be nice most of the time, but everybody wants to be catty and cutting some of the time. I'm sure Ellen is itching to let loose the sharp edge of her tongue sometime.
  19. "I’m a f**king magnet for gays" He says. Maybe if he stopped dropping the soap so repeatedly in the shower, and instead just asked someone to fuck him properly he'd get his needs met.
  20. Maybe she has enough money and is bored doing the same damn thing all the time? I like her and the show, but watch only rarely. If she does standup, I'd probably seek out the show.
  21. As if there aren't a lot of people just like him here too... Racism isn't the answer to homophobia.
  22. I recall Hart apologizing about these several years ago. He must not have a proper PR person because after the apology was over then these should have all been deleted. I think he just fails to get that once you've shown a racist/sexist/homophobic/whatever side in a big way, you don't get to just make one apology and call it over. You will have to do it repeatedly because it will keep being a thing for people who don't actually pay that much attention to you. I can believe he changed. But doesn't mean he gets to pretend it never happened and that he doesn't have to keep addressing it.
  23. The M4M forums have a long history of uneven moderation. So you can mention boytoy now. Great, but who knows if it will change again tomorrow? Maybe the future there is all rainbows and unicorns. Maybe we'll get another round of biased bans after the next tidal wave of nastiness rolls through. I think the track record makes the second more likely. Personally, I'm of the "fooled me once" school and am not interested in re-engaging over there. But, if you find them valuable and enjoy them, then have at. Nobody is stopping you (well except the random monthlong shutdown...) I do think it's legitimate to warn people about this history over there though, because history does tend to repeat. People who have really been on the receiving end of that uneven moderation and bias are likely to be more vocal about that distaste.
  24. It shouldn't be either/or. Why not both? I've learned late in life to appreciate big, athletic men running into each other and trying to grab each other's balls. I never used to be a fan, but picked it up in my late 40s. Football, however, is the only such team sport that has captured my attention to date....
  25. Indeed. They do get something out of it, no question. I just wish they'd get a fairer share of the revenue they generate. I have no idea how to do that equitably though. Never mind most of these folks probably wouldn't use money given to them particularly wisely. I was pretty financially savvy even in college and I wouldn't have trusted me with a big pot of cash! You are probably better informed than I on the illegal payments too. I do read often enough about illegal payments and the like for the kids, but have no real idea of the prevalence of such arrangements. (I'm not sure I'm really old enough to call these guys kids, but I _feel_ that old some days.)
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