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Everything posted by caeron

  1. I have to believe some part of Dave Barry was pretty amused that a male escort would steal his words to try to make himself more clever. Now that's a story to tell at cocktail parties. I found the whole controversy kinda silly. BN was one like Scott Adler who marketed themselves as 'top of market'. I don't spend that kind of money on escorts so I never met him. I'm sure I would enjoy the time even if it felt to me at times that BN was trying too hard. But Rockhard isn't wrong about the haters. There were a lot of very angry gay men on that board that really looked down on the escorts and got pretty mad when the escorts didn't act like the stupid whores they were supposed to be. Any excuse to tear them down was welcome.
  2. If I have to catch covid19, that would definitely be my preferred way!
  3. I left that site years ago and am not going back. Life is too short to deal with that much toxicity. Sorry this is happening there, but I do not think Daddy or that site is fixable.
  4. That is fucking appalling. Glad I'm well away from that cesspool.
  5. They sincerely do not want people to realize what lying sacks of shit they are.
  6. Goodell is an lying sack of shit.
  7. They all had their day of proselytizing and are equally useless to me, but when it comes to infectiousness, nothing beats christianity. So many have cast off their colonial overlords... but kept their religion.
  8. We really enjoyed the first season of Upload on Amazon Prime. It is a cross between existential horror and dark comedy in a slightly future world. Robbie Amell is very easy on the eyes too.
  9. My experience of the internet is colored by having been online in the early days of usenet and all its flame wars. Roasting an idiot is always worth a chuckle, but that chuckle is for the audience, not for the recipient who is typically too much of an idiot to understand. So I try to pick words that I think will lift up and entertain those who agree with me. I do not laugh when people post pictures of "fat slobs at walmart". I will probably think it, but I don't know their story so I try not to say it. It is unnecessarily unkind. Perhaps that person even deserves the insult, but who in the audience of people worthy of my kindness would misread my words and feel diminished? I also realize that I don't get to decide how other people view words. I personally love profanity and use it freely among friends. But, some people have real hang ups about using simple English words like fuck and shit. I get how the N word has become what it has. Nobody uses language in a vacuum. Everyone gets to decide for themselves what they say, then those who hear pass that through their own filters. Amy Cooper is shit stained diaper that is too white to live. Her privilege has crowded out the last two functioning neurons she had leaving her a screaming flailing jellyfish of evil. Her poor dog is a better human being by far than she is. She has let her mask of decency slip and laid bare the horror of her soul for the entire world to see. She is the reason that shunning exists. And she is so fucking American it makes me want to stab her repeatedly.
  10. I personally try to avoid using sexist insults when talking about people like Amy Cooper. But I am happy that she got fired today, and I hope she gets charged with filing a false report at least. sometimes the internet gets it right. And this on the very day 4 cops murdered another black man in cold blood. It makes your blood boil.
  11. As Obama said, elections have consequences. Lots of people decided they didn't like Hillary enough, so we got this. Lots of people are fucking idiots and as I've gotten older my patience with it has diminished. Electing people is hiring somebody for a job, not taking them on a fucking date. I've never voted for someone I completely agree with. I'm pretty sure that would only ever happen if I ran for office myself. If one candidate sucks less than the other, vote for the less sucky one.
  12. It does always surprise me how far the disease of Christianity has spread.
  13. The Death of Expertise Is an article on PBS that speaks to what I think is one of the most dangerous phenomenons in our contemporary life. The Internet has empowered everybody to be able to express an opinion, so now vast swaths of the world want to replace actual knowledge with their fact free opinions. Moron culture thrives cause everybody is entitled to their opinion, right? Never mind that people think the right to that opinion means they have the right to be respected for whatever idiocy they've espoused. Being locked in the house all day watching so many of my fellow Americans demonstrate their stunning idiocy has not been that good for my mental health.
  14. Toxic people are toxic. Maybe if more of them injected lysol we'd all be better off.
  15. I'm using video chat with the trainer. We work out together remotely.
  16. Wow. I am such a fag. When I read the line "I am looking for a man", my brain went here:
  17. Hey, if everybody is going to die anyway, you guys don't mind if we just loot the country right? $500B buys a LOT of beach front property in hell.
  18. Yeah, I have to admit all the business emails with their carefully curated caring make me want to puke. I used to write that shit for a living, so I know desperate attempts at relevancy when I see them. Just shut up and go away. Come back when things change and it's time to re-engage. Nobody needs to hear from you right now.
  19. I think he's more popular because he isn't a woman.
  20. Actual real prosecutors said there was no case against Hillary. This has no resemblance whatsoever to the senate republicans declining to act against Trump. Hell a good number of them said he was guilty, they just didn't care.
  21. I tried to care about this controversy but just can't. Somebody did something shitty on the internet, episode about 16 trillion, for those still trying to keep count.
  22. You assert personal knowledge of the criminality of someone who has been investigated repeatedly to no effect. Why would you not think that people doubt you?
  23. Forgive us if we don't believe you, some random poster on an internet forum, has the magic smoking gun of evil that Hillary has hid from all the republican investigators to date. Well except for your all knowing self. I'm sure you keep that proof right next to your deed to the brooklyn bridge.
  24. If Hillary is a crook, I'm really sad she isn't president. Because apparently she's such an amazingly good crook that despite endless investigations by the republicans attacking her, THEY NEVER FOUND ANYTHING.
  25. Haven't we all forgotten him yet?
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