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Everything posted by caeron

  1. Most muslim countries make gay acts highly illegal. If you really like asian men of that look, I'd consider carefully where to fulfill it. I'm a big traveller, but I stay away from those parts of the world. They aren't welcoming to us. Have you considered India?
  2. Yes, I imagine public scat play is 'EPIC' the first few times.
  3. Please don't let this place turn into cesspool of judgy bitchiness. That forum is that-a-way. This forum even has an ignore feature, so you can just ignore people that annoy you.
  4. Oh great, another clueless old white guy. Just what the race needs.
  5. I thought the whole story line was dumb. I like Marvel movies, being a bit of a comic geek, but it felt like they just shoehorned in way too much.
  6. Try Mileroticos too. mileroticos for los cabos
  7. I also reached out to some of the guys on hunqz. Found when I arrived that grindr just worked better for me, and cheaper, so never pursued any of those.
  8. We didn't go there, but I got the sense they would have. Good luck on your visit. The one issue I had while there was I didn't plan ahead on a mobile data plan. I normally just use my phone and pay a few extra bucks a day. That didn't work for me in Moldova, data was $15 a mb which is insane. I turned data off and just used Grindr from my airbnb on wifi and that was fine, but I would have preferred to be connected while out and about.
  9. So many guys are frankly delusional. The guy can like you, but that doesn't mean that money isn't the primary motivation in the relationship. I liked a lot of people I worked with. I wouldn't work with them for free.
  10. The local guide I hired (a woman who had lived some years in London) insisted it had fallen to number 2 behind Belarus. I didn't argue the point, but if I lived full time in Moldova, I'd probably drink a lot too.
  11. I spent a week, and I think 4 days for just kiev is plenty unless you just like to hang out. I highly recommend the day tour to chernobyl . Very interesting, and despite some fears, you get less radiation visiting there than you do flying in a plane. One of the guys recommended going in late spring or fall. Basically when the trees have lost their leaves. Gives a clearer view of all the abandoned buildings. Good advice, but I enjoyed it just fine in september with all the leaves still on the trees. Other than that, old churches, and the like in the city. A few museums. I did not visit any other cities in Ukraine, but heard good things about Lvov in particular, but also Odessa. I might go back to see those at some point, because I still want to visit the baltic states and a revisit to Ukraine would be worth it.
  12. Not sure I'd recommend a visit just for the cheap escorts, but I spent 4 days here in September, and had lots of hits on Grindr. Guys got together and happily took 20 Euro after. I had one hottie try to get 100 euro, but with the other options I gave him a pass. It is the poorest nation in Europe, and it does show.
  13. I was in Kiev in mid-september. Had no luck finding escorts on grindr, but I found reasonably priced guys on www.hunqz.com (planet romeo's escort site). I stayed at an Airbnb overlooking independence square and that worked out well for me.
  14. I did not know this story, but appreciate the BBC publishing it. A Doctor in China whose heroic actions saved thousands, but cost her dearly. Dr. Shuping Wang has Died
  15. To me, sex and marriage aren't connected. Marriage is about love and commitment. Sex is about Mr. Happy. Of course, I married my best friend, a woman, 25 years ago as an out gay man, so it is probable that my views are non-standard. I think if you have love and commitment in the relationship, everything else is negotiable.
  16. I am a Christian only in the sense of Matthew 7:12 " So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." If that is in fact the whole of the law, then I'm good, because the rest of the shit people put around it is crap. (Though much of matthew 7 is pretty good.) Of course, I don't believe in the existence of a magical man in the sky, so I'm pretty sure I'm not much of a Christian. I have a friend who is a catholic who often posts stuff which I read just to remind myself why I want nothing to do with that stuff. For example, Cardinal Sarah explaining how secularism is destroying the world because really it was soo much better when religious bigotry ran the world...
  17. I'd heard about the new owners of the Tarntawan moving it away from its gay past, so I've booked the Siam Heritage for my visit in in a few weeks. No indication from what I'd heard that the new owners objected to room visitors or anything, just to be clear. Just that it isn't a 'gay' hotel anymore.
  18. Woody married his own daughter. He's repulsive. Scarlett Is an idiot. Her comments on various projects that she's been involved in made it pretty clear that there wasn't a lot upstairs for her.
  19. I just put him on ignore. Problem solved.
  20. Sure Chicken Little, the sky is falling. Mosquitos can kill you. Shockingly, most of us who have been bitten are fine, and they are hugely more dangerous than bed bugs. In the list of threats to your life, this one doesn't make the top 10,000. Probably comes right after death from an infected hangnail. I get bug phobias, but freaking out about bed bugs isn't a rational fear.
  21. Bed bugs are generally annoying, but not harmful. They exist all over the place. It sucks, but seriously, get over it.
  22. I like protein bars, or some of the nut bars. I also go for citrus or a banana. At home, I prefer a good thick yoghurt, like a brand of Skyr Siggi's that is perfect because it isn't too sweet. But, pretty much any yoghurt will do in a pinch.
  23. The noise to signal ratio made it a waste of time years ago and I left. So much drama, so little information. I check every so often to see if it has changed. It hasn't.
  24. Wasn't getting screwed the point? I always figure that as an obvious gringo who doesn't speak the language, I'm going to pay a premium until I really get to know the place. Seems to me it's the cost of the education. Still a bargain in my book if you enjoyed your time!
  25. Well, I never had much respect for Marcom people either. I think PR has more in common with lawyers. You work with facts and truth. You tell your client's story the best way you can, but you don't make shit up. Marcom people frequently make shit up, then fall in love with their own shit despite the evidence that it IS shit. I quit my last gig when they made me work for Marcom. I swear I might have punched her in the face if I had to hear her say we needed to "lean in" one more time.
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