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Everything posted by caeron

  1. I've lost more than 120 lbs and am in the best shape of my life. Exercise and diet. It's just hard work that you decide gives you enough reward that you do it. But, I do have the luxury of time since I retired to do the work. Losing the stress of a job that paid very well but that I annoyed me helped a fair bit too.
  2. So, it is, after all, about you not wanting to be around these guys, and not at all about the price. It's about what you're comfortable with, and only that. Just own that. You don't know or interact with these guys, so stop putting your rationalizations for your own views on them. Ugly American isn't a good look on anyone.
  3. Everybody into golden showers, this is your thread! Enjoy!
  4. So simple solution. Offer these guys 1000s of euros. Your reaction to these guys says a great deal about you, and pretty much nothing about them. For a guy who claims to be in the VC business, you seem woefully unaware how global markets work. Imagine all those desperate people in Thailand! They're all selling stuff for a lot less than you pay in NYC!!
  5. I'm not sure the point of standing in a new club, talking about the old club. Sorry some are still mad at how they were treated. Maybe it's a blessing to be able to move on from the nastiness.
  6. I believe the drug is racism. You deny the guys any agency in their own lives. Of course, you don't actually do anything to help them, you just judge them and the people who interact with them while hanging with your white friends.
  7. There is none so blind as those who will not see. Your posts read to me like you just don't like brown people and want to avoid them. Your shrill pronouncements about sexual predators ring hollow because you've never actually engaged with any of these guys. Suggesting you know their lives when you've never actually talked to any of them them is bullshit. Speaking in 'defense' of them when you offer them nothing is also bullshit. You are rationalizing your preference for white european guys, and trying to turn your preference into moral superiority. It isn't.
  8. Watched it years ago when it first came out. The amount of eye candy was huge, and it was very entertaining, in its over the top way. I think nobody discusses it because it's been over for years. Sad about the lead actor.
  9. We love the show. Wonderfully detailed writing of a complex political world matched to really, excellent science fiction. Every season has been fabulous. We just finished the most recent one and it was as good as the rest.
  10. It does strike me as a bit strange to think the boys in the clubs and massage studios would somehow be more desperate for your money than all the thai resort workers whose wages you seem happy to be pay.
  11. So instead you don't help them and they remain desperate. You only hire guys who don't actually need the money except to support a 'lavish lifestyle'. That makes sense to you? Ok, then. It sounds to me like you just don't like being around poor people because it makes you feel guilty about your wealth, so you avoid them. That isn't about not taking advantage of them. It's about you trying to shelter yourself from their reality. It also sounds like you've got hangups about sex and imagine fucking for money is more degrading somehow than digging ditches or the like. I know which of these two things I'd rather do and it isn't digging ditches. Your life, your choices, but unless you're just giving these guys money for nothing, I can't see how NOT patronizing them helps them in any way whatsoever.
  12. There is always someone wrong and annoying on the internet. Shockingly, telling them so, even repeatedly, never seems to effect a change.
  13. I retired early from a job I didn't like that paid very well. As Rockhard says, a lot of people do shit for money that they don't enjoy. The idea that somehow fucking people for money is inherently worse than all the other whoring we all do for money is stupid.
  14. The only thing worse than being talked about, is not being talked about. BN knows his Oscar Wilde.
  15. Everybody's got a story about the local dive bar, those other forums, including me. It's just that most of them aren't that interesting.
  16. I find the ignore function of the forums greatly improves my enjoyment of this place. If you find a particular poster annoying, you can ignore them and will not see their posts. If someone quotes them, you'll see that, but no more.
  17. I'm totally OK with the catholic church driving away believers in its nonsense. Once you believe the imaginary man in the sky killed himself because it was the only way he could forgive mankind for eating an apple, pretty much everything that follows is going to be equally crazy. If having the crazy turned against you makes you wake up to how nonsensical it all is, good.
  18. The thread was about Kelly Mehlenbacher's resignation from the Harris' campaign which is what we were discussing. My post was dated well before Kamala Harris withdrew from the race. Never mind that you don't resign from a race so assuming my comment was about Harris is a pretty strange reading of it.
  19. Apparently this woman doesn't know what money is. Or she thinks it grows on trees. Whatever you think of Harris, she's running out of money and people get cut when the funds dry up. What the hell does this woman think is going on? Super tacky resignation.
  20. Ha. Well, maybe I'll see you there. Seems like the kind of event that folks here would go to, but I guess maybe not.
  21. Vaguely considering going in January, particularly since it's during the Sin City Classic and I could play some bridge too. Anybody been? How is it, particularly if you're not young and hot? The ticket includes the Gay AVN awards which I imagine could either be a hoot or super tedious.
  22. The internet is full of cess pools. That's just one more.
  23. Villa Giani is a house of boys in London. Villa Giani Website
  24. Many marriages are transactional. The fact that the Hot Guy wants something out of this too isn't a deal breaker. These stories get told all the time, and my read on them is that it isn't the self interest of the younger guy that is the killer. It's the self-delusion of older guy. They want a fairy tale. Not that it never happens, but then some people win the lottery too. If you go in with clear eyes, and proper financial protections, then you can see how it evolves. Really, is trading some hot times and companionship for a british passport such a bad trade for your friend? If he had a good time for 3 or 4 years, and then hottie left your friend, would that be worth it to him? Be fair to the younger guy. If he is trying to improve his life, is marrying for money/opportunity so bad? It has been happening for millenia. I wouldn't be at all surprised if there was genuine friendship and affection, but... The danger is if your friend starts to fall into princess mode and think this hot young guy will be faithful to him forever. Love cannot be bought. But, the stories of older men throwing their wealth at younger men hoping that this truism will somehow not apply to them are legion. When younger hottie achieves his needs, then the transaction begin to end.
  25. This is the crime, Solicitation. You are offering money for them to commit a crime, in this case, taking money for sex. (Obviously not in countries where prostitution is legal) If you hand out a card to that effect, then you've just given the local District Attorney an ironclad case against you. I would think the old fashioned way of flirting with someone and letting them know you're a generous foreigner would be safer and more effective.
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