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Everything posted by caeron

  1. Fuck, that brings back memories. I watched Taxi Kum Lo when it came out when I was at Cornell. I never really did the 'cottaging' thing, but I knew people who really liked doing it. I've always been a bit pickier!
  2. I'm not sure how reliable this data is, since governments are playing a lot of politics with the numbers they are reporting. But as a counter point this is the plot from John Hopkins of the currently most affected countries. Personally, I think we're all still in the middle of this mess, and trying to pretend that any of us are safe is bullshit.
  3. Sometimes toilets flush themselves. Huzzah and good riddance.
  4. I was planning to take friends to Japan this fall in November since I speak a bit of Japanese and used to live there. I cancelled that trip at the end of last month. It isn't going to be safe to travel this year.
  5. A lot of white racists here like to lie to themselves. They like to pretend that the old south was full of gentlemen and honor instead of horror and evil.They like to pretend that the mean old north beat up on them unfairly... even though they started the war. They like to pretend the civil war was about states rights and their liberties. After a fashion, they're correct, but if you actually read the articles of secession of most of the southern states the only right in question is the right to own other people. They tell themselves these lies because they want to whitewash the shit out of their racist fantasies.
  6. I used to have fried squash and yoghurt in Turkey when I was a boy. It was damn good.
  7. Apparently the CEO of Chik-fil-A spends his lockdown time doing interviews with evangelical preachers who want to talk about the white blessing of slavery. Cluelessness taken to a whole new level.
  8. Both times.
  9. Darling, everyone knows the best seat there is near the restroom. Because the time is so short between the eating and the urge to visit it.
  10. I am happy to out politicians who have proven themselves to be enemies. You don't get to count on the discretion of a community you are attacking. I do think Graham is a homo, but I also think he's enough of a coward to have never done anything other than having a rich fantasy life about all the truck drivers he'd like to blow in rest stop bathrooms. So, sadly, I doubt the discussions of his sexual practices is going interesting places. But an ad that puts his full hypocrisy on display while knifing Trump is beautiful to behold.
  11. I wish you would all just give the feud thing a rest. Put each other on ignore. I'd rather not have to put more people in this forum on ignore. I will be fascinated to see if this ad actually achieves anything. My view is that you have to have a soul to care, and trump supporters have lost theirs, if they ever had them.
  12. I have never had their 'food'. But, it's fast food. It's just another variant of greasy crap. I can get that anywhere. People praising the joys of chick-fil-a or any of that stuff is a lot like somebody trying to tell me that Bud Light is some amazing beer. It's prime value is in ensuring that I don't trust said person's culinary choices. I find it baffling that somebody would give these people money that they use to try to kill us in exchange for greasy crap.
  13. Chick-fil-a has a long history of giving to anti-lgbt+ organizations including some who have tried make being gay a capital crime in Africa. I would google them, and read a bit. They claim to have changed, but they've made that claim before. I have never had their product, and I am unlikely to taste it. Personally, I will patronize any establishment even devout christian ones, but once they make their jerkishness so obvious I can't ignore it, I don't ignore it.
  14. Yes, I pray to the god I don't believe in that young people actually show up and vote. If they do, this world will get a lot better fast.
  15. They will if they fucking vote. It is stupefying how many will protest and march, but not bother to show up to actually vote. If they'd showed up last time we wouldn't be here. It is an unfortunate fact that they usually don't bother to vote, and they let old folks decide things... which they then protest.
  16. Sorry this happened. Shitty people are shitty.
  17. I'm sure the ruthless drama sells to some. It turns me off. If I want drama, I want well-scripted, intelligent drama. Or badly-scripted but ridiculously fun drama (burn notice is my current guilty pleasure here). Fake, cheap reality drama is like using Lysol as perfume. It doesn't exactly stink, but it sure warns you to get the hell away from whatever shit-soaked mess it is trying to cover up.
  18. I generally hate reality TV, since so much of it is about generating false drama of people fighting. Hell, if I want to see that, I can just log on to the internet. Project Runway did really start our very differently and caught my attention. I liked the gay vibe and the creativity, but it got stupid at times (make cloths out of garbage bag! ) and mean (creating artificial time constraints then trashing the best efforts of the designers under said constraints). Gunn was one of the real lights to me because he could tell a designer that it was epic fail kindly enough they'd keep trying. I thought there was enough drama in the clothes themselves. I didn't need the judges to talk up some clothes and trash others for there to be real interest in the final output of each challenge. The designers were putting themselves out there, and I thought they deserved a little more kindness than they often got.
  19. I watched project runway for a while. It got old. I stopped watching it and her when the woman who only made moomoos won a season.
  20. i think you're kinder to that way of thinking than I am lookin. Because the fact is that if Black Lives Matter, then whites do lose. They lose the privilege that racism gives them. If all you care about is yourself, then losing your ability to shit on other people matters a lot to you. You may just be an idiot with zero empathy, but that's pretty much the best you can be. But as you and Rockhard both point out, when the other side loses continuously, eventually there will be an accounting.
  21. I agree that some escorts seemed very adept at making me want them less by opening their virtual mouths over there. Fantasies are delicate things. I am past the age where anything could get me off. Now I need to be properly sold !
  22. I don't know any of those people personally. I can only speculate based upon their behavior in that forum. The insults that many tried to pass off as clever said much more about the speakers than those to whom they tendered such insults. While hiring I have never met anybody like that either. But then I haven't ever met anybody who speaks that way about the people they want to pay to fuck either. It's a mystery. But like that strange dead animal beside the road, it's better to just leave some things a mystery and move on past. Do you really want to get close enough to see the maggots squirming?
  23. My personal hypothesis is that board always had a sizeable faction that hired not because they liked to have sex with hot guys but because they liked the feeling of power they got. They get off on feeling better than the men they hire. They like looking down on them, and calling them names. Their own fragile sense of self-worth I would imagine would be steadied by imagining (incorrectly) escorts were more loathsome than themselves. If those assholes can abuse an escort for free on an anonymous board, they'll do that. I choose not to participate. The internet is an ocean of assholes. You will go mad arguing with them if you try.
  24. When I hear someone say, "All lives matter," I know at once that they are an idiot or a racist, or possibly both. In daddy's case, I think it's probably both.
  25. Great, russian trolls with no post history have arrived to tell us to afraid of vaccines. Go away troll.
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