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Everything posted by caeron

  1. That delicious gooeyness you love? That's all the fat in the cheese that tastes soo good when it melts on the white flour tortilla. But, if you can't stand the rest of what they serve, maybe that's not so bad. Cheese is pretty good for a diabetic. The tortilla less so, but if you eat it in moderation...
  2. I remember reading years ago that one of the frequent features of those who survived for a long time with AIDS in the early years was that they'd fired doctors. The point of it was that they took control of their own care and didn't just do whatever they were told. I've taken that lesson to remind me that my healthcare providers are my paid consultants, but at the end of the day, the decisions were mine to make. Not my business, but it sounds like you need to fire your nursing home and find somewhere that is more committed to keeping you healthy. We're rooting for you.
  3. You're right. All sorts of other countries manage to provide universal healthcare, but somehow, we can't. We brag about being the richest country on earth, except when people need help, then we're broke. And we already do provide universal healthcare, just very badly. Hospitals are required by law to provide emergency care even for those who can't pay. So, of course, those costs just get spread around to those that can. We have an enormous and obscene for-profit healthcare system that is more expensive and shittier healthcare system than most other comparable countries. https://www.healthsystemtracker.org/chart-collection/quality-u-s-healthcare-system-compare-countries/#item-overall-years-life-lost-1990-2017 It is, however, far more profitable to wall street than a well-run healthcare system, so our shitty system does have its supporters who get rich on the death and misery of so many.
  4. I think a lot of people for obvious reasons overestimate the skill and underestimate the luck and circumstance involved in their wealth. I'm with former president Carter. Why can we afford to fight wars all over the planet endlessly, but we can't afford to actually offer healthcare to our own citizens?
  5. Not my cup of tea, but sounds like a wild time for those that like it. I'd be curious to hear from somebody about it, though I'd guess you'd have to be a top to write a review, since the bottoms spend all night blindfolded!
  6. I think at the end of the day the false report is a small criminal case that isn't worth all the drama for the prosecutor's office. They take the bond to 'pay' for their wasted time, and move on. I think this is basically them saying they have a case, but the case isn't worth pursuing.
  7. When the price of admission is you have to believe that the creator of the universe committed ritual suicide because he was mad at you, it is hard for anything really rational to come after. I think hypocrisy is inherent in all organized religion. Catholicism is one of the biggest, so it gets called out a lot, but no other organized faith manages it better I think.
  8. Why derail threads with your personal drama? If you don't like Riobard, just don't respond. I don't know the neighborhoods, am not going to learn the neighborhoods, and don't speak Portuguese so I'm never going to get in with the locals. What I do like is reading threads about places I might go with useful information. If I wanted to watch a pissing contest, I'd pull up pornhub.
  9. You must have had better luck than I did with him. I think this is the Laotian guy I hired last summer. He couldn't perform without watching straight porn on his phone. That's a boner killer for me.
  10. Hot to me. Now I want to go back to Bangkok again! The food and the boys! I'm less keen on the tatted up look some of them have. Sometimes it works on some guys, but mostly not for me. I don't know why. I guess I find it a bit distracting. "what is that about?" I'm also not a size queen, so I've never really much paid attention to all the chatter about where the big dicks are. I'm more into faces and typically like the clean cut type. These guys fit that bill. If they know how to use it, whatever they've got is gonna be enough.
  11. Oh yes, did I have the serious hots for him when I was younger (and he was still smoking hot.) Drugs and alcohol can make beasts of saints.
  12. Sign up for google voice and get a fake number. that's what I did, and I use it for all my escort contacts.
  13. I think it far more likely that the difference in numbers isn't because of the effectiveness of this particular protocol, it's that people don't actually follow it.
  14. I think people want to believe they have more control than they do. You can do all the right things and still be victimized. You can do all the wrong things and get away with it. That doesn't mean you shouldn't exercise due caution, but being unlucky isn't the victim's fault.
  15. I personally think he deserves some kind of strongest man in the world prize. Surely nobody else in the world is strong enough to haul that ego around 24x7.
  16. Amazon brought a lot of efficiency to book selling. Efficiency is a brutal thing. Most of us say we hate the hollowing out of local businesses, but most of us aren't willing to pay a fair bit extra to have them. Most of us don't have the money to not care what things cost. When given the real choice, we choose cheaper and more efficient at consumers. I buy a lot of stuff from Amazon. If I know what I want, why am I benefited to get in my car, drive to a store, pick out and pay for an item, and then drive home? Never mind that it is also probably cheaper not even figuring in car, gas and the value of my time. With a couple of clicks, it will get delivered to my door. It's the Sears and Roebuck catalog for the modern world (I date myself that I know and ordered from that catalog). No doubt that also did a number on mom and pop general stores in the heartland. It's legitimate to ask if those Amazon are the type of jobs your community wants. But the frequent fixation on the $3B tax rebate I think really misses the mark.
  17. I liked Obama, but he didn't deserve a Nobel.
  18. The attack didn't seem random to me, which struck me as odd, but I will wait for the rest of the facts.
  19. Except the $3B was a rebate on the $27B they would have paid in taxes. So NYers are out $24B in tax revenues, but hey, they showed the man, right? Slate on Amazon abandoning NY HQ
  20. Some guys like wearing women's clothes. That doesn't make part of them female. It means they reject stupid rules on what they wear. Everybody who breaks convention isn't automatically queer to me. It could possibly mean they're non-binary, but it would be that which makes them queer in my eyes, not the choice of clothing. If you know something more about this gentleman than I read in his wikipedia entry, by all means share. Nothing in it suggested to me that he wasn't a normal hetero guy who liked to dress up.
  21. While I consider cross-dressers and the like allies, I don't typically think of them as queer. According to his wikipedia page he's married to a woman, and has a daughter. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grayson_Perry
  22. Haha! Thanks for the kind words.
  23. I thought we had a separate politics forum so we didn't have to read this crap. Talking about internet sex and politics is one thing, but can we keep the rest of the cesspool in the actual cesspool?
  24. In the unlikely event I choose to write a sequel, I will definitely have to pay more attention to the science of non verbal communication in the locker room.
  25. No, partner got sucked into it by the brother of a friend. Writes 'shifter romance' which seems to be the current hotness. werewolves, werebears and weredragons all needs their womenfolk to be making the werebabies. Turns out there is something of a market for that. Who knew? But my partner does most of the work, and gets a poor share of the return. If I could do the marketing, that could change.
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